New school down the street...

Another Karate/TKD/TSD/Kung fu/Jiu jitsu master opened 2 miles away from my school. Is the general public stupid enough to fall for it? Are there other schools out there like this?

The answer is Yes to both questions.
Just to give you an idea. I live in a community on Long Island called Hicksville. It is a substantial size, but I can walk two miles in any direction from my dojang and walk past at least 2 other schools, and most of them are TKD dojangs, and one Tiger Schullman school.
.....I introduced myself and told him who I was and he looked offended that I would walk into his school. He told me that if I was not there to sign up that I must be there to challenge him. He took a fighting stance and .....?

You know, this reminds me of a time when I first started TKD. I was around 12, and my instructors had opened the school several months prior to the incident. Long story short, most of the schools in the area paid no mind to our school until they realized it was a good school.

This one quack, who had a school in the area for quite some time came walking in one day with 2 of his cronies. He was fed up with his students leaving and signing up at our school. ( he was one of those quacks that taught whatever was hot at the time... first it was karate, then Ninjitsu, then TKD)

He came in all arrogant and stuff acting like a badass. just like a cheesy 80's movie. He kept getting more and more agressive and finally tried to test my instructor. He grabbed his arm with both hands and tried a wrist lock and asked my instructor what would he do... My instructor punched him dead in the face and knocked him out. His boys helped him back up as my instructor was telling them to get the hell out and they left.

There were about 10 of us that witnessed this. It was funny as hell. Even funny-er was he went to the police station and tried to press charges. That didnt go over to well either. They laughed at him ad basically he came in starting stuff and caught the short end of a punch. They wouldnt do anything....

So I guess, yeah this crap still exists. funny.

"you wanna test your skills....."
msmitht, the picture of the instructor from the movie "Fist Foot Way" does actually kinda look like me. Except he is 1. taller, 2, younger, 3 slimmer, ahhhh crap, never mind on that. Still liked the movie though. Moving on....I also like the Rexkwondo system, is this bad? I'm sorry, I did misread your post. I would like to say it wouldn't happen again but.....................:) yeah, that's probably not gonna be true.
msmitht, the picture of the instructor from the movie "Fist Foot Way" does actually kinda look like me. Except he is 1. taller, 2, younger, 3 slimmer, ahhhh crap, never mind on that. Still liked the movie though. Moving on....I also like the Rexkwondo system, is this bad? I'm sorry, I did misread your post. I would like to say it wouldn't happen again but.....................:) yeah, that's probably not gonna be true.

I vote this as best post in the thread. That's funny stuff.
You like schools to open up near you to challenge you for income? Really?

[quote-ynnad;1247972]I'm sorry but this is complete BS. This is grossly exaggerated, completely false, or you are not truthfully representing your attitude and posture. I don't see how your post is at all helpful or consistent with the tenants of a Taekwondo instructor. Publicly maligning this guy seems like nothing more than your own uneasiness about his presence as a threat to you and your school. I'm not trying to start anything, I don't know you, but I don't know why we need to malign people and schools. Let your actions and words define you and your school.[/quote]

Most reputable businesses in a decent sized market welcome a little competition because it attracts more business.

Take it easy there Grasshopper, this is where we come to relax and vent a little. He hasn`t said anything that could be used by anyone to identify who he`s talking about. Basically all he`s said is that someone, somewhere has kind of questionable honesty and doesn`t appear to be the sharpest pencil in the box. He`ll get no arguments from me.
Back in Ohio we had a guy like this. He had some skill in Kenpo, but his real specialty was marketing himself. He taught everything from Kenpo, to kung fu, to aerobics, to ninjitsu. He and his buddies would meet each year and promote each other with honorary ranks.

He had his school, and then about 8-10 that were franchised out and owned by his students. They paid him a certain amount of their student`s fees, and he collected fees from his "students". I say that with a grain of salt because he`d sign them up for lengthy contracts and then get fed up with his BS and quit but had to pay until the contracts ran out. At any given time he had about 300 students on the rolls, but only about 1/4 were coming to class. One of his high ranking Assistant instructors joined our school and gave us all the dirt on him.It was pretty sad.
I wonder if plummers treat eachother like this? Why is it only in the MA's?
And there I am having the vision of a badly dubbed Hongkong movie in my know the kind, sound and no mouth movement, then silence and flapping gumms .... :)
I wonder if plummers treat eachother like this? Why is it only in the MA's?

That is easy because people have to have an ego the size of the United States to make themselfs feel they have worth.
I wonder if plummers treat eachother like this? Why is it only in the MA's?
True story. So I had to sell my father's house post his passing.
It needed some bathroom remodeling done.
When researching potential contractors - I noticed within the city there where two licensed plumbers who had businesses with the same last name.
I made an inquiry to my realtor.
She informs me they're both good plumbers, they are in fact brothers - AND THEY DON'T SPEAK TO ONE ANOTHER.

Maybe they both studied a martial art in their spare time?
True story. So I had to sell my father's house post his passing.
It needed some bathroom remodeling done.
When researching potential contractors - I noticed within the city there where two licensed plumbers who had businesses with the same last name.
I made an inquiry to my realtor.
She informs me they're both good plumbers, they are in fact brothers - AND THEY DON'T SPEAK TO ONE ANOTHER.

Maybe they both studied a martial art in their spare time?

probably more because of the family relations. :)
Yup, That happens all the time and I think they think you beleive it , too.

I talked to a guy form a little town in Ontario Canada last week that said he had his Masters Degree in Taekwondo from Bill Superfoot Wallace.

Master Wright, to be honest, knowing how Bill Wallace operates, the guy in Ontario really could have a Master's Degree in TKD from him. No disrespect intended, I first met and worked with Master Wallace, then Bill, in Nt. Carolina at the Battle of the Champions in in 1975. He was amazing then and he is amazing now. It is interesting how many older MA's I know that now call themselves professors, Doctors and other names associated with the academic world and give out degrees based on that. Sad but true.
Sorry Wade, I love ya man, I find it very difficult to believe that Bill Wallace gives out "master's degrees". ;)

Most of the martial artists that bestow academic titles upon themselves are martial artists that lack a formal education. IIRC, Mr. Wallace earned an undergrad as well as a graduate degree in the 1970s from accredited universities.

If anyone has proof of such a thing, please post it up...
When did Bill Wallace earn a black belt in tae kwon do? For all his kicking prowess, Wallace was a shorin-ryu dan holder. Of course the distinction might be unimportant considering Wallace admits he's not much on kata.
When did Bill Wallace earn a black belt in tae kwon do? For all his kicking prowess, Wallace was a shorin-ryu dan holder. Of course the distinction might be unimportant considering Wallace admits he's not much on kata.

Not that it has any bearing on the topic but I remember Bill Wallace telling a group of us at one of his many seminars (80's) that he learned his kicking style from a Korean TKD/HKD master. At least that is what I think he said....was a while ago. I do recall perfectly the scar's he had on his bad knee.....I shudder just thinking about it.
Bill Wallace also holds a BB in TKD, he trained in it around the seventies to increase his kicking techniques. He also gives out Master degrees in the Arts. He is the best kicker I have ever seen over the years and continues to impress anybody.
Bill Wallace also holds a BB in TKD, he trained in it around the seventies to increase his kicking techniques. He also gives out Master degrees in the Arts. He is the best kicker I have ever seen over the years and continues to impress anybody.
Just don't ask him to show you a kick with his other leg. Or a judo throw.