Soldier defies President.


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Mar 15, 2005
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I am not sure if this has been posted or if any of you have heard this, but here it is.

Soldier doubts eligibility, defies president's orders
'As an officer, my sworn oath to support and defend our Constitution requires this'

Posted: February 23, 2009
9:35 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Soldier Scott Easterling

A U.S. soldier on active duty in Iraq has called President Obama an "impostor" in a statement in which he affirmed plans to join as plaintiff in a challenge to Obama's eligibility to be commander in chief.

The statement was publicized by California attorney Orly Taitz who, along with her Defend Our Freedom Foundation, is working on a series of legal cases seeking to uncover Obama's birth records and other documents that would reveal whether he meets the requirements of the U.S. Constitution.

"As an active-duty officer in the United States Army, I have grave concerns about the constitutional eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama to hold the office of president of the United States," wrote Scott Easterling in a "to-whom-it-may-concern" letter.

Rest of the article can be found here.
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Over here to get into school, college etc plus get your National Insurance number, pay your income tax and all those official things you have to have proof of who you are and these all demand a birth certificate. I can't imagine it's different in America so surely if Obama wasn't US born someone from his past if not many would have said before now that he wasn't born in the USA?
That is great news !!! I have never trusted that weasel from day one.

I hope more men and women in uniform join Lieutenant Easterling because the Constitution says our U.S. Armed Forces are to fight foreign or domestic enemies. The president is not exempt from this ' American only ' clause. It was put in place for a good reason and that should be common-sense too.

I also say replace the entire people who screened the eligibility of the presidency because they did such a poor and a very dangerous job for the American people.
Over here to get into school, college etc plus get your National Insurance number, pay your income tax and all those official things you have to have proof of who you are and these all demand a birth certificate. I can't imagine it's different in America so surely if Obama wasn't US born someone from his past if not many would have said before now that he wasn't born in the USA?

The problem is that he has not provided his original birth certificate and many people have requested to see the birth certificate. Obama continues to refuse to do so.
Has he refused? Or have the requests just not been answered? Also, given the screening process I'm assuming that someone for the highest office would go through, isn't all this a little 'thin'?
Obama has been receiving classified briefings and Secret Service protection since relatively early in his candidacy. As such, he was investigated by the Office of Personnel Management. While at the National Labs we tend to call the OPM revenge of the "C" students, I have to say that they are thorough. They would have confirmed his citizenship or lack of it early in the process. In any case......

The problem is that he has not provided his original birth certificate and many people have requested to see the birth certificate. Obama continues to refuse to do so.

The problem is that he's not a Republican.The problem is that his last name rhymes with Osama. The problem is that his middle name is Hussein. The problem is the color of his skin. Get over it, already-he's President.
Originally Posted by StrongFighter
The problem is that he has not provided his original birth certificate and many people have requested to see the birth certificate. Obama continues to refuse to do so.

The problem is that he's not a Republican.The problem is that his last name rhymes with Osama. The problem is that his middle name is Hussein. The problem is the color of his skin. Get over it, already-he's President.

That says it all.
That says it all.

Actually, it doesn't. As an active duty member of the U.S. military, Lt. Easterling is bound by law to refrain from politicking-to keep his politics private, and restricted to his votes. Since the citizenship requirement has been met to the satisfaction of the government-depsite the numerous so-called challenges from the citizenry-tand Obama has been sworn in, further efforts can only be politicking, and Lt. Easterling is breaking the law, and making himself liable for disciplinary action....hence, his being advised to seek legal counsel before making statements aginst his Commander in Chief-good advice that he's chosen not to take....
Obama has been receiving classified briefings and Secret Service protection since relatively early in his candidacy. As such, he was investigated by the Office of Personnel Management. While at the National Labs we tend to call the OPM revenge of the "C" students, I have to say that they are thorough. They would have confirmed his citizenship or lack of it early in the process. In any case......

The problem is that he's not a Republican.The problem is that his last name rhymes with Osama. The problem is that his middle name is Hussein. The problem is the color of his skin. Get over it, already-he's President.

There has nothing to do with any of the above, as many liberals claim.

Many people have asked to see his birth certificate, especially in high positions of authority like congressmen, senators etc.

