Last Person #5

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Loaded up and ready to head to Phoenix for the USKA World Championship.

Morning, MT.

George Romero died yesterday. Lung cancer. Didn't even know he was sick.

Without him, my webcomic would not exist.

A tribute blog is in order.
While Romero is best known for his zombie films (DAWN OF THE DEAD and NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD), personally I think his best movie is MARTIN, about a young man who may or may not be a vampire. If you have not checked it out, do so...even if you are not a fan of vampire movies/books/shows. I'm definitely not, but MARTIN is one of my top ten favorite films, and that's regardless of genre.
One concussion on Saturday at the BJJ tournament. Otherwise, no serious injuries. One incident on Sunday, but no injuries. A kid (about 8) got DQ'd for doing an illegal move, and his dad got very verbally abusive. His dad was towering over him, inches from his face, just screaming really, really mean things at him. Kid was crying, and when confronted the guy started yelling at the coaches. When he realized where he was, he left... literally left his kid in the gym and took off.

I've never, in all the years I've been around BJJ tournaments, seen anything like it.
One concussion on Saturday at the BJJ tournament. Otherwise, no serious injuries. One incident on Sunday, but no injuries. A kid (about 8) got DQ'd for doing an illegal move, and his dad got very verbally abusive. His dad was towering over him, inches from his face, just screaming really, really mean things at him. Kid was crying, and when confronted the guy started yelling at the coaches. When he realized where he was, he left... literally left his kid in the gym and took off.

I've never, in all the years I've been around BJJ tournaments, seen anything like it.

Saw something similar at my last TKD tournament...some folks......
Saw something similar at my last TKD tournament...some folks......
I'm still blown away. Last night, I was still thinking about that kid (and clearly it's still with me today.) in the moment, a lot of people stepped in, but that kid still had to go home to that dad. I don't see how he has a chance...
I'm still blown away. Last night, I was still thinking about that kid (and clearly it's still with me today.) in the moment, a lot of people stepped in, but that kid still had to go home to that dad. I don't see how he has a chance...

It will be okay. Divorce, lives with mom.
Checking out Wing Chun Online. Normally I poo poo online learning of martial arts, but this looks legit.
good time backpacking in Shenandoah Natl. Park this weekend:

Love that place, been there several times over the years. Really like driving Skyline Drive and taking photos of critters.
One concussion on Saturday at the BJJ tournament. Otherwise, no serious injuries. One incident on Sunday, but no injuries. A kid (about 8) got DQ'd for doing an illegal move, and his dad got very verbally abusive. His dad was towering over him, inches from his face, just screaming really, really mean things at him. Kid was crying, and when confronted the guy started yelling at the coaches. When he realized where he was, he left... literally left his kid in the gym and took off.

I've never, in all the years I've been around BJJ tournaments, seen anything like it.

I've seen a couple things, similar to that.. I was a corner judge at a tournament
once and the age group for sparring had junior safety rules; meaning, light head contact.
One kid took a kick to the head so hard, he ending up looking through the ear hole
on his helmet and I didn't score it.. His coach started in on me, but I just said, take
it up with the center ref - who, fortunately - agreed with me.
Another time - I was judging sparring for a division of kids, with no match
of competitors over the age of 8.. After the 4th match of having parents
loudly cursing about the judging, their kid's opponent, etc - I went to the center
ref and said - 'Unless one those parents has a rank in TKD which - would
essentially remove that sort of immature behavior IMO - you can let them
know, that if I hear one more curse word that is SO loud, kids can hear it - KIDS!!
I won't judge another match!!' Thankfully, he spoke to them - but I was heated
and spoke to the tournament director later that same day..
I've seen a couple things, similar to that.. I was a corner judge at a tournament
once and the age group for sparring had junior safety rules; meaning, light head contact.
One kid took a kick to the head so hard, he ending up looking through the ear hole
on his helmet and I didn't score it.. His coach started in on me, but I just said, take
it up with the center ref - who, fortunately - agreed with me.
Another time - I was judging sparring for a division of kids, with no match
of competitors over the age of 8.. After the 4th match of having parents
loudly cursing about the judging, their kid's opponent, etc - I went to the center
ref and said - 'Unless one those parents has a rank in TKD which - would
essentially remove that sort of immature behavior IMO - you can let them
know, that if I hear one more curse word that is SO loud, kids can hear it - KIDS!!
I won't judge another match!!' Thankfully, he spoke to them - but I was heated
and spoke to the tournament director later that same day..

ks, what you are failing to understand is that your failure to score those points could affect their ranking one day in the UFC....;)
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