One weapon only? - Exludes ALL firearms

Old Iowa Man

Oct 15, 2013
Reaction score
Southern, Iowa in the woods
A newbie to the forum so I apologize if this thread is found uninteresting, and if so PLEASE tell me how to delete it - You can choose ONLY ONE weapon for home (firearms excluded) - Which one would be your preference? If you want to give a reason that might help newbies too - Just food for thought.
Dog, because the vast majority of home invaders will avoid any place that has a barking dog.
I have a kubotan in the key bowl. Nobody knows what it is, it looks harmless and is very effective. If someone takes it from me the chances are they can't use it effectively against me, unlike for example a knife or a baton.
Cell phone but until help arrives, a baseball bat. I had a lot of practice with it when I was a kid........... :)
I you cant have a gun then a solid core bedroom door with several locks and a reinforced door frame better to run and hide then to bring a knife, sword, bat, hammer ect to a gun fight and I always assume if you broke into my home you have a gun so I choose a bigger gun then you
Lots of good answers - Our dog is still growing at 105 pounds and I have a variety of kubatons, clubs, bats, canes, knives, etc., in every part of the house - The dog stays out side in a kennel unless we're out side with him but he's a GREAT alarm system!
Big torch. Let's me see who I am hitting.doesn't put me in too much trouble with the cops.
A "weapon"? Easy...a good fixed blade knife.

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Almost shot a guy last week he had a big hammer. Pretty intimidating. His down fall was bringing a hammer to a gun fight. when I explained his outcome if he didn't drop the hammer and I dropped mine he wisely decided to dropit. So a big hammer or tactical tomahawk like this would probably freak someone out
A newbie to the forum so I apologize if this thread is found uninteresting, and if so PLEASE tell me how to delete it - You can choose ONLY ONE weapon for home (firearms excluded) - Which one would be your preference? If you want to give a reason that might help newbies too - Just food for thought.

I'd choose a small bludgeoning weapon. Knives can get stuck in things, and it can take some effort to wrench them free.
Shortsword with good thrusting or slashing options, I have a couple good Filipino swords that fit the bill, but a good gladius would work just fine.
for me one of the many edged weapons
for my wife a small baseball bat or her small iron frying pan