BJJ vs TKD...yep, let's kick the dead horse

judo is a seperate martial art, derived from jujitsu, yes, close to jujitsu, yes, but seperate, as Tang Soo Do is seperate from TKD

The japanese think so, and i will take thier word for it over the rabid 19 year old fan boys currently flocking to BJJ who think jujitsu dominated judo when the facts say otherwise:

"Kano devised a powerful system of new techniques and training methods, which famously culminated on June 11, 1886, in a tournament that would later be dramatized by celebrated Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosawa (黒沢 明 Kurosawa Akira, 1910–1998), in the film "Sanshiro Sugata" (1943). In that tournament, fifteen of Kano's students faced fifteen students from a rival jujutsu school. The result was two losses, one draw, and twelve victories for the judo students."

"Kosei Maeda known by the name of Konde Koma was a judo-ka who got out of Japan to spread Kodokan Judo to the world in Meiji period, and performed an open fight with a different style in each country"

now even Maeda called it judo sometimes and jujitsu other times, because at that time the split wasnt as pronounced as it is now.

not to mention that carlos gracie was a 6th dan in JUDO before forming BJJ........

SABJJ , you dont know what you are talking about

you should go hang out on the website that shall not be named, they are not that concerned with actual facts there, and this site is full of people, like myself that know the actual FACTS. something you seem to be lacking in.
And you rely on your BS facts from Wikipedia. You are an illinformed redneck who cant listen to anything rational. Stay in the dark...have fun!
And yes genius Judo WAS in fact formed from jiujitsu. It is not its own art yet a mere subset of Jiujitsu. Wow you people here think you know everything about Martial Arts. I guess anyone can google...
Gosh, reading all that has taken me ten minutes of my life I won't get back again. Can't you lot play nicely, if you carry on like this the thread will be locked and what could have been an interesting discussion will be remembered as the children fighting again.
Okay gentlemen, I think that's quite enough.

If you cannot argue like the adults I do you the credit of granting the status of, it is probably best if you let this bone lie for a while.

However, if you can continue to discuss the views you hold on the matter in hand without resorting to the sort of 'attitude' that has been seen hitherto, then please do.

Just bear in mind that there are certain standards of behaviour you agreed to when you signed up here and altho' certain leeway is granted for subjects which arouse passions in the Study Forum, that 'sea-room' does not apply elsewhere.

Further skirting of the boundaries of civilised debate can only hold one outcome and I happen to think that this subject is interesting enough for it to be a shame if this thread gets shackled.

EDIT: Ah, I see that Tez got there first. Quite so, good lady.

Kano's new system was not without obstacles, however, and many of the old line classical systems held back no criticism. This criticism was largely silenced by a match in 1886 between his Kodokan Judo School and that of the Yoshin ryu (jujutsu) organized by the Tokyo police department. Kano's school won thirteen victories, one draw and only two losses out of fifteen individual matches.

historical facts dont lie, BJJ fanboy's dont know any better

Although (there)was no clear distinction between Judo, and Jiu-Jitsu in the past, the current styles could not be more separate.

again, facts dont lie, fan boys though...........

Originally an offshoot of the hand-to-hand combat used by the samurai in ancient Japan, Judo has developed its own identity--one that stresses not just physical strength, but also moral and intellectual fortitude.

facts, the kryptonite of BJJ fan boys since 1992

look, I know, you love what you do, and clearly, you dont know any better, but quit while you are behind ok?

NO ONE disputes that judo came from JJ, but wether you like it or not, (1) judo is a seperate entity, (2)that in 1882 embarrassed the hell out of jujitsu in open competition, (3)Carlos gracie was a JUDO BB before forming BJJ, (4) Maeda was a JUDO BB before comming to Brazil

thats FOUR things you are flat out WRONG about.

quit now.
HEY, i am the one getting insulted and called names here. Every assertion I have made has been backed up with FACTS, and relevant links and posted in a manner consistant with the rules.

Gosh, reading all that has taken me ten minutes of my life I won't get back again. Can't you lot play nicely, if you carry on like this the thread will be locked and what could have been an interesting discussion will be remembered as the children fighting again.
As with many situations like this in the real as well as the virtual world, after the first exchange, who 'started it' is not the issue in question.

I can understand you might feel yourself to be the injured party and when your dander is up it is hard to pull back from the brink.

