Reputation System Reset Pending...Dec 07


Black Belt
Feb 13, 2006
Reaction score
I recently recieved rep from someone that had no points to give and didn't even sign who it was from, and it meant as much to me as if it were given by someone with 20 points. Please don't stop reppng people out of embarrassment, the comments mean more than the rep does.

I totally agree. I find myself reading the comments over when I am having a bad day, and hearing someone value/agree with , what I have to say gives me a real lift.


Have the courage to speak softly
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Sep 15, 2006
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Staffordshire, England
I don't think that it behoves us much to air this further but it is hard to not feel a little deflated when you go from 'Top Ten' status to 'Are you on the chart?'.

But done is done and it speaks good volumes about the board as a whole that those of the membership who 'lost' a lot (and saw others catapult past them into the rep stratosphere for no reason we can fathom) are still here.

Bitter? Well, yes, in a way. It is unhappiness over the loss of a representation of something intangible in the end - those always hit the hardest because how can you replace a 'thing' that never had 'mass' in the first place?

As an adjunct to this, has anyone seen a change in the 'rep' current because of it? I have to say that in some ways I have and yet in others not. I still rep away when I'm allowed by the system when I have nothing to add to a discourse but want to commend someone for saying what I would've done. The other (in-flowing) shoe hasn't fallen yet tho', to merrily mismatch aphorisms - other than the pleasant fact that I have seen rep comments from people who have previously stayed 'hands-off' because of their status as 'heavy-hitters'.

That is a big positive from the change, I admit but, honestly, I shall never be fully reconciled with my 'history' being expunged. I guess it's because I was a historian and what happened in the past is always going to be important ot me :D.
Bob Hubbard

Bob Hubbard

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I've made checks of what's been happening every couple of days since the reset. What I've seen is more rep with comments, and a lot more serious stuff in there, than before. I haven't seen very much of the "hey hotness" and "cuz I care" and "you were next in line" type comments.

As to points not mattering, each point more than before.
Case in point, there's enough power between this and my last post here to almost bump me up another box. Those 2 points might be all it takes.

By the same token, no one here can raise you up 5 levels or knock you down 5 levels in 1 shot anymore. On bad day won't destroy you and make you a pariah.

As to being tallked out on things, and not having anything new good to give.....please, don't slam yourself like that. If anyone should be talked out, it's me and Arni and a dozen other "old timers" here...yet we keep on going. There's always something new to say, a new way to look at things, a new angle to play with or explore. Hell, switch sides and argue con where you would normally go pro and see how that expands your perspective. Like training, sometimes, it's good to clear the mind and see with childs eyes again.



To him unconquered.
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Sep 7, 2006
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Columbus, Ohio
And again, I think it's important to for people to reassure themselves that the past hasn't really been expunged; as per my post to dronak, the glorious pre-reset record has been immortalized in the FAQ section at All those stars are still blazing.... I think there was some talk, somewhere, about people who had earned stars in the previous regime getting a special icon as part of their headers... Bob, is there any more info on this, or was it just a rumor? (I seem to recall it being in one of your posts, but I've learned the hard way that false memory syndrome is one of the downsides of living to see a sufficient number of birthdays...)


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
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Grand Prairie Texas
I for do not care I write and say what I have always said. My abilities speak for themself along with my knowledge and believe me those of you that know me know I know something about nothing but have agreat time anyway.

I am one that lost alot and I for one do care about what people think of me, but on the other side of the coin the only person that matter to me are my students and family and I guess also GOD since he will be the final say around here or any where else.

I really hope we can move past this and carry on, I have alot of POst Whoring to do to catch Bob.
Bob Hubbard

Bob Hubbard

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Land of the Free
There's something in the works that'll be going in next year that'll include a badge.


MTS Alumni
Aug 26, 2003
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Oneonta, NY
There's something in the works that'll be going in next year that'll include a badge.
Something like this:

Bob Hubbard

Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
ok...I'm going to do something I try to do very rarely in the public sections....and that's rant a bit.

This reputation system was supposed to be something fun. Almost immediately, I got hammered about it. Something about it always tended to piss off someone. Cowards hid their cracks behind the anonymity it allowed, people used it as a PM system, others used it to take shots at the couple of folks they didn't like, and would boost people who hadn't signed on in months, just so they could take another crack at someone again.

Every last bleeding attempt to right things has been met with pms, public complaints, and phone calls about the damn thing, this last time included. I've had in a few cases hour long conversations on the so called "integrity" of the system, why it's "so important", why it shouldn't have been reset, etc.

Hour long phone calls, about a message board feature.

I want to know something here....for those folks who really really are so pissed off about this reset and the changes, and the loss of those damn stars.

Do you have your kindergarden finger paintings with the gold star hanging on your wall?
How about 1st grade when you got the red sticker?
Your grade school diploma?
2nd year High School report card?
Ever convert your paycheck into Yen or Lira, declare yourself a Millionaire, put on a bathrobe, grab a bubble pipe and start calling your friends "old man" and mention you were off to the "club"?
Is your LaserTag score sheet laminated and hanging on the wall above your kids pictures?


