Last Person #5

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I think I went Full on hippy this morning...Got up and worked exclusivly on William CC Chen's short form this morning. Then had a ovo vegetarian breakfast...and then spent 15 minutes playing didgeridoo...must.... fight.... urge to buy.... one of these

Well...went full on vegetarian for lunch....I'm pretty sure this means by this evening I will be eating tofu and by the weekend my entire wardrobe will be made up of tie-dye shirts, bell bottom pants and jackets with frills...

good thing I just saw one of these for sale


and not one of these


I probably would have bought it
Well...went full on vegetarian for lunch....I'm pretty sure this means by this evening I will be eating tofu and by the weekend my entire wardrobe will be made up of tie-dye shirts, bell bottom pants and jackets with frills...

good thing I just saw one of these for sale


and not one of these


I probably would have bought it

Sounds like a man heading for Itchycoo Park. Swing by, pick me up, bro.
Not feeling the warm and fuzzies about student loans at this time.
They are meddling too much with the system right now.
I don't need him to start off with more depth than owing for a house!

and part time jobs won't cover crap. Not at the rate the pay is down here.

I am just sick at the moment.
I'd kick my son's butt if he squandered a scholarship and couldn't pay tuition.
My vote is still military with Gi bill, but another option is to get on with a company that offers tuition assistance, shoot, I bet McDonald's still does that, along with many others.

Regardless, this must be very frustrating for you! Sorry to hear it.
Found out yesterday that kid pissed his scholarship away.
I ain't got the money to pay for college.....

I can't win for losing....
He blew it. It's his problem now. Loans, grants, or the working world, even tbe military are all options available to him.

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Found out yesterday that kid pissed his scholarship away.
I ain't got the money to pay for college.....

I can't win for losing....

Sorry to hear this and as much as you want to see him get through college, maybe it is now tine for him to learn the consequences of his actions and it is now all on him. Not the greatest advice, but looking at this from the sidelines, as all of us who are responding are, it is what I think I would do and I can't see that approach being at all easy, I would find it rather hard, but possibly necessary for his development and learning.
Well it is all relative..... hot here today, currently 86 Fahrenheit with 59% humidity...on its way to 90...... but in Las Vegas..... this would likely be considered cold
Well it is all relative..... hot here today, currently 86 Fahrenheit with 59% humidity...on its way to 90...... but in Las Vegas..... this would likely be considered cold

Up here on the 17th floor, it is humid. It amazes how no matter how many office jobs I have, NONE of them know how to send up air conditioning in the summer and heat in the winter.
I think I am finally burned out on the WC board.

Now I will wind up sharing tiny daily observations here because I am not burned out on the site as a whole yet.
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