10th degree


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Founding Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 29, 2001
Reaction score
Athol, Ma. USA
Anybody know how many people Mr. Parker promoted to 10th degree or maybe I should say how many he put his name on the certificate for their 10th?
And who they where?
Do you mean of American Kenpo, or did you mean recognize the person as creating their own unique martial art?

In American Kenpo, Mr. Parker promoted a handful of people to 7'th Deg.

I think he also promoted Elvis Presley to 8'th in the 70s. I have never heard of any other promotion by him above 7'th in American Kenpo.

But who am I to know what Mr. Parker did, really? :asian:
How many did he reconise as creating their own art?
If I'm correct Nick Cerio (sp) was promoted to grandmaster and Mr. Parkers was one of the people who promoted and agreed with this. I've heard there where others.
No disrespect to anyone ment.
Ed Parker ranked no one to 10th. He gave some 7ths, an 8th to Elvis, and signed Nick Cerios certificate, but never gave him the rank. He just agreed.

Any of the 10th today have given themselves that rank or been given it through associations they run etc.

But then again, no one ranked Parker to 10th either.
Ok, Parker never Promoted anyone to 10th but did sign a few certificates. Now after his death I know there was a lot of internal conflict with more than a few people thing they should take over. Yes I know that his son now runs that segment of the Kempo family.
Anyone have any idea how many branches where created at that te by people wanting to run things.
I had just finshed studying with Steve Spry Befor Mr. Parkers death and I know That steve now runs his own Organisation.
Its not my place to say if he deserves to be the head man in anything I just dont think a 3rd dan should jump to the top of the list.
I know there are others who did the same thing and its a shame (imo) that gread and can distroy ansystem so easaly. I have seen it befor but it still bothers me
Ed Parker Jr. doesn't run any organization. He will sell you manuals and stuff if you ask and his own artwork but he's basically an artist. He's been asked to run a lot of things and always declined.

However, I in no way shape or form speak for Ed Parker Jr. He does that for himself.

I have spoken with Steve Spry and actually bought a lifetime membership in his organization back in the day. However I no longer train with/under his organization. He seemed like a nice guy when I spoke with him.

There are a ton of Kenpo guys out there. Every kenpo page has weblinks. I myself have a page, although I only list people I would suggest people check out.


This page is by no means complete but a starting guide.
Originally posted by tshadowchaser
its a shame (imo) that greed can destroy a system so easily. I have seen it before but it still bothers me

...and you'll see it again.

"Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful ship, the passengers set sail that day, on a man's life long trip!

The weather started getting rough, the head of the system lost! If not for the courage of a few arnisadors, the arnis would be tossed.

The ship set ground on the shore of this unchartered desert isle, the passengers all jumped off the boat, yelling "I'm now the king" to the rank and file!"

In other words...Watch Modern Arnis. Now that Remy is gone they'll tear each other apart. Remy was the only one who held the can of whoop @ss big enough to hold it all together.
I stand corrected on Mr. ED Parker Jr.
I was given bad information it seems.

Gou, if I may ask what year(s) did you study with Spry? just courious
In other words...Watch Modern Arnis. Now that Remy is gone they'll tear each other apart. Remy was the only one who held the can of whoop @ss big enough to hold it all together.

Isn't Dan Inosanto a practitioner of Arnis?
Hi Kirk,

Modern Arnis in this case refers to a particular style/system of Arnis.

The terminology in the Fillipino MA's is more than somewhat confusing as instructors shift between calling their system escrima, arnis, or kali. There is alot of history behind the different names and lots of different systems.

Dan Inosanto has studied several styles of escrima/arnis/kali but not Modern Arnis (or if he did, not enough to be considered a high mucky muck in the Modern A hierarchy).

Just trying to clarify,

Originally posted by tshadowchaser
Gou, if I may ask what year(s) did you study with Spry? just courious

I didn't study with Steve Spry. I studied under a student of his, Mr. Jamie Seabrook. This was in 95/96.
Thanks Gou,
I was just wondering if we had been there in the same time period. I was there a few years earlyer. I sat on the promotion board for his first student to test for Black.
I was around just after he opened up on Beach Blvd. Befor the strip joint moved next door.I even remember when he was on LaPalma Blvd. befor he moved to Beach.but I didn't study with him at that time.
Any chance you ever met Neil Boneiface(sp)
sorry never could spell that name.
I'm in Canada. We have nothing but snow here. That and bears. But we have 2 kinds. Polar and every other kind.
There was one other promotion to 8th Degree Black Belt (Associate Master). This rank was awarded to the legendary Jay. T. Will in which my kenpo lineage is traced back to GM Parker through is student Master Ed. Hutchison. Master Will was Master Hutchison's Instructor and just 1 of the 10,000 or more students of Master Will! Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
That's news to me. I'm having a hard time believeing it. Jay T. Will is a great Martial Artists but I thought his 8th and so on came from Tracy's.
From The Ed Parker Family Tree, which was last revised 1982, Jay “T” Will is listed under the Al & Jim Tracy Family Tree.

But I have spoken to many people who say that Tree is so politically motivated that it's not worth much.
Well, some may say that Tree is politically motivated and not worth much, but this tree is exactly as published by Ed Parker in 1982.

Maybe, the only people who complain are the ones that claim they should have been on the tree (with no proof - or diplomas), and are not. Mr. Parker never changed the Tree.

Or maybe there are those who are on the tree who were apologized to when they saw it before it was published. Those who might have been given the explanation that the politics were needed to keep the ship running smoothly.

The tree is the tree. Like it or not I suppose eh?