Look, lose the points, the dots, the stars, the fancy badges.....

Are any of you any less of a person? Do you honestly think that the people who've been here and come up with you are suddenly going to look at you and go "Gee, Charlie doesn't have his gold star anymore. He must suck now so I can't talk to him or invite him over for tea and beatings."?

You really think that you've got nothing left to give, to offer, to say?
Are you dead? Been decapitated? Gotten a lobotomy in your spare time?

Wake up, you're all better than that.

As to the post count, it's another meaningless number. All it says is, so-n-so made "X" posts. It says nothing about the quality of those posts.
10,000 posts saying "I agree" or "bump" or "anything new here" or ":)" don't mean a damned thing. There's no quality to them, they're fluff.
I'll take 100 posts on a technique, or history, or seminar reviews, or arguing over who shot first Han or Greedo over 10,000 "bump"'s.
Those are the guys and gals -I- rep.

You want to see folks really cry and raise a huge public stink?
I can un-count all posts made in non-art sections.
No points for staff posts in the staff areas.
No points for the Study
...or the Locker Room......or the B&G.
Want to see counts drop in half, like a rock on a Gas Giant?
And an outcry so large, you'd think I was driving around the country doing obscene things to cattle?

But, I won't. I changed it to count everything so that people would know how active they'd been, and trusted the rep system, report system, peer pressure and such would take care of the quality side of things. We funneled certain types of conversation into certain areas, so those who are more social than scholastic can enjoy the site, and steered the art sections so that they'd be more scholastic than casual conversation. We've put in tons of tweaks, toys, etc.

But, if it's really that important that you can rep someone and give them 10 gold stars in 1 shot then I'll reset the system so that everyone hits for 100,000,000 points at a time. When Max-Int on the server's hit, you can brag about having 10ex9999 reputation, and 10 pages of gold stars between each post.

It'll be worth as much as that coupon from McDonalds, but it'll be a big number with lots of stars and look impressive.

See, I'm tired of it all. The complaints, the complaints about the complaints, the people who I otherwise respect and in many cases admire, getting so bent out of shape over this whole mess, from all sides of the argument. I'm tired of it all, and getting too old for this stuff anymore.

It's reset.
You're all the same people now as you were then.
The old records are archived so for those it matters to, they can refer to it.
If the award system I'm looking at works as indicated, the top 100 will get something, unless they've told me not to list them.
The playing field's level, and those who had the points before are already picking em up again, like I expected.
Old comments are archived.

What more can I do?


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jul 16, 2004
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I dont know the secret to success, but I do know the secret to failure..Try to please everybody..Jeeze, I was real upset about the re-set and grumbled about it , but what's done is done..It's gone and ain't coming back., DEAL WITH IT..Now if you come up with 4 or 5 pounds of 100 dollar bills maybe you can buy MT from Bob and run things the way you want..Cut the guy some slack folks....


Staff member
Lifetime Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2003
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Well, after the last go around with the rep system, I was originally going to stay out of this one, but changed my mind. I've said this before and it bears repeating. Since I've been here, I have less posts that some, and had less stars than some. Did that bother me? Honestly, I really didn't care. Did I like it when I was positive repped for a post and I saw that I got bumped up a few green or gold pips? Sure. But at the end of the day, I was still the same person. My focus was not a race to the finish with post count or fancy stars. It was to make quality posts and do my best to start good discussion. See, in the long run, that is what makes a forum run. Sure, some of the 'bells and whistles' are fun, but after a while, it loses its flavor. MT isn't going to shut down if we don't have an arcade. Its not going to shut down because the rep system was revamped. Its going to shut down when the focus of what this place is all about, is lost.

I've personally spoken to Bob a few times. I know that he loves this place, and busts his rear to make it the best MA forum around. No matter what the change, no matter what the addition, no one will ever be 100% satisfied. But, thats par for the course.

As I said, and Bob hit on it in his post as well...its the meat that keeps things going folks, nothing else.


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jul 16, 2004
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Well, after the last go around with the rep system, I was originally going to stay out of this one, but changed my mind. I've said this before and it bears repeating. Since I've been here, I have less posts that some, and had less stars than some. Did that bother me? Honestly, I really didn't care. Did I like it when I was positive repped for a post and I saw that I got bumped up a few green or gold pips? Sure. But at the end of the day, I was still the same person. My focus was not a race to the finish with post count or fancy stars. It was to make quality posts and do my best to start good discussion. See, in the long run, that is what makes a forum run. Sure, some of the 'bells and whistles' are fun, but after a while, it loses its flavor. MT isn't going to shut down if we don't have an arcade. Its not going to shut down because the rep system was revamped. Its going to shut down when the focus of what this place is all about, is lost.

I've personally spoken to Bob a few times. I know that he loves this place, and busts his rear to make it the best MA forum around. No matter what the change, no matter what the addition, no one will ever be 100% satisfied. But, thats par for the course.

