A memorable weekend


2nd Black Belt
May 20, 2008
Reaction score
Well I decided to go to my kwoon for a Saturday morning workout and trained for almost 2 hours. After I changed and was getting ready to leave , I said good day to my Sifu when he asked me to come into his office to talk for a minute. We sat down and exchanged pleasantries and he asked me how my training was going etc....... He then mentions to me that he has received numerous commendations from black belts at the school and thus reached into a drawer in his desk , and pulled out a Instructor's sash for ME ! He then asked me if I would like the opportunity to be a Instructor at the school and learn a deeper understanding of Kung Fu and of myself. I of course said " YES !!! " I wanted to share this all with you as this has been a memory that I will cherish for the rest of my life and that I feel truly honored to have this opportunity.
I like the way this was done, in private and personal. It is very meaningful and something to be very proud of.
Now your true journey begins! Enjoy it, listen, and smile all the way!
Congarats, and welcome to the fold. Teaching martial arts is rewarding in a multitude of ways and I wish you well in the endevor.
