Last Person #5

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I have seen that episode and bristled, because I do love The English Patient. But then... I must remind myself movies are art, and art is subjective. I also happened to like AI, and most people I've met hated it. :)

I've read good things about Annihilation and would like to see it. The visuals look stunning. And I like brainy apocalyptic sci fi.

The critics have been killing it. But I don't care, I want to see it. And I want to see it on the big screen. Hopefully on Friday.
Vegetarians I know seem to be quite healthy and don't seem to have a lot of gut issues.
I asked my doctor about this, and she explained to me (and directed me to some other sources to get more information) that, like many other diets, vegetarianism is not the devil and not the panacea. It works exceedingly well for some people. It works not at all for others. I respect people who make that choice and are happy with it - that's the most important thing. I don't understand how something can be considered healthy if the person doing it is miserable. So, as long as someone is a happy vegetarian and a happy vegan - that's what it's all about.

Having spent a large portion of my life standing in line for meat, cheese, eggs, milk, and other things not included in vegetarian or vegan diet, I don't think I could ever become a vegetarian. I am enjoying the access to all that stuff way too much. It has nothing to do with any health considerations - it's purely psychological. I love the idea of being able to go to the store and get... a steak... or .... a chicken... or... a duck... or... salmon - bring it home and cook it... and not even have to wonder whether it might be radioactive or mutated. It's a beautiful thing. There is a VERY good reason why the cook book I wrote is titled The Binge. :)
Thanks, been here before. I don't eat red meat, haven't for years now, and the few times I do would be in a "Good" Chinese restaurant and it has either been steamed or boiled.

Even before I went vegetarian the last time I was not eating red meat and it would make be feel a craving for a McDonald's Hamburger once and gave in.... that was the last time I ever did that...or got a craving for anything McDonalds.

Never had an issue with Chicken or fish when I was vegetarian the last time and I was vegetarian when I went to Norway and I had a lot of excellent fish there with no problems at all. Also never had an issue with most Chinese dishes if they are well made. But even then there are a few I avoid and I only eat a little bit of that. Got carried away with an incredibly tasty fried pork dish once and paid for that later... for a few hours....ok it was over 24 hours before the stomach felt normal again.
Well, great... now I'm hungry. Thanks, Xue!
Really? What's the bee in their bonnet?

I don't know, they're an odd lot.

Off the top of my head, being a movie freak and all - The Shining, The Graduate, The Wizard of Oz, Blade Runner, Fight Club, Its a Wonderful Life...were all panned by the movie critics.

I've found that with a lot of film critics, they're more concerned with how sharp and insightful you think they are, rather than with their honest opinion of a movie.

But, man, what a great job being a movie critic would be.
I don't know, they're an odd lot.

Off the top of my head, being a movie freak and all - The Shining, The Graduate, The Wizard of Oz, Blade Runner, Fight Club, Its a Wonderful Life...were all panned by the movie critics.

I've found that with a lot of film critics, they're more concerned with how sharp and insightful you think they are, rather than with their honest opinion of a movie.

But, man, what a great job being a movie critic would be.
Wait, WHAT?! The Wizard of Oz was beat up by critics? Goodness, what did they find wrong with a perfectly harmless, lovable movie? It's like criticizing a St. Bernard puppy for being too fluffy.
They hated it, audiences did too, if I remember correctly. After it's release, and bombing, and subsequent forgetting about it by audiences - MGM released it again, five or ten years later. The rest, as they say, is history.

But it's why I still don't like monkeys. Those flying monkeys freaked me out when I was five.
I don't know, they're an odd lot.

Off the top of my head, being a movie freak and all - The Shining, The Graduate, The Wizard of Oz, Blade Runner, Fight Club, Its a Wonderful Life...were all panned by the movie critics.

I've found that with a lot of film critics, they're more concerned with how sharp and insightful you think they are, rather than with their honest opinion of a movie.

But, man, what a great job being a movie critic would be.

Siskel and Ebert panned Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope...then did a 180 and called it the greatest film ever after they saw how great it did at the box office.... was at a friends house just outside of Worcester Ma. watching TV on a rather boring afternoon and we, for some reason I still cannot explain, were watching Siskel and Ebert and watched thier first review of Star Wars..... that hated it...a few months later they were calling it the greatest Sci-Fi movie ever....
Blade Runner is one of my favorites, and it has aged quite well for a Sci-Fi movie.

Fight Club is also a great film.
I don't know, they're an odd lot.

Off the top of my head, being a movie freak and all - The Shining, The Graduate, The Wizard of Oz, Blade Runner, Fight Club, Its a Wonderful Life...were all panned by the movie critics.

I've found that with a lot of film critics, they're more concerned with how sharp and insightful you think they are, rather than with their honest opinion of a movie.

