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Oh, I love cookies. ... Immediately following a nice juicy burger. I also put pancetta in my salad. And I like to saute my vegetables in duck fat.

Even I'll eat vegetarian stuff sometimes.

I'll even enjoy it.

But I must be honest, there's very few vegetarian dishes that aren't improved by adding meat of some sort
That's pretty much where I am at. My parents taught me to eat what was put in front of me - both at home and when we went to visit someone (incidentally, that's how Iearned to love stuffed peppers and eggplant). So, unless it's something I know I am allergic to, I'll eat it. I am pretty certain my pro-meat attitude comes from having spent too much of my life standing in food life for meat. When you live in a country, where deficits and climate make no room for vegetarianism, and meat is a precious commodity, you come to appreciate it.
Had a kid (pre-teen) die yesterday as a result of drunk driving. Today, a mom has to make a decision on if they should pull the plug on her 20-something, as a result of a OD making hin brain dead. I cant even imagine having to make that choice....
Had a kid (pre-teen) die yesterday as a result of drunk driving. Today, a mom has to make a decision on if they should pull the plug on her 20-something, as a result of a OD making hin brain dead. I cant even imagine having to make that choice....
That is terrible. It's hard hearing about or witnessing as an observer, but being IN that situation... I was working a patient record today - a 12-year old with a dodgy heart valve. Yesterday worked a 6-month old baby in need of an open heart surgery.
Come to the dark side....we have celery...with peanut butter
Would take a significant amount of peanut butter to stop the taste of cellery and besides. I'll take chips and salsa over that stuff any day
Celery is alright, but not with peanut butter.

Dipped in sea salt and black pepper is good though.

Or of course, wrapped in bacon.
I am sulking, not plotting mass murder!
Just throw me a ball of yarn and some needles....
Hey, you never know when one might transition into another. ;)

You knit? That is amazing. My mom was an incredible knitter, but that was one of those things I never picked up from her. So, I have utmost respect to anyone who can knit.
Unfortunately, I can't show a picture of what I am working on right now. It's a novella about murder by Alexander Grin.
Dinner (warning - food porn ahead):
- potatoes au gratin supreme - potatoes, milk, cheese, flour, butter, seasoning, pancetta, onions, fresh green onions, mushrooms.
- chicken drumsticks baked in foil with mixed veggies (zucchini, cauliflour, broccoli, carrots, onions), olive oil, red wine vinegar, and lemon pepper spice mix.
That's art! I love those fall colors - so pretty!
Thank you.
It's 'Peaceful Earth' by Lions Brand.
I wanted to make small things in manly colors, then I gave up.
SO I am making his/hers shawls for my kid and his girlfriend for Christmas.
The pattern is really easy, BTW, even with the holes.
Thank you.
It's 'Peaceful Earth' by Lions Brand.
I wanted to make small things in manly colors, then I gave up.
SO I am making his/hers shawls for my kid and his girlfriend for Christmas.
The pattern is really easy, BTW, even with the holes.
I tried knitting once (I've tried a great many things in my life). I don't have the patience to do it well.

But I love the result of good knitting. And that is a beautiful shawl.
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