Requirements For Having Names


MT Mentor
Dec 17, 2008
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Well, we can change your name for you. We might even keep it PG. LOL! :D
As for you, Bob ... I think we might have to amputate your arms and legs, put you in the swimming pool and see if you live up to your name. Then again I suppose you might like make a change of name instead. :p


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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:lol: 3 likes and one somewhat anonymous bad rep for post #11... :rolleyes:

It didn't say 'inane' did it, I think there's a rash of them going around, anyway hopefully I've made up for it lol.

Touch Of Death

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May 6, 2003
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Spokane Valley WA
No, it's not a 'common mistake'. A messiah is a king or leader who is usually anointed ie blessed, people used the word messiah to mean blessed, many people went around Palestine preaching various things, they were called messiahs ie blessed though whether by themselves lol or others is unknown. Anointing can be done by parents to children, teachers to pupils etc.
We've had several messiahs since but waiting for The Messiah is something else. The word messiah has come to mean something more than a leader who at his coronation/installation is anointed with oil as in fact our monarchs are, it's been invested with a different meaning.
While messiah came to mean leader, it also refers to an oil. The spice mélange if you will. You aren't going to win this one, You may write bigger and longer. But I have declared victory. I am taking my belt, and going home. :)


MT Mentor
Dec 17, 2008
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:lol: 3 likes and one somewhat anonymous bad rep for post #11... :rolleyes:
I would hope common sense might prevail and a moderator might review that one.

It didn't say 'inane' did it, I think there's a rash of them going around, anyway hopefully I've made up for it lol.
Now listen sweetheart. I've been known to use that term and more frequently than most. I categorically and emphatically deny being the cause of Xue's grief.


2nd Black Belt
Jul 16, 2012
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Thank you to everybody who took the time and interest to read this post. And, if you're going to call my post nutty or absurd go right on ahead. Speak your mind and don't sugar coat your feedback. Be honest about how you feel about this because Im being honest as to how I feel. I don't care of I embarrass myself with this post because its something I feel quite strongly about.

Anyway, I don't care about names such as Alan or Richard. As I said, it would be more accurate for me to be singular and say name rather than names because there is only one name I feel really strongly about. So, that being said, anybody and everybody with the first name Christopher should conduct themselves properly and should refrain from acting in any way that Christophers aren't supposed to act. Anybody with the name Christopher should live up to the standards that come with having the name. Now how aren't people with the name Christopher supposed to act? They aren't supposed to act in any way that I don't approve of and the standards that come with having the name are standards that are set by me. OK so I just spoke my mind and I don't care if I embarrass myself because this is how I feel and its better to be embarrassed than to keep stuff bottled up.

You have a very strange notion of how the world is "supposed to be," which disconnects you from reality. Try to see things for what they are, without letting your notions of "entitlement," or other artificial constructs, distort your perception. If you're always concerned with things not being how you think they "should be," you'll miss what they actually are in the first place. Recognize them for what they are. Think and learn why they are that way, without judging them. Then, figure out how best to live in that world in a constructive way that has a positive impact on the lives of others as well as your own, regardless of useless notions of what you or someone else "deserves" or "is entitled to."

I intend this as honest advice aimed at helping you live a better life in your time on this earth. Else, you're really just making things way harder on yourself than they need be, and you'll fail to recognize or appreciate that which is good in the world.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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While messiah came to mean leader, it also refers to an oil. The spice mélange if you will. You aren't going to win this one, You may write bigger and longer. But I have declared victory. I am taking my belt, and going home. :)

Of course I'm going to win, Xtians are jonny come latelies to the messiah argument. Messiahs are my history not yours, besides he wasn't THE messiah he was just a very naughty boy.

Touch Of Death

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
May 6, 2003
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Spokane Valley WA
Of course I'm going to win, Xtians are jonny come latelies to the messiah argument. Messiahs are my history not yours, besides he wasn't THE messiah he was just a very naughty boy.
OK Great you get to claim that word, But it still means Christos in Greek, or anointed one, in English. :)


El Oso de Dios!
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Mar 5, 2005
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Where the hills have eyes.,and it's HOT!
Of course I'm going to win, Xtians are jonny come latelies to the messiah argument. Messiahs are my history not yours, besides he wasn't THE messiah he was just a very naughty boy.

