Last Person #5

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I will. I don't if it is allowed to share the comic's Twitter name and the Facebook link here...but if that is okay, I can do that too.

If it's a commercial venture, then no. You'd need to be a Supporting Member or meet one of the other requirements for commercial posts.
Last Person Thread always seems to slow down at this time of day in New York. LOL
All the East-coast people in the US are drowsy after lunch. The West-coast folks are in their AM meetings, and so many of the folks in other countries are probably having dinner or asleep.
All the East-coast people in the US are drowsy after lunch. The West-coast folks are in their AM meetings, and so many of the folks in other countries are probably having dinner or asleep.

Sometimes I get drowsy by about 2:30PM, but it is rare for me to be that way after lunch.
If it's a commercial venture, then no. You'd need to be a Supporting Member or meet one of the other requirements for commercial posts.

Commercial, meaning if people have to pay for the comic? They don't; it will be free.
I'm not talking about a full-blown affiliation or even a school. I am just talking about creating a new site with a more appopriate URL. With that in mind, Steve Grogan's Wing Chun fits because the site would be about documenting my journey...which, of course, no one can take other than me.

For a moment I thought of maybe calling it my Wing Chun "Journey," but then I thought: what if I DID open a school or affiliation someday? Then that URL/site name would no longer fit.

This is what I do when I run out of work at my job: overthink. LOL
If you open a school, you'll want a separate site for that program. You'd still have your blog site, and it would still be about your journey.
If you open a school, you'll want a separate site for that program. You'd still have your blog site, and it would still be about your journey.

I think I am starting to get the difference now.

Sometimes it takes things a while to click.
Oh snap...looks like I may have spoke too soon about the physical copy of the first issue. The artist is behind on lettering, so we might not be able to print the copies in time to be distributed for Free Comic Book Day.

No worries thought. It will still be released.
Off for some rest. Will probably be a bit less active the rest of the week, and most of the weekdays for the next 6 weeks - finally landed a new client project.
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