But, man, what a great job being a movie critic would be.
I always get the impression they're doing what I did in school when I had to write about poetry or analyze some work of fiction. I just said stuff that was true and sounded deep, and drew conclusions that sounded deeper. (In my case, I often hadn't actually read what I was analyzing - I had a real problem with people telling me what to read.)
They hated it, audiences did too, if I remember correctly. After it's release, and bombing, and subsequent forgetting about it by audiences - MGM released it again, five or ten years later. The rest, as they say, is history.

But it's why I still don't like monkeys. Those flying monkeys freaked me out when I was five.
Yes, and the strong impression from the monkeys means they did a great job making the monkeys scary! Doesn't that mean the film creators did a good job? :)
So... SOMEBODY (looks pointedly at @gpseymour ) said in order to improve my stickwork, it might be helpful to strengthen my elbows and upper arms. And off I went to the POUND class at the Y (taught by my zumba instructor, whom I adore) to strengthen my elbows and upper arms. It certainly serves that end...

I also discovered a whole new level of relationship with my torso... And my hip joints... And my abs...

I am sorry, what was I talking about? Ah yes! So, if you want to improve your stickwork - take POUND!

Yes, and the strong impression from the monkeys means they did a great job making the monkeys scary! Doesn't that mean the film creators did a good job? :)
I call the ladies (almost all of an older model) who keep track of the hospital's telemetry devices 'the flying monkeys'
Cos they will hunt you down if one of them boxes goes missing...

But otherwise they are nice ladies....I think....
I have seen that episode and bristled, because I do love The English Patient. But then... I must remind myself movies are art, and art is subjective. I also happened to like AI, and most people I've met hated it. :)

I've read good things about Annihilation and would like to see it. The visuals look stunning. And I like brainy apocalyptic sci fi.

I won't say anything until you see it, but let me know what you think afterwards
The critics have been killing it. But I don't care, I want to see it. And I want to see it on the big screen. Hopefully on Friday.

As of now between Rotten Tomatoes, Metascore and IMD, it has about an 8/10 or 8.5/10. However; I've never trusted Rotten Tomatoes. IMO, many movie critics have become consumed by too much internal politics to be trusted
I asked my doctor about this, and she explained to me (and directed me to some other sources to get more information) that, like many other diets, vegetarianism is not the devil and not the panacea. It works exceedingly well for some people. It works not at all for others. I respect people who make that choice and are happy with it - that's the most important thing. I don't understand how something can be considered healthy if the person doing it is miserable. So, as long as someone is a happy vegetarian and a happy vegan - that's what it's all about.

Having spent a large portion of my life standing in line for meat, cheese, eggs, milk, and other things not included in vegetarian or vegan diet, I don't think I could ever become a vegetarian. I am enjoying the access to all that stuff way too much. It has nothing to do with any health considerations - it's purely psychological. I love the idea of being able to go to the store and get... a steak... or .... a chicken... or... a duck... or... salmon - bring it home and cook it... and not even have to wonder whether it might be radioactive or mutated. It's a beautiful thing. There is a VERY good reason why the cook book I wrote is titled The Binge. :)

Good point, there's no universal diet that is best for everyone. Ethnic background, health history, physical intolerances and body type all play a significant factors in determining which diet will work best for you. Ever since I've became a Pescetarian I've had more energy and less bowel issues. I don't think Pescetarianism is for everyone, but I think and feel it's best for me.

As long as your diet is providing you with sufficient nutrition, keeps you HDLs, LDLs and cholesterol within normal limits, you're in good shape. The only criticism I have is to not get swept up by popular commercial diets that aren't good for you.
returned to my total vegetarian ways and have maintained it for 5 days. The week prior to that I was almost vegetarian.... and I do not doubt that I will on occasion have meat again...can't resist it in a good Chinese Restaurant. But so far I feel great and have lost 3 pounds without even trying.

I consider myself a second-hand vegetarian. Cows eat grass, I eat the cows.
Good point, there's no universal diet that is best for everyone. Ethnic background, health history, physical intolerances and body type all play a significant factors in determining which diet will work best for you. Ever since I've became a Pescetarian I've had more energy and less bowel issues. I don't think Pescetarianism is for everyone, but I think and feel it's best for me.

As long as your diet is providing you with sufficient nutrition, keeps you HDLs, LDLs and cholesterol within normal limits, you're in good shape. The only criticism I have is to not get swept up by popular commercial diets that aren't good for you.
I did have to adjust my diet a few years ago to improve (raise) my HDLs. The doc gave me the choice of medication ("It will work, but will probably have some side effects.") or drinking more red wine. It was tough making the adjustment to my diet, but health is important.
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