Tez, Tez, I've missed you. :asian: :partyon: :lfao:

Fact is, though, you're not quite right on this...again....."Christopher." Χριστόφορος, didn't really exist as a given name until the third century or later. As such, in this context "Christos," Χριστός refers to the "anointed one" of Christianity, the "Messiah," of Christianity, and no other.

On the other hand, the OP's implication that one should behave as though they are "the bearer of Christ," simply because that's what their name means, along with all the other posts in this thread, smacks to me of......some sort of mental illness, really.....:lfao:
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Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
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Tez, Tez, I've missed you. :asian: :partyon: :lfao:

Fact is, though, you're not quite right on this...again....."Christopher." Χριστόφορος, didn't really exist as a given name until the third century or later. As such, in this context "Christos," Χριστός refers to the "anointed one" of Christianity, the "Messiah," of Christianity, and no other.

On the other hand, the OP's implication that one should behave as though they are "the bearer of Christ," simply because that's what their name means, along with all the other posts in this thread, smacks to me of......some sort of mental illness, really.....:lfao:

Ah but the point was made that some Jews have the name Christopher and I explained it, which means I'm right about that lol. That's how we look at it and that's why some Jews are called Christopher whatever else rightly or wrongly or any other explanation is 'correct' or not, however as you know I always look on the bright side of life so I'm not really hung up or cross about it.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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If you are called Jesus/Joshua/Brian does that mean when your mother tells you to put the stones down you should?


Senior Master
Jan 31, 2006
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Oslo, Norway
Of course I'm going to win, Xtians are jonny come latelies to the messiah argument. Messiahs are my history not yours, besides he wasn't THE messiah he was just a very naughty boy.


Who want to name their child after a dress wearing desert hippie anyway? When there are real badass names like Tor, Odin, Frøya and so on.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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Who want to name their child after a dress wearing desert hippie anyway? When there are real badass names like Tor, Odin, Frøya and so on.

I knew you'd get the references lol. Freya ( English version?) is a popular girls name here, I know of a few little girls with that name. Could be all those Viking genes in the people around my way, even our place names are Viking.


Senior Master
Jan 31, 2006
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Oslo, Norway
I knew you'd get the references lol. Freya ( English version?) is a popular girls name here, I know of a few little girls with that name. Could be all those Viking genes in the people around my way, even our place names are Viking.

Of corse I got it, my real name means "secret lore" so I suppose I pass the test :D

And you can take the Vikings out of Britain, but not Vikingness out of the Brits. Our master plan of world domination trough genetics and lutefisk is succeeding after a thousand years mohaha! Hail Odin!
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Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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Chris Parker

Feb 18, 2008
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Melbourne, Australia
Really? Well… this is interesting...

Thank you to everybody who took the time and interest to read this post. And, if you're going to call my post nutty or absurd go right on ahead. Speak your mind and don't sugar coat your feedback. Be honest about how you feel about this because Im being honest as to how I feel. I don't care of I embarrass myself with this post because its something I feel quite strongly about.

Anyway, I don't care about names such as Alan or Richard. As I said, it would be more accurate for me to be singular and say name rather than names because there is only one name I feel really strongly about. So, that being said, anybody and everybody with the first name Christopher should conduct themselves properly and should refrain from acting in any way that Christophers aren't supposed to act. Anybody with the name Christopher should live up to the standards that come with having the name. Now how aren't people with the name Christopher supposed to act? They aren't supposed to act in any way that I don't approve of and the standards that come with having the name are standards that are set by me. OK so I just spoke my mind and I don't care if I embarrass myself because this is how I feel and its better to be embarrassed than to keep stuff bottled up.

