List of Tae Guek creators


El Conquistador nim!
MT Mentor
MTS Alumni
Nov 7, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Someone posted the list of those who created the Tae Guek poomsae some years back. I've lost that list. Can someone remind us of who they were & which kwan they represented?

nice info. I have always known the meaning of each form (keon, tae, ri....) as it was part of their teaching when we learned each one. But that was all we learned. Over the years I have figured out things and noticed too many coincidenses... There has always been more meaning in the forms themselves rather than the actual movements. Nice to read this side of it. Thanks.
We are required to know the full meanings of each form as we test. The belts also have a meaning and we are required to know those as well. The only things not required are the creators of each form and the Kwans. Now that I have this info maybe I will see if our Sabunim want us to know this as well. He is a big proponent of having and passing the knowledge so maybe he will.

Good Info.
