Last Person #5

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OK, I'll be the odd man out....I'm kind of liking the cold so far....however we are not at the midwest level of cold yet, but here in the Adirondacks.... I have no doubt we will be soon enough...currently the coldest we have had is in the teens, at the moment it is 32F
Found out this morning that one of my neighbors has stomach cancer. Younger than me. He has four kids, youngest is 2. His 8 year old is my daughter's best friend. Pretty damned shitty. :(

Shitty, indeed, Steve. No words for that.

Gerry Seymour
Shojin-Ryu, Nihon Goshin Aikido
For some reason thinking about an old job I had, many years ago as Campus Security for a state college, could be because both of these happened close to Christmas break.

2 stories;

1) a kid gets out of class early, school closed due to snow, gets into his pickup truck, drives towards the exit of the student lot, then stops and starts doing donuts with his truck in the snow….. Between rows of parked cars, I pull up, turn on the lights, he stops and then he tells me he lost control….. I say…interesting….. you stopped and then lost control with 3 rather well controlled donuts. He smiled, and sheepishly said “yeah”…. I told him to get out of here and don’t do it again.

2) I am patrolling the campus and I have a car following me, I turn to go down an access road and the car follows me in, I am almost at the end when I stop, turn on the lights and get out to check the car. It is a student, and I ask him “what he was doing”, his response “I’m following you” I then ask if he happened to notice the sign at the entrance of the road that said “Authorized vehicles only”. His response “Yes” and then he yells at me “WELL, YOU DROVE HERE!” I respond by pointing at my car and saying “That is an authorized vehicle…. Yours isn’t”……he argued with me a bit longer…result….he got a ticket and I made him back all the way out.
over 10 years of making computer images on multiple typed of PCs, Laptops and Macs.... and I think I may have finally meant my match..... I cannot change the image on this thwarts me at every turn....
over 10 years of making computer images on multiple typed of PCs, Laptops and Macs.... and I think I may have finally meant my match..... I cannot change the image on this thwarts me at every turn....

Have you tried White Out?
over 10 years of making computer images on multiple typed of PCs, Laptops and Macs.... and I think I may have finally meant my match..... I cannot change the image on this thwarts me at every turn....
Did you turn it off and turn it back on? is it plugged in? Did you hit the "any" key?

OK, I'll be the odd man out....I'm kind of liking the cold so far....however we are not at the midwest level of cold yet, but here in the Adirondacks.... I have no doubt we will be soon enough...currently the coldest we have had is in the teens, at the moment it is 32F

32 F here would feel like a heat wave right now..
It's 15F right now. The high today was 21. Tomorrow it's going to be in the 50's again.
Low yesterday was 19F. High was something under 40F. Something like that the next few days. Fairly normal here, and much warmer than some of you. Hoping to actually see a bit of snow this year (at best, we get one real snow a year).
I just got home from work at 2 a.m. At 2:15, after reading these last posts, I put a thermometer into my Grey Goose Sea Breeze. The temp read 42 degrees. :)
Well, done with my PT for the torn muscle. About 80% recovered - just have to be careful for a while. Still trying to rest the tendon on the other side of the arm (strained from compensation for the torn muscle, most likely). Managed to make it through kneading the dough for 8 stollen without too much pain.
Got a little snow. Things should be back to normal by mid afternoon (rain). Looks like another cold snap coming through next week, though. Hopefully, we either have enough snow to shut things down for a day or none at all. This 2 or so inches, which is enough to ice up the roads and make things treacherous, but not enough for anything to close down, just causes problems.
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