Now it is U.S. Armed Forces personnel wanting to know if his birth certificate is that of a U.S. born citizen – on pain of court-martial – to know that Obama is eligible.

How more patriotic can you get than that ?

Blessed be Lieutenant Scott Easterling's name and memory forever for challenging the POTUS on pain of court martial.

The United States Army Lieutenant has more guts than Obama does. Why is Barack Hussein Obama hiding behind his refusals ?

Why are the U.S. courts denying American citizen's requests to verify that Obama is a U.S. born citizen ? They should have been granted.

The Secret Service and the Electoral College process can be corrupted just like any organization. They are not immune from corruption.

The only way to know for sure is to ask for his birth certificate and have it REALLY authenticated by independent sources free of any bias, not from government sources.
There has nothing to do with any of the above, as many liberals claim.

I'm not a "liberal, " though some would disagree with that based on some of my viewpoints. I didn't vote for Obama.

Many people have asked to see his birth certificate, especially in high positions of authority like congressmen, senators etc.

It's been seen, and autheniticated-some people just aren't satisfied-like Republican congressmen, or one's that don't like that his name rhymes with Osama, or that his middle name is Hussein, or the color of his skin.

. Why is Barack Hussein Obama hiding behind his refusals ?

Because he has nothing more to prove?

Why are the U.S. courts denying American citizen's requests to verify that Obama is a U.S. born citizen ?

Because it's been verified to the satisfaction of the courts, and there's nothing more to prove? Because American citizens don't have any jurisdictional basis under law to make such challenges?

The Secret Service and the Electoral College process can be corrupted just like any organization. They are not immune from corruption.

That's almost paranoid beyond belief-think about it: Bush was President when Obama's campaign began. Do you really think that if Obama lacked that most basic requirement for candidacy, the Bush administration would have permitted it to go on?

The only way to know for sure is to ask for his birth certificate and have it REALLY authenticated by independent sources free of any bias, not from government sources.

It's been REALLY authenticated by independent sources free of any bias.

Oh, though I guess they were biased-to the extent that they didn't care that Obama's not a Republicant, or that his last name rhymes with Osama, or that his middle name is Hussein, or about the color of his skin.
........As an active duty member of the U.S. military, Lt. Easterling is bound by law to refrain from politicking-..........and Lt. Easterling is breaking the law, and making himself liable for disciplinary action....
Exactly true - and if he refuses a lawful order from his Commander-in-Chief, he will be hung from the rafters by his gonads, and rightly so.

Even while on active military duty, Lt. Easterling retains most of the rights of any other US citizen, including the rights to seek legal remedy in court and to petition for redress of grievances. In other words, he has standing and he can sue. However, as in most things, there is a right way and a wrong way to go about it.
Have you not noticed these three quotes ?

Easterling, however, is subject to enemy fire and certainly would have a reason to need to know the legitimacy of his orders, she argued.

"I implore all service-members and citizens to contact their senators and representatives and demand that they require Mr. Obama prove his eligibility. Our Constitution and our great nation must not be allowed to be disgraced," he wrote.

Taitz said Easterling is among the plaintiffs she is assembling for a new legal action over Obama's eligibility. Others include a list of state lawmakers who also would be required in their official position to follow orders of the president.

If Lt. Easterling is granted permission to see official documents pertaining to Barack Hussein Obama's birth certificate then he would have no problems following military orders and that in fact would have cleared the way for Obama to be the Commander in Chief.

The electoral college can check him out all they want but it is the men and women in uniform who protect our country therefore he has a military obligation.

It is not just him, but many people like the lawmakers !!

They are the ones supposed to see the birth certificate in order to vet Obama's eligibility for the POTUS and the lawmakers have not been able to see that yet.

The Bush administration are not the ones to look into the eligibility requirements.

Why were the Republicans and some Democrats with serious and honest doubts asking to see his birth certificate before Obama was voted into office on November the 20th ?

It is the right people that are supposed to be doing their jobs.

I love my country but I fear the wool is being pulled over the American people's eyes.
Actually, it doesn't. As an active duty member of the U.S. military, Lt. Easterling is bound by law to refrain from politicking-to keep his politics private, and restricted to his votes. Since the citizenship requirement has been met to the satisfaction of the government-depsite the numerous so-called challenges from the citizenry-tand Obama has been sworn in, further efforts can only be politicking, and Lt. Easterling is breaking the law, and making himself liable for disciplinary action....hence, his being advised to seek legal counsel before making statements aginst his Commander in Chief-good advice that he's chosen not to take....

