Another Video View Of The Now Infamous Ki Master vs. MMA Fighter in Japan!

Brian R. VanCise

MT Moderator
Staff member
Sep 9, 2004
Reaction score
Las Vegas, Nevada
Ki Master In Action

I am amazed at what he can get people (students) to do with this form of self hypnosis. However, when faced with someone that does not believe.

Now To The Fight With MMA Fighter!
How much more evidence do people need?

I mean no nasty personal criticism of the MMA chap but his 'kung fu' was weak and he still beat the Ki Master {oh for Sarcasm font :lol:}. Of course, it could be that he was being nice and didn't want to hit a chap who was so wide open?
I wonder if the word guard means anything to the ki master, i wish these people would just disappear.
Traditional martial arts has got a bad enough name already with out these tossers making it worse.
That 'fight' is so cringe making and I feel so embarrassed for the old guy who thought he could stand up to a fighter. The MMA chap was barely sparring either, if it had been a 'for real' fight or a street attack it would have probably have killed the 'master'.
That 'fight' is so cringe making and I feel so embarrassed for the old guy who thought he could stand up to a fighter.

Embarrassing is the word, all right... :erg:
What I always find amazing is these Ki masters believe their hype and still willing to go against a real fighter.

You have to assume, I think, that they've convinced themselves that they can really do this.... though it's odd: I didn't get the sense, from the second video, that this 'Ki master' was trying to do the same kind of mumbo-jumbo with the MMA fighter that he was in the first video... :idunno:
Getting students to do something or convincing them it works can make for some “interesting” demonstrations, however when faced with a non student or disbeliever many techniques may not work, unless the are based on reality.
I don't know which fascinates me more - that such people believe their own mystique, or that they get so many other people to believe it, as seen by the number of students who are "defeated" by the "master".
I play wit Ki projection (it's just EMP) but not as a way to fight, it's for sensativity.

I have pushed people back and had them collapse on themselkves that were not ready for it, but I would NEVER trust it in a fight.

I do beleive it can add to an actual physical technique, but it's like hot sauce, it's not the meal, just some seasoning.

These guys must think they are Sith and Jedi=)
Y'know... what's saddest to me is that the "ki master" actually has some skill. In that first video, a couple of times he ends up with people too close and actually lays hands on them or evades and parries. One that really caught my eye had a person with blue gloves on who threw some sort of straight punch, and was parried and thrown for real... rather nicely, in fact.
What's so bad about that second video is that he lacks even a basic ability to defend himself when being punched.
As I have said many times before about guys that claim this great ability of Ki/Qi. They have at least successfully done one thing... taught their students how to fall down

And ironically he fell down as a victim of his own hype
What's so bad about that second video is that he lacks even a basic ability to defend himself when being punched.

I agree. The MMA guy almost seemed to be a little confused like "Am I really supposed to hit this guy? I'm used to fighting people who can at least somewhat defend themselves... what do I do now?"
That's just what I was getting at above, Fearless - which is why I added the proviso that I intended no disrespect to the MMA chap.
Hello, The power of KI? within us...and is not a magic power source like this OLD master believe.....

KI comes from years of hard training (physcial).....His Ki is a form of hynostis....

IF this type of KI the old man uses was true? ....HE would be famous and it would be BIG NEWS....and every MMA and any martial artist would be training in it..including the Military,police,CIa, and every body guard systems in the world.

Martial arts is hard physcial work...years of make it a natural part of us.....Yet it can take days to learn a few things to defend yourself...liking learning to poke the eyes,smash a person nose,step on the ankles,striking the throat....and biting.....and escaping...

Lots of NON-martial artist have use these techniques successfully....Aloha

THERE IS NO MAGIC IN MARTIAL ARTS .....except for tricks......hands can be faster than the eyes....any one can be fool too......

Aloha, Believe it or NOT?
As Santayana famously said "those who forget history are condemned to repeat it." This is a good example of this. Maybe this so called Ki Master never heard of the Boxer Rebellion in China ? Martial arts was discredited for years after that due to the fact that some Chinese martial artists were deluded into believing that their ki/chi/energy would protect them from bullets....only to find out differently. So I was not surprised at all by how poorly he fared against the MMA fella.

Those who believe that "no touch" KOs can actually work in the street and train accordingly are in for a rude awakening. That kind of stuff defies all scientific laws as we know it.

Take care,
What, on, earth, would posess this guy to do that again???!!!

He must really believe this crap. Uh...wait. No. He can't believe it. It's crap. He HAS to know that, right?

Now someone is going to come along and say that he claims to be a "ninja master", and use it to discredit the x-kans...again.