Awww crud. Diabetes here too (maybe).


Crazy like a...
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Jan 16, 2006
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Since the beginning of the year, I've gained a lot of weight...with no apparent explanation. Over the last six weeks I even improved my exercise routine with the help of my chiro, and still gained 10 pounds. My mood and concentration has been pretty crappy as well. Not good for someone that has to think and analyze for a living.

I talked with the doc, she ordered a lot of blood work. We went over the results today. In her words: "You need a bit of tweaking".

High blood glucose, low thyroid, very low vitamin D.

My thyroid meds have been upped, and I now have an Rx Vitamin D supplement.

The blood glucose levels are another story. The results are artificially high because I wasn't fasting. I honestly don't remember if I was told to fast before the blood was drawn...blood glucose wasn't really on my mind. I was more concerned about my (bad) thyroid conking out (more). But, based on some of the other indicators in the bloodwork, doc thinks I'm at least pre-diabetic. :(

So...I go in Monday morning for the blasted 5 hour glucose tolerance test. And, just to add to the fun, my doc is going to run an additional panel of tests that need to be done after an 8-10 hour fast.

Wish me luck. While I'm actually looking forward to getting some more definitive answers, its not going to be a fun day. I'm the kind of person that hates needles and would rather have my blood stay right where it is...LOL!

Bill, couldja save me a seat please? :D
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Carol sorry to hear you are having trouble with your health, my prayer goes out to you. Keep thinking great thoughts.
The blood glucose levels are another story. The results are artificially high because I wasn't fasting. I honestly don't remember if I was told to fast before the blood was drawn...blood glucose wasn't really on my mind. I was more concerned about my (bad) thyroid conking out (more). But, based on some of the other indicators in the bloodwork, doc thinks I'm at least pre-diabetic. :(

I'm really sorry to hear that, but hang in there - years ago, I went in for a physical and didn't fast - they also showed my blood glucose high - all I had was a cup of black coffee that morning! When I went back and did it again with the fasting, my levels were normal (back then).

So you might just be fine on the diabetes - I sure hope so! And pre-diabetic is just a wake-up call. I have a fellow karateka at my dojo who is 71; he's been 'pre-diabetic' for 20 years. He's in great shape, takes no meds, just 'something to keep an eye on'.

I'm pulling for you, let us know what happens!
Thinking of you this morning, Carol. Hugs to you, and please keep us posted on how your doctors visit goes.
I join my thoughts and wishes to those above, Carol.

Somewhat like yourself, needles petrify me - even knowing why that is doesn't help, I guess that's why they call it a phobic reaction :lol: -the best thing I find for me to do is to look away and think of something calming or distracting.
Aw Carol. I hate to hear this. :( Hang in there girl. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Stay positive.

Stay skeptical.

Blood glucose tests, and that battery of tests they perform on folks, are often misleading. What is in a 'normal' range for one person gives another person serious symptoms. Western medicine is a very odd thing.
I'm sorry to hear that Carol. Sending good thoughts your way. Hope it's a false alarm. All the best.
Stay positive.

Stay skeptical.

Blood glucose tests, and that battery of tests they perform on folks, are often misleading. What is in a 'normal' range for one person gives another person serious symptoms. Western medicine is a very odd thing.

I'm not sure I'd suggest being skeptical of what her doctor tells her. I've already had one lunatic family member of mine tell me that diabetes is a made-up conspiracy by the drug companies, and that I should just stop taking my meds, because it's all in my head. Yeah, right. That rapid weight loss and non-stop peeing day and night - all made up. If I listened to the skeptics, I'd be about a week away from being dead now.

Western medicine works. I suggest listening to the doctor and following his or her advice.
Sorry to hear that. Hope your tests on Monday go well.