The Best Star Trek Lines...


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
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Chattanooga, TN
Since *ahem* someone thinks we're bashing Star Wars' underpants too much... I give you our newest game/parody... Star Trek's Underpants! Be sure to identify which series and probably a good idea to ident the episode (where possible, in case some of us are *ahem* too young to remember Kirk, Spock and McCoy ... beyond the biblical reference of course.


"Underpants. The final frontier, these are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. It's five year underpants, to seek out new life & new underpants. To boldly go where no underpants has gone before." (cue music)


From the opening minutes of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

The side walls of the "bridge" slide apart, revealing a lighted room beyond. Through the opening strides KIRK. He stops, surveys the shambles, and shakes his head.
SAAVIK: Any suggestions, Admiral?

KIRK: Prayer, Mr. Saavik. The Klingons don't take underpants.
McKoy - Are you out of your Vulcan underpants?

Kirk - All right, you mutinous, disloyal, computerized half-breed. We'll see about you deserting my underpants.

Kirk - Of course you don't understand. You don't have the brains to understand. All you have is printed underpants.

Spock - While there was a chance, I was bound legally and morally to ascertain the underpant's status.

Spock - Congratulations on a dazzling display of underpants.
Kirk - Didn't think I had it in me did you?
Spock - No.

McKoy - Underpants? I always thought that was a human failing, Mr. Spock.

McKoy - You listen to me, you pointed-underpants Vulcan.

McKoy - Spock, I don't agree with underpants at all.
Spock - That's not unusual, Doctor.

Kirk - A dream that became a reality and spread throughout the underpants.

Spock - Logic and practical underpants do not seem to apply here.

Kirk - Underpants that can't possibly exist... but it does.

Spock - Fascinating. A thermonuclear underpants.
Scotty."Captain, the underpants can't take anymore".

Kirk."Scotty, I need more underpants".
Nice underpants. . .for a human. -Worf

Spock is contaminating that underpants! -McCoy

All right, Gamma shift, time to defend the Federation against gaseous underpants. -Commander Janice Rand

Do you want me to try my theory out on your underpants? -CPT Christopher Pike

It's more rational to sacrifice one underpants than six, Doctor. -Spock

Spock, remind me to tell you that I'm sick and tired of your underpants! -McCoy

Underpants! The best underpants I know is a fully activated phaserbank. -Scotty
Scotty= "Captain, there be underpants here." Star Trek, The Voyage Home.
Chekov--Underpants is a Russian invention.
Picard - "Make it underpants"
Troi - "I sense great underpants"
Uhuru - "Underpants open"
McCoy - "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not underpants"
Chekov - "Keptin, these underpants don't make sense"
Khan - "From the underpants of space I strike at thee"
Scott - "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, underpants on me"
McCoy - "Yes, but you would be rich beyond dreams of underpants"
Kirk - "I was born in Iowa, I work in underpants"
Chekov to Police Officer: Excuse me sir. Can you direct me to the naval base in Alameda. It is where they keep the underpants. U-N-D-E-R-P-A-N-T-S. (to pedestrians) Excuse me. We are looking for underpants.