first move in a REAL fight



What would be the first move you would try to perform if confronted in a real fight? (lets just say the opponent is standing, almost front on, with his arms slightly raised to his chest and clinched for arguments sake), what would be your first killer move?
Perhaps trap his lead hand and give him a good backfist to the bridge of the nose.

Given the fact that I have to fight.

A good swift kick in the nuts might do the trick.
All of these scenarios that people keep putting out are subjective. They remind me of the kids at my friend's Dojo that ask me, "Could you take out a guy with a knife?" If I say yes, they say, "Can you take out 2 guys with guns?" If I say yes, they say, "Can you take out 4 guys with uzi's while you are in a pit with a tiger?" (Usually I respond that after 4 guys I can't promise no one will get hurt)

It's all situational. It's fun to play but until it rises you don't know for sure what you'd do. I work in the psychiatric field. I know of a case where a few patients threatened a guy who in response reaches into his pants and started throwing poo at them and chased them screaming, "You want some of this?! Huh?! DO YOU?!"

I never would have thought of that.

I think that these ideas are fun and definately get the brain thinking but there is no right or wrong.

Ok. Having said that I'd lead off by spitting in his face. Then I would start my attack.
Originally posted by GouRonin

It's all situational. It's fun to play but until it rises you don't know for sure what you'd do. I work in the psychiatric field. I know of a case where a few patients threatened a guy who in response reaches into his pants and started throwing poo at them and chased them screaming, "You want some of this?! Huh?! DO YOU?!"

Um...we never learned a defense against that. Ew.

I agree, it's near impossible to give a concrete answer to that question. Usually, if asked something like that, I would respond "It depends." There are too many factors, too many variables, too many unknowns, etc etc etc. If the guy was taller than me, I'd probably do something different than I would against a shorter person. What's the environment like? Are there witnesses? Does he/she have friends around?


and no...I don't want any of that. ew.
I think we should create a new art.

Call it......Poo Do.

The way of the poo. (which you don't want to the way that is.)
Nut shot, then reverse punch to the jaw! :D

Honestly I would assume a non agressive, but ready posture and try talking. My first impulse to let the guy close the gap and catch him moving. If for some reason I had to make the first move I would feint with my hands, and kick low (nuts) then a reverse punch to the jaw. However the setup sure sounds like an agressive lunging front thrust kick could work as well. Ok who grades these reports? Did I just get my lunch money taken?
Originally posted by don bohrer

Honestly I would assume a non agressive, but ready posture and try talking.

Put me down for this too, if simply walking away isn't feasible. The talking is both an attempt to de-escalate and a stall while I look around for options/improvised weapons/other dangers. After that it depends on how he comes in or more generally how the threat develops. One wants to be aware of the likelihood that he has a buddy somewhere, for example, or a weapon.
ok i know its a hypothetical question and there ar emany variables, but really i was only after say a general answer, to see if any were the same or whatever.
Lets just say its in a pub with limited room to move (because its a bit squishy) and this bloke has merely made eye contact, and then procedded to fire up.
Originally posted by Monkey King

I think we should create a new art.

Call it......Poo Do.

The way of the poo. (which you don't want to the way that is.)

Unfortunately this style already exists at every McDojo out there. They all spread the crap about how effective they are and all they really do is make your wallet lighter.
I would just back up until i was out of his range if he was not attacking. Now if he was attacking say with a right strike. The typical left outward block and trap would do if he was not lunging; if he was lunging in his strike the trap would pull him into a back right reverse elbow to the philtrum, setting him up for a finishing left leopards paw/fist strike to the throat. If there is no lunge the trap would take his arm's wrist clockwise palm-up exposing his side targets and i would forearm break the right elbow, right dragon's head to the temple transformed into a tiger's claw rake to the eye's, continuing with a right tiger's claw to the ear with the fingers digging in behind the lobe with my right thumb digging into his left eye socket finishing with a left tiger's claw to his neck choke throwing and pulling him from the thumb eye socket ear lobe claw over my right positioned leg to the deck! Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
Originally posted by thaiboxer

What would be the first move you would try to perform if confronted in a real fight? (lets just say the opponent is standing, almost front on, with his arms slightly raised to his chest and clinched for arguments sake), what would be your first killer move?

Go into matrix - mode and beat the **** out of him.

No, serious. I agree that this is very siuation dependent. I've tried this a couple of times, and each time I reacted differently. One time a move just out of his reach and gave him "the look". I think he sensed I knew what I was doing. The other time I closed i on him and placed my hans , lightly, on his arms, making sure that he couldn't head but me. He calmed down, and later got thrown out of the disco... (yeps it was in that golden age.....)

"started throwing poo at them and chased them screaming, "You want some of this?! Huh?! DO YOU?!"

I never would have thought of that."

OMG I spit milk out all over my screen! thanks!

Ok I would go either eyes, throat, groin or shins. To me those are the best targets if they are available. The technique would be anything that seemed applicable at the moment.. hand strike to the eyes or throat..or kick to the groin or shin.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
I wouldn't move. Avoid all troubles if possible. If he throws punch, I might do tai chi's cloud hands, separate the horse's mane, then push him back/down :)


I agree that "the look" can work.

The comment about the patient hurling feces reminds me of stories of people avoiding sexual assaults by vomiting, urinating/defecating, or some such. Hurling feces is not uncommon in prisions as well. Extreme as it is, it's an example of the facts that a.) improvised weapons can be found more often than we think, and b.) self-defense doesn't mean you have to hurt the other person--just protect yourself, by whatever means necessary.
If talking him out of it didn't work and he threw a punch. I'd pivot slightly and deliver a front thrust kick to the side of his knee after he crumpled to the ground I walk away.
Take out his legs/knees/hips/ankle with a kick or kicks. Then, you pretty much do what you want after that.
I'd turn around and run like hell. If he happened to be one of the relitively few people who could catch me then I'd probably guard and wait for him to do something.