Nonetheless, I refer those in dispute to my previous post. It would be most advantageous to everyone viewing this thread with interest if it continues from this point in polite fashion.
Okay gentlemen, I think that's quite enough.

If you cannot argue like the adults I do you the credit of granting the status of, it is probably best if you let this bone lie for a while.

However, if you can continue to discuss the views you hold on the matter in hand without resorting to the sort of 'attitude' that has been seen hitherto, then please do.

Just bear in mind that there are certain standards of behaviour you agreed to when you signed up here and altho' certain leeway is granted for subjects which arouse passions in the Study Forum, that 'sea-room' does not apply elsewhere.

Further skirting of the boundaries of civilised debate can only hold one outcome and I happen to think that this subject is interesting enough for it to be a shame if this thread gets shackled.

EDIT: Ah, I see that Tez got there first. Quite so, good lady.

Sukerkin, you are more tactful than I am!

Ok lets try this one.....the word 'sport' has been put before several styles, my own, karate included. To my mind this means that the participants are usually doing a watered down style, usually non contact or at the very least minimal contact that actually debases the original art. I realise btw that no contact in judo/juijitsu is inpossible but I take it you know what I mean lol!
Has the argument here been about the 'sport' styles of our arts or the real thing? I put it to you gentleman that we have been looking at the 'sport' versions and assuming that is the proper thing.
BJJ when done properly and please do forget about the UFC ( btw did I tell you we have a fighter trying out next year for the TUF, thought I'd boast and let that one out) that's BJJ done under MMA fight rules, is quite a serious art with some serious defences and attacks. Likewise TKD, forget the Olympics, I have a friend who teaches 'real' TKD with kicks, punches, takedowns and a few quite nasty surprises. My own first love Wado Ryu has a great many takedowns and ground fighting moves because it's founder was also a juijitsu master.
Can we all find videos to show what our true art is or explain moves from our true arts? I think that way we will end up with us somewhere in the middle as opposed to opposite sides. Or we will all agree that the bastardisation of our arts is a bummer ( there - a nice American phrase I believe?0)I would have said it was bollocks personally!
I thought the whole point of this thread was that the horse is already dead. I thought the invitation was rhetorical. Guess I was wrong. :(
HEY, i am the one getting insulted and called names here. Every assertion I have made has been backed up with FACTS, and relevant links and posted in a manner consistant with the rules.

I'm an equal opportunity Ms Whiplash, when kids fight they all get shouted at!

I've met several Brazilians now whos primary art is BJJ, they are nice guys but have come up from the slums where you fight hard or don't survive, that's not in competition. They compete to make money, to make things better for themselves and family and that actually makes them fairly ruthless, their BJJ is also ruthless from what I've seen. It also makes them greedy on the whole but thats another argument.
I'm an equal opportunity Ms Whiplash, when kids fight they all get shouted at!

I dont care who you are, that right there's funny!!

as to the rest, well, those same people could make origami brutal, that comes from the mindset, which is, in martial arts as a whole, the single biggest "X Factor" in discussions of style vs style
A couple of points:

Wikipedia accuracy.
"Overall, Wikipedia's accuracy rate was 80 percent compared with 95-96 percent accuracy within the other sources. This study does support the claim that Wikipedia is less reliable than other reference resources. Furthermore, the research found at least five unattributed direct quotations and verbatim text from other sources with no citations.

Title: Comparison of Wikipedia and other encyclopedias for accuracy, breadth, and depth in historical articles
Author(s):Lucy Holman Rector
Journal:Reference Services Review
Page:7 - 22
Publisher:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Other studies I've seen referenced indicate Wiki is on par with Enc. Britannica, however I can't locate that link at the moment.

Judo & Jujutsu History

Considering that one or more of the above were reportedly there back in the beginning, I'll defer to them.

Personal Attacks:
MT Rules:

  • No "Flaming": Please do not post any messages that harrass, insult, belittle, threaten or flame another member or guest. NO insulting or personal attacks on other members - if some one insults you, do not retaliate but report the offending post using the 'report this post' button link located in each post's top right corner! Respect each others' opinions - you don't have to agree with them but please respect them.
  • Rudeness, flaming, trolling, or any messages (via the forum, e-mail, or PM) that constitute a personal attack will not be tolerated. You'll only get one warning. Any member who is intentionally unpleasant or disruptive may be banned without warning.
If you can't debate a topic without resorting to insults, get the hell off this site. Got a problem with this post, talk to Steering.
Awww, but I wanna kick the dead horse, too! :D

Personally I like the idea of doing ground and standup work. I like the idea of cross-training. But I'm also very committed to the idea of enjoying your training (even during times its not fun....LOL). I don't think cross-training should be "mandated", for lack of a better word. Some folks don't like stand-up arts, others don't like ground. Me, I like 'em both, but I absolutely loathe working out in class with someone doesn't want to be there!

