Damn flu


Senior Master
I am lying on bed with a nasty flu,last night returning home from dojang I knew Ihad the flu,my troat burns me and a lot of snifing,however the worst still coming, I could not sleep because of a terrible headhache,my nose was constipated and could not breath.

I could not close my eyes all night so I reported the office I could not make it today so I stay in home. The truth to be told I am angry cause today Iam home wanting to go training and maybe tomorrow I wont go either and I dont wana miss a class,cause need to work on my stamina.

Never EVER train when your sick...I did that once and wound up being transported to the local ER...Give your body a chance to heal itself...
I had the H1N1 flu back in November, and, although I returned to training after a week or so, I am just now starting to feel "normal" (as normal as I get, anyway). No matter how quickly you seem to recover, it takes a toll on your stamina for a long while.

Sorry to hear you're feeling lousy, Manny, and I hope you recover quickly. Take care, and don't push yourself.
Thank you all, I fell a little better so I am back in the office, however the flu has not gone yet. I feel blue cause I want to train every day if possible to get back in shape I really need it for my second dan test next july.

Today i will not atend tkd dojang but I want to go tomorrow so I will try to ask sambunim not to push me so hard cause this flu.

I am taking medication.

Manny, you need to REST. Pushing yourself, be it work or training, will only prolong things. Plus, you run the risk of infecting others.

I am feeling ill too. It's not the flu but I have a sore throat, nasty cough, and just feel all around crappy. I am going to laze about all day today. I HATE being sick.

Take care of yourself so you can get back to training. :asian:
This is directed not specifically at Manny. It's more a public service comment for everyone.

Adults can be contagious for up to 5-7 days after showing symptoms from influenza. Be courteous when you are sick: Stay away from the dojang, no matter how much you want to be there. It does you no good to train when you are ill, and it definitely is not a service to others when sick people show up and expose them to the germs.
Manny, I hope you feel better soon. Stay away from training until you do. It won't help you get better.

I know how frustrating it is when you're sick & can't train. I've got a cold for the 2nd time in 6 weeks. It's no fun. I tend to really want to train a lot when I can't due to illness or injury.

Be well!
Get plenty of rest and you'll heal much sooner.

I'm pretending to be sick today. The rain is so bad here that I decided to stay home
. Turned my phone off and got some wood burning in the fire place
Get plenty of rest and you'll heal much sooner.

I'm pretending to be sick today. The rain is so bad here that I decided to stay home
. Turned my phone off and got some wood burning in the fire place

That's called taking a "mental health" day and those are much needed too. :) Enjoy your day.
Stay home Manny and remember do not cough on any post you may get us sick....
I'm feeling a little better and think maybe next monday I could go training, wish me luck. God I really love TKD!


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