Spock's MA in the new Star Trek

Daniel Sullivan

MT Mentor
May 27, 2008
Reaction score
Olney, Maryland
That was no Vulcan nerve pinch that he used on Kirk in that one scene. He was brutal! I saw karate style blocks, a stance that reminded me of the Keysi style, and various karate style strikes.

Not sure if they used a specific template for Mr. Spock, but I sure felt sorry for poor ol' JT Kirk.

In any case, I did enjoy the movie.

Any thoughts?

I saw the movie this weekend also and enjoyed it. Oddly enough I was reminded by the Kirk/Spock fight scene of one of my teacher's other students. He was a bulky strong guy that was fairly immobile due to a combination of knee and hip problems, but my sensei taught him a limited subset of skills he just dubbed 'iron hand'. Basically, big clubbing movements with the arms that could double as defense or aggressive attack. Everything is thrown with power, so unless you're large and strong yourself, blocking his attacks is out of the question. The 'style' is actually quite fearsome when someone as big and strong as this guy is using it against you...

Spock wasn't exactly the template character I was thinking of, but if it works, use it. :)
That was no Vulcan nerve pinch that he used on Kirk in that one scene.

Trivia point. The first time Spock used the neck pinch in TOS was on Kirk. That was the episode in which the transporter generated two Kirks -- one good, one bad. Shatner and Nimoy were supposed to trade blows, but Nimoy felt it would be more in character to have a less-violent technique.
They are supposed to be stronger than a regular human, but not like one typically sees in comic book heroes, such as Spiderman. Probably more like the strength of the average vampire as portrayed in a good number of vampire movies; very strong, but not to the point that a normal person would be completely unable to defend themselves.

I really enjoyed the movie...especially the way they paid homage to the orginal series. In fact, my only complaint was with Kirk's fight scenes. Not once did he use the signature "Shat to the back" or the two handed bash to the spine often emloyed by Shatner as Kirk.

Ah well....there's always the sequel :D

I really enjoyed the movie...especially the way they paid homage to the orginal series. In fact, my only complaint was with Kirk's fight scenes. Not once did he use the signature "Shat to the back" or the two handed bash to the spine often emloyed by Shatner as Kirk.

Ah well....there's always the sequel :D

plus, his shirt didn't rip AFAIK, though maybe that was a technique learned later on? LOL!
I really enjoyed the movie...especially the way they paid homage to the orginal series. In fact, my only complaint was with Kirk's fight scenes. Not once did he use the signature "Shat to the back" or the two handed bash to the spine often emloyed by Shatner as Kirk.

Ah well....there's always the sequel :D


On the other hand, Kirk did have a thing going with a green-skinned girl, so things balanced out. :ultracool
Generally superior physical strength than most humans, but not necessarily "super." Stronger, faster and longer lived.....

Supposedly Vulcan is a higher gravity world, so Vulcan body structure should be denser with more musculature along with perhaps a shorter height. Of course, in the shows I've watched the Vulcans look pretty much like semi-Asian humans with elf ears...
In an episode of Enterprise, the crew is training members of a small outpost to defend themselves against Klingons who've been raiding their supplies. T'Pol teaches them escape movements from Vulcan martial arts. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a clip of that; although the rolling is very much like Systema. In a later scene T'Pol fights one of the Klingons. It's not so great -- the stunt work is a little obvious.

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In an episode of Enterprise, the crew is training members of a small outpost to defend themselves against Klingons who've been raiding their supplies. T'Pol teaches them escape movements from Vulcan martial arts. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a clip of that; although the rolling is very much like Systema. In a later scene T'Pol fights one of the Klingons. It's not so great -- the stunt work is a little obvious.

Watched that clip... thought to myself... ehh... they could've done better. I would think that Vulcans would be more closed in fighters even against a Klingon Bat'leth, they would close in to employ their nerve pinch and probably a few other choice pressure points.
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