Now, considering that you recently made a post advising people not to "listen to people who think they are experts", followed not long after by directly addressing that criticism towards myself (and, considering the context of your first comment, I feel that you intended myself in your first warning…), and the fact that you've now chosen my name as your singlular title deserving of your personal set of standards, I do have to ask… are you trying to say something, son?

That said, as that is my name, let me, on behalf of all other "Christophers" out there, flatly, completely, and unrestrainedly refute any belief, perception, idea, concept, thought, or inkling you might have on the subject. I, in no way whatsoever, am under any requirement to act in any way you think I should.

Grow up, and stop arguing against reality. You'll lose, and you don't have the weaponry needed.


Staff member
Lifetime Supporting Member
Jul 2, 2006
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Northern VA
Tez, Tez, I've missed you. :asian: :partyon: :lfao:

Fact is, though, you're not quite right on this...again....."Christopher." Χριστόφορος, didn't really exist as a given name until the third century or later. As such, in this context "Christos," Χριστός refers to the "anointed one" of Christianity, the "Messiah," of Christianity, and no other.

On the other hand, the OP's implication that one should behave as though they are "the bearer of Christ," simply because that's what their name means, along with all the other posts in this thread, smacks to me of......some sort of mental illness, really.....:lfao:

To a sincere Christian -- everyone should act as the bearer of Christ, and seek to live in His image.

To a realist... A name is a name. It's a means to identify one person from another. Nicknames might be more meaningful, as I believe you've already shown, elder. Or not...

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
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North American Tectonic Plate
Look, a list of some famous people named Christopher... did/do they all act as the name implies?.... I leave that for you to for me, maybe one, but the rest....I doubt it.....
Saint Christopher - (died 251), saint venerated by Catholics and Orthodox Christians
Christopher - (Domestic of the Schools) (fl. 870s), Byzantine general
Christopher - (singer) (born 1992), Danish singer
Christopher Awdry - (born 2 July 1940), English author best known for his contributions to The Railway Series of books featuring Thomas the Tank Engine
Christopher Bengtsson - (born 1993), Swedish professional ice hockey player
Christopher Cerf - (born August 19, 1941), American author, composer-lyricist, voice actor, and record and television producer
Christopher Columbus - (1451–1506), navigator, explorer, and colonizer who captained the first European ship to reach the Americas
Christopher E. Gerty - (born 1975), American aerospace engineer and aquanaut
Christopher Eccleston - (born 1964), English actor, best known for his role as the ninth incarnation of the Doctor
Christopher Guest - (born February 5, 1948), 5th Baron of Haden-Guest, an English-American screenwriter
Christopher Hitchens - (1949–2011), English American author and journalist
Christopher Isherwood - (1904-1986), English American novelist
Christopher Katongo - (born 31 August 1982), Zambian international footballer
Christopher Lee - (born 1922), English actor and singer
Christopher Lekapenos - (died 931), Byzantine co-emperor
Christopher Lloyd - (born June 18, 1960), screenwriter
Christopher Lloyd - (born October 22, 1938), American actor
Christopher Marlowe - (1564–1593), English dramatist
Christopher Meloni - (born April 2, 1961) American actor
Christopher Morley - (May 5, 1890 – March 28, 1957), an American journalist, novelist, essayist and poet
Christopher Nolan - (born 1970), British-American film director and producer
Christopher of Bavaria - (1416–1448), union king of Denmark (1440–1448), Sweden (1441–1448) and Norway (1442–1448)
Christopher of Greece and Denmark - (1888–1940), prince, son of George I, King of Greece
Christopher of Prague - (born 1953), primate-elect of the Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia
Christopher of Werle - (died 1425), Prince of the Wends
Christopher Pike - (author) (born 1954), American author
Christopher Plummer - (born 1929), Canadian actor
Christopher Reeve - (1952–2004), American actor
Christopher Robin Milne - (1920–1996), son of author A. A. Milne
Christopher Smart - (1722-1771), English poet
Christopher Tolkien - (born 21 November 1924), third and youngest son of the author J. R. R. Tolkien (1892–1973)
Christopher Walken - (born 1943), American actor
Christopher Wren - (1632–1723), English architect
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