Was it Jake of "Body by Jake" that said "Get fit, and don't quit?" Personally I think the most important thing a MAist can do is not quit. We train today to defend ourselves tonight, if we have to...but if we want to be able to defend ourselves 10 or 20 years later, we need to be training for the next 10 or 20 years. The theories, the training, the cross-training...their fullest potential can only be realized if the student doesn't quit.

Soo...(how's that dead horse looking?) Which is best? TKD? BJJ? Both? IMO, The one that will result in the most interest and longevity to the student is the one that's best. :asian:
Aye, that's the wisdom that sticks, Carol :rei:.

I've said it before in other threads which touched on the "Which art is best?" question - it's the art in which a student continues training. Everything else is moot.
Aye, that's the wisdom that sticks, Carol :rei:.

I've said it before in other threads which touched on the "Which art is best?" question - it's the art in which a student continues training. Everything else is moot.
Very true, I suppose there will always be "haters" of BJJ. Its just something we deal with. Those of us that have been around it for years before BJJ was the cool thing to do realize what it takes to be successful in our art. No art is better than another. The only real thing that matters is if you like it or not. Nuff said..Im done now...:soapbox:(Stepping down)
Very true, I suppose there will always be "haters" of BJJ. Its just something we deal with. Those of us that have been around it for years before BJJ was the cool thing to do realize what it takes to be successful in our art. No art is better than another. The only real thing that matters is if you like it or not. Nuff said..Im done now...:soapbox:(Stepping down)

sometimes the martial arts is kind of like a family arguement. i can say whatever i want about my brother, but nobody outside of the family had better say anything!

i'm not a bjj practioner, & i have my criticisms of it. but it's still jujitsu, & it's still grappling, & i hate to see it derided by those who aren't grapplers.

The funny thing is that over here it's a BJJ v MMA thng, it's always Gi or no-Gi with the argument going that when attacked in the street neither you nor your attacker will be wearing Gis so why train SD with a Gi on! We don't tend have have quite so many arguments about TMA v MMA.
interesting. i think there's a degree of that here, too, at least in terms of gi vs no gi. in terms of bjj vs mma being better for defense or streetfighting, i think most americans in those communities think bjj is good, mma is better.

i have several mma-focused guys who train with me at my grappling club, & most of them have really needed a good-hard convincing about the value of judo for mma. i praise judo up & down to these guys. but you should hear some of the stuff i say about judo when it's just me & my judo coach. just like family.

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I think it is time to roll out my completely crap satire again! Now with improved punchline courteosy of TheLetch1......

A satire

No-shizu practitioner: I think that Lactalose is better than Senokot for constipation!

Carapa-poo practitioner: No way dude the only true answer to constipation is Senna!

No-shizu practitioner: You must be kidding! Not trying to disrespect your laxative training man! but I've tried Senna at least twice and it just gave me a stomach ache so I know from real life experience that the only thing that can help true constipation is Lactalose!

Carapa-poo practitioner: No way, I've been constipated loads of times and the only thing that has worked for me is Senna! It's scientific fact man! Where is your laxative when your feacal matter is impacted in the upper intestines!

No-shizu practitioner: At least 90% of constipation situations end up in the lower intestine!

Carapa-poo practitioner: The last place I would want to be concentrating on in a constipation situation is the lower intestine. What about multiple stomach cramps?

Poopershooter: You are both wrong of course! The only thing that offers true protection from constipation is a fully loaded enema! Empty syringe techinques are a waste of time in modern day society!

Carapa-poo practitioner: Surely thats excessive force!

Poopershooter: I'd rather be judged by 12 gastrologists than buried by a poo!

Reasonableman: Surely all of these approaches to constipation are valid and it depends on the individual person and their needs?

No-shizu practitioner,Carapa-poo practitioner & Poopershooter together: Shut up man! You are so full of crap!

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