President Obama: "Bill Cihak is the greatest post writer on the study!"


I confess this is what befuddles me about you, BillC. You have a lively sense of humour and wit that contrasts very starlky with a, to me, unhealthy political obsession.

As we say over here, that does my cake in :lol:.
Wait... if Obama said it... it's either 100% fact based and true, or its total ******** depending which side of the fence you are on!
After a very long and very stressful day...I sooo needed a good laugh. :lol:

Thanks Bill :asian:
Wait... if Obama said it... it's either 100% fact based and true, or its total ******** depending which side of the fence you are on!

If he preceded the comment with the demand to "Let me be clear!" then it's a pretty good guess that it is BS independent of where the fence was built.
Actually, he didn't really say that. Just thought I would post it for fun.

Har :p


I confess this is what befuddles me about you, BillC. You have a lively sense of humour and wit that contrasts very starlky with a, to me, unhealthy political obsession.

As we say over here, that does my cake in :lol:.

He's cute :) for sure.

You know that means you're now a Socialist, right?

*points* I knew it!

Can't hide in the closet anymore, Bill. :)