Last Person #5

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No we're talkin.

I know how important diet is. But I don't care. I just ate a piece of lasagna so big - perfect size for late night, actually.

Of course now you guys have me hunting meat. Good with cold beer, though.

Coincidentally, Sue made lasagna and brought it to work tonight. Meat, cheese, pasta... what's not to love?
I'd be happy to lose the band of stress-induced midsection fat I picked up the last couple of years. It's not much, but it's annoyingly hard to lose.

Funny you should mention stress. A friend of mine (who is a certified personal trainer) was suggesting I go to the doctor to get all kinds of blood work done. One thing he said I should do is check my hormone levels because he believes that's what keeps me from losing weight. He was talking about how stress will release a hormone into your body that can make you retain weight.

The sad thing is: if this is true, then I will never lose weight. LOL Even if you took out the blending family stress, that would be replaced with OTHER forms.
As I predicted, this is turning out to be a long day.

And I have to work BOTH jobs too.

Well, technically all 3 since some people placed orders for me on Fiverr.

Has anyone ever watched the Sonny Chiba STREET FIGHTER movies? They are ridiculously over the top. Plus he makes these faces while fighting that will crack you up. It's like he's trying to be the Japanese Bruce Lee.
I wish people would get an edu-ma-cation when it comes to the Department of Civil Service. I get calls all day that say, "Hi, I passed the test. When are they hiring?"

I'm thinking, "How the hell would I know???"

Oh well. I guess it's up to me to educate them that Civil Service does not know who is hiring caller at a time.
Well, there was something good that came out of today: it was so busy that I didn't even realize I have less than an hour left.
Weather this evening...rain, snow, freezing rain, burning worms from outer space....... ok..... we are not getting the burning worms....but the rest was forecasted...and it is all starting just in time to drive home
The guy I work with for my second job nearly cancelled because of the rain. I told him he could always wait in my building lobby. Then he goes, "Oh yeah."
I work on the 17th floor of my building. I can see outside, but I have no idea what it FEELS like out there.

I will in about 10 minutes.
FYI, you are not a TRUE state worker unless you stop working 15 minutes before the end of your shift.

PSA: That was sarcasm, of course.
Today was one of those days where my eyes are sore from looking at the computer too long.

I also saw all kinds of office closures down in Oregon. I hope all the MT users in that area are safe and warm.
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