Taekwondo by another name


Brown Belt
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
I was just wondering how many different styles ( Poomsae, Kata, hyungs,forms etc.) are used and still called TKD? I have noticed alot of karate people in these forms. And if you teach different forms what country are they from? And do your system have an Oragnization that heads it up ether locally, nationally or out of the country.
My name is Ronald McDowell.
I ate a doublecheeseburger once when i was a child. I loved it so much I made my own doublecheeseburgers and ate them until I became a doublecheeseburger Master :mst:. I now own McDowels. Home of the Golden Arches (not Arcs... thats copyright infringment) and sell double burgers with cheese. Why pay into the corporate "leeches" for the same thing I can give you. The money goes into my pocket and your all the more better because I sprinkle a little salt on my burgers and they don't. So don't pay into Corporate Leeches and instead pay me, the little business man, so I can give you something, just as good, but corporate free!
Because my way is the only way!

Thank you.

Ronald McDowell

I'm Sorry. this is way too funny and I couldn't help myself. But You NPTKD know what I am saying.
Its all good!
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I was just wondering how many different styles ( Poomsae, Kata, hyungs,forms etc.) are used and still called TKD? I have noticed alot of karate people in these forms. And if you teach different forms what country are they from? And do your system have an Oragnization that heads it up ether locally, nationally or out of the country.

In Korea, the term "Taekwondo" refers to a fairly standardized art (technique/terminology/testing are universal there). In other countries, including the USA,it is more of an umbrella term which encompasses Koreanized karate-do at various stages of evolution.

I am a "true believer" in the Kukkiwon. I STAUNCHLY support their efforts to train instructors, provide training materials, and certification of those who are worthy of same. I am happy to assist those who have not had the benefit of getting their KKW certification.

But, the world is bigger than South Korea and I think it does a disservice to Taekwondo and martial artists in general to state that someone who is not studying Taekwondo as practiced in Korea is not doing Taekwondo (or Tae Kwon Do, or Tae Kwon-Do, or Taekwon-Do). The founders of the Kwans came together to form the Kukkiwon in order to bring people together to train in a wonderful martial art. A true Taekwondoin should seek to build harmony, not create disharmony, IMHO.
Just let your soul glow
Ha ha ha...I was thinking the same thing. For those that may be lost with this and what d1jinks stated, all I have to say is "Coming to America"

Ha ha ha...funny you two.
My Magic Eight Ball says this thread will be locked in less than 3 pages
My Magic Eight Ball says this thread will be locked in less than 3 pages

But why? we are having so much fun.... and I have read much worse in other threads that are still opened.

It's all in fun and it passes the work day so quickly. Besides the ones who would be offended have yet to come and play.....


I in no way believe that "there can be only one". I respect all and any style or type of TKD or any other MA. Believe it or not... we are all related. We are all bettering ourselves and others through physical and mental training. No piece of paper can do that. Only true training and devotion.

But to say that I am a fool to follow KKW ways and I send my money to Leeches for a worthless piece of paper opened the door. To say that anyone with ROOTS is a fool... opened the door. To each his own.

I have never once Said that KKW TKD is the only TKD. Those words came out of the mouths of those who ARE NOT KKW CERTIFIED. I said it before, most KKW bashers ARE KKW bashers because they were denied or never given the opportunity.

Heres an example:
I HATE COUNTRY CLUBS...... because they wont let me in. No matter how long I played golf, I'm not part of thier club and if I join, they won't recognize the past 20 years I have been golfing. They will only give me a membership stating.... Golf MEMBER: 1 YR. I want it to say 20 Yrs... I dont like that so I wont join. I see no benefit.... You are all fools for being in a country club!!!!!!
Sounds ridiculous right? Don't hate the members.....
Well Tae Kwon Do has become general as Karate was in the eighties, everybody does it but the fact is only a few really knows it.
Remember the thoughts and views are the sole responsilbility of the owner of the said context. Buyer beware, Black Belt in a box is a complete system with a belt and everything.
I was just wondering how many different styles ( Poomsae, Kata, hyungs,forms etc.) are used and still called TKD? I have noticed alot of karate people in these forms. And if you teach different forms what country are they from? And do your system have an Oragnization that heads it up ether locally, nationally or out of the country.
Good question. So far as I have seen, the most common forms taught under the auspices of taekwondo are Chang Hon, Palgwe, Pinan, Songham, and Taegeuk. With regards to Palgwe and Pinan, they are usually taught in addition to either Chang Hon or Taegeuk.

Chang Hon, Palgwe and Taegeuk are all from Korea. Pinans are from Okinawa, and Songham was developed by the American Taekwondo Association who's GM was Korean, so I am not sure how to categorize that.

There are probably other forms, but these are the biggies, with Songham being a biggie only by virtue of the size of the ATA; so far as I know, nobody outside of the organization teaches them. There seem to be plenty of independents who teach the others but are not part of the organization that is normally associated with the forms.

Nice list. I've seen these mentioned;

Chang Hon
ITF (Same as Chang Hon with Sine Wave)
Palgwe (What's different then Taeguek?)
Song Am
Pyung Ahn
Jhoon Rhee
Kicho Hyung (Not sure of the name)

Unfamiliar with Pinan, rushing off to google.
Nice list. I've seen these mentioned;

Chang Hon
ITF (Same as Chang Hon with Sine Wave)
Palgwe (What's different then Taeguek?)
Song Am
Pyung Ahn
Jhoon Rhee
Kicho Hyung (Not sure of the name)

Unfamiliar with Pinan, rushing off to google.
I had forgotten about Jhoon Rhee. Which is really weird, given that Jhoon Rhee was my first experience in Taekwondo and is a local legend in my area.

Pyung Ahn is the same as Pinans if memory serves; Pyung Ahn being Korean. I have never heard of Kicho Hyung.

Pyung Ahn is the same as Pinans if memory serves; Pyung Ahn being Korean. I have never heard of Kicho Hyung.


I'm not sure of the overall name, but the forms are;

Kicho Hyung Il Bu
Kicho Hyung Ee Bu
Kicho Hyung Sam
Chul Gi

My son did Kicho Hyung Il Bu as a white belt.
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