As I said, and Bob hit on it in his post as well...its the meat that keeps things going folks, nothing else.

Well said Mike....


Don't get Chewed!
MTS Alumni
Jul 22, 2004
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a happy place
It's reset.
You're all the same people now as you were then.
The old records are archived so for those it matters to, they can refer to it.
If the award system I'm looking at works as indicated, the top 100 will get something, unless they've told me not to list them.
The playing field's level, and those who had the points before are already picking em up again, like I expected.
Old comments are archived.

What more can I do?

Not a damn thing. And I must say I am surprised that its December 17th and its still being complained about. Its done, Its over and the sun will come up tomorrow.

Bob has done everything in his power to try and make everyone happy and it irks the crap outta me to see him feeling he has to defend himself and the decisions he makes to make this place so damn great, yet again.

We are all adults, right? Or at least reasonable facsimiles? Time to move on peeps. Christmas is coming, our nations have some serious problems we could be discussing as does the rest of the world. There are some great techniques being posted, videos being shown and experienced people on this forum ready and willing to share their knowledge. Lets concentrate on that and let this old dog die already.


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
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Grand Prairie Texas
Not a damn thing. And I must say I am surprised that its December 17th and its still being complained about. Its done, Its over and the sun will come up tomorrow.

Bob has done everything in his power to try and make everyone happy and it irks the crap outta me to see him feeling he has to defend himself and the decisions he makes to make this place so damn great, yet again.

We are all adults, right? Or at least reasonable facsimiles? Time to move on peeps. Christmas is coming, our nations have some serious problems we could be discussing as does the rest of the world. There are some great techniques being posted, videos being shown and experienced people on this forum ready and willing to share their knowledge. Lets concentrate on that and let this old dog die already.

Very well put Lisa and Chewy, I will concur with ZBob there is no way and no how to make everybody happy, so now I must go back to my new quest and that is to be the Ultimate Post Whore and catch Arni. and Bob. Now back to the quest

14 Kempo

Jun 23, 2006
Reaction score
San Diego, California
Very well put Lisa and Chewy, I will concur with ZBob there is no way and no how to make everybody happy, so now I must go back to my new quest and that is to be the Ultimate Post Whore and catch Arni. and Bob. Now back to the quest

I, too, agree. If there is one thing in life that holds true, it is change. Change in inevitable. There has been a change, accept it and move on. Bob and his staff have done a fantastic job with this board, that is the reason why I am here and I'm sure the same holds true for most others. Catch you all in the forums!

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
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North American Tectonic Plate
Wow, don’t pay attention to a post for awhile and look what happens, not that me paying attention to it would make any difference it is just I can’t believe this is actually an issue

Do you have your kindergarden finger paintings with the gold star hanging on your wall?

Well… YEAH :mad:…you got a problem with that…HUH!!!! :rpo: :uhyeah:

Ever convert your paycheck into Yen or Lira, declare yourself a Millionaire, put on a bathrobe, grab a bubble pipe and start calling your friends "old man" and mention you were off to the "club"?

No but that is pretty Damn funny. :lol:

I have converted it to Yuan to see how much it is worth though but the rest I have not done, but I am now considering the bubble pipe. :D

Nice rant Bob :bangahead:

Now I have a question for those that have issue here, What is the big Damn deal. It is an electronic rating given to you on a webpage that is for all intensive purposes absolutely MEANINGLESS any place except that webpage. It certainly is not going to increase your credit rating or do you any damn good in court. And if you use it as some sort of justification of your martial arts worth, rank and ability than that is… well I think you get the picture.


Master Black Belt
Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
Kansas City
I just want to say "Thanks Bob!"
I am sure this site is not an easy one to manage, but the hard work you put in makes it the best I have found on the internet.
Too often the people who are upset are the ones who are the loudest, so I just wanted to through some positive energy your way.
I appreciate everything you do for MT and I hope you keep it up!
Thank you sir.


To him unconquered.
Lifetime Supporting Member
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Sep 7, 2006
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Columbus, Ohio
Well, you know people gripe. It's one of the ways we can tell we're still alive: something is bothering us. Whingeo, ergo sum. But the fact is that everyone who was doing active posting before the reset is doing it now as well. Everyone (by my count). So when you look at actions&#8212;and taking time from whatever you're doing to sit down, read a number of threads, think about what people are saying and respond counts as an action in my book&#8212;rather than words (expressions of distress or dissatisfaction or whatever)&#8212;you really have to conclude that pretty much everyone is going on as before, which means, no one can be really that unhappy. We know what happens to members who get really unhappy about something or other: they quit, or stop posting, or start posting extremely intermittently, or get distinctly sour in their posts, and I don't see any of that happening.

The evidence is that whatever has been bugging people about the reset, it doesn't make much of difference in how they function on the board, as reflected by their actions. Which is a Good Thing, eh?! So now, on with the show...