I had assumed as much.
Exactly true - and if he refuses a lawful order from his Commander-in-Chief, he will be hung from the rafters by his gonads, and rightly so.

Even while on active military duty, Lt. Easterling retains most of the rights of any other US citizen, including the rights to seek legal remedy in court and to petition for redress of grievances. In other words, he has standing and he can sue. However, as in most things, there is a right way and a wrong way to go about it.

His contention is that as an active member of the U.S. military, he is required to follow orders from a sitting president, and he needs – on pain of court-martial – to know that Obama is eligible.

"I implore all service-members and citizens to contact their senators and representatives and demand that they require Mr. Obama prove his eligibility. Our Constitution and our great nation must not be allowed to be disgraced," he wrote.

"Lt. Easterling, As a retired US Army SFC, I salute you sir as a true American patriot and hero! Thank you for your unselfish service to our country. It is rare to find someone today with such moral courage to do the right thing regardless of repercussions," said one contributor.
The problem is that he's not a Republican.The problem is that his last name rhymes with Osama. The problem is that his middle name is Hussein. The problem is the color of his skin. Get over it, already-he's President.

There are things that raised doubts tho, to be sure. Claims by family members and officials of foriegn Governments that he was born elsewhere the two biggest that I have heard.

While I would certainly assume that he had the proper background checks, if he is in office thru some conspiricy or misdeed on the part of the Illuminati or Masons or Jack Bauer that check could have been faked and or bypassed. I just don't have enough tin foil left to believe that anymore.
President Obama's political opponents have had time and opportunities enough to find out whether he was born in the States or not. They have the motive and the money to do so, that they haven't seems to be proof enough. There will also be enough people in opposition to him in government bodies that also have the means to check his birth who also haven't come up with proof.
Service personnel take an oath, they also know that the President of the country they serve may not be of the same political conviction as themselves. They have pledged to serve their country, the country has chosen the President therefore service people should get on with their jobs and not break their oath to the country.
People who are anti Obama will believe what they want and keep their minds closed to anything they don't want to hear.
His contention is that as an active member of the U.S. military, he is required to follow orders from a sitting president, and he needs – on pain of court-martial – to know that Obama is eligible.

"I implore all service-members and citizens to contact their senators and representatives and demand that they require Mr. Obama prove his eligibility. Our Constitution and our great nation must not be allowed to be disgraced," he wrote.

"Lt. Easterling, As a retired US Army SFC, I salute you sir as a true American patriot and hero! Thank you for your unselfish service to our country. It is rare to find someone today with such moral courage to do the right thing regardless of repercussions," said one contributor.
As non English speaker I try to understand your point of few.

You think that this officer is hero because he don't want to serve under your current president?
What I did understand from governments official pages they have checked your presidents birth certificate but because you have .. .how to say this in English... well your government is "not reliable" then your president should show his birth certificate to some outside reliable person who can then confirm that certificate is real?

I thought you would need that certificate some point earlier than just when you want to be president?

And is this always same way after each presidential election? Half of people are saying that election was rigged or there is something wrong with winner?

Sorry I must have missed the point somewhere but I got interested this thread because it seems to get out so much emotions.
. In other words, he has standing and he can sue. However, as in most things, there is a right way and a wrong way to go about it.

Actually, by calling Obama an "impostor," he is speaking of his Commander in Chief with contempt, and in violation of Article 88 of the Code of Military Justice, and subject to court martial.
Look, I have no problem with Obama being president if his birth certificate is real according to the 'American only' clause and independent sources have verified this.

I didn't vote for him either but I have the right to know as an American citizen if he is really an American citizen with no dual citizenship.

I think Obama is missing a very good opportunity here because the words of a U.S. serviceman weighs worth more than that of politicians.

A serviceman's words are more honest and he has nothing to gain but a lot to lose on pain of court martial which is really brave and courageous of him to do that.

It is not just him but the state lawmakers have not been able to verify if his birth certificate meets the 'American only' clause.