How many Kenpo 10th degrees?



As many of you Kenpoists know, this past weekend Mr. Paul Mills was promoted to the rank of 10th degree. This made me curious. I would like to know how many 10th degrees there are in Kenpo, and American Kenpo in particular. Please, if you want to post your opinion of any of the 10th degrees, at least keep it polite. I would not like this to turn into a flame fest. This is posted this out of curiosity only. Thanks.
I found this at the IKKO site. Mr. Conatser, I hope you don't mind.
I added a couple who I think have been promoted since the IKKO site has updated them.

Al Tracy - 10th Degree
Joe Palanzo - 10th Degree
Larry Tatum - 10th Degree
Dave Hebler - 10th Degree
Mike Pick - 10th Degree
Joe Demmick - 10th Degree
Steve (Sanders) Mohamad - 10th Degree
Donnie Williams - 10th Degree
Jim Mitchell - 10th Degree
Ron Chap'el - 10th Degree
Chuck Sullivan - 10th Degree
Dale Petit - 10th Degree
Bob Rose - 10th Degree
John McSweeney - 10th Degree
Huk Planas - 10th Degree(I think)
Frank Trejo - 10th Degree
Paul Mills - 10th Degree
Vic LeRoux - 10th Degree

Any more out there?
I have nothing against 10th degrees per se. I do take issue with people, who for one reason or another, have felt it was ok to also use the title Senior Grand Master. That title is Mr. Parker's alone. When one has such a lofty degree, I believe that you have to look at WHO promoted him, was it A contemporary, was it his body of students, or a body of his contemporaries that were all high ranking (senior) black belts at the time of Mr. Parker's death.
Just for comparison, those with a star claimed the rank of 10th degree at the time that The Journey was published

# Doreen Cogliandro
# Dennis Conatser
# Skip Hancock
# Bryan Hawkins
# Dave Hebler *
# Sean Kelley
# Stephen LaBounty
# Vic LeRoux
# Bob Liles
# Paul Mills
# Steve Muhammad *
# Mike Pick *
# Richard Planas
# Rainer Schulte
# John Sepulveda
# Jeff Speakman
# Chuck Sullivan *
# Dian Tanaka
# Larry Tatum *
# Frank Trejo
# Gilbert Velez
# Lee Wedlake
# Bob White
# Donnie Williams*
I guess until you see it in black and white one would have never thought there were so many 10ths.:asian:
Makes me wonder :rolleyes: I know there's 2 names on there that didn't want it, the rest I believe were craving it and got it.


Klondike (aka Chuck)
Dian Tanaka has never claimed a 10th, and always worn her rank (5th, now 6th I think) when attending my former Association functions, in the UKS . Did this change recently???

Bob Liles was 8th Black last time I saw him, with no asperations for a 10th. What is up with your putting him on the list?

Dennis Conatser, everyone on this forum knows his rank.

So now I am looking closer. You have lots of names on there that are not claiming 10th Degrees. They just have # signs by there names. Do you have a question here or an observation? I am just missing it. The topic is about EXISTING 10th Degrees!!!
they listed everyone in the journey, and put * by the names of anyone in that book who claimed a 10th.
Originally posted by Michael Billings
Dian Tanaka has never claimed a 10th, and always worn her rank (5th, now 6th I think) when attending my former Association functions, in the UKS . Did this change recently???

Bob Liles was 8th Black last time I saw him, with no asperations for a 10th. What is up with your putting him on the list?

Dennis Conatser, everyone on this forum knows his rank.

So now I am looking closer. You have lots of names on there that are not claiming 10th Degrees. They just have # signs by there names. Do you have a question here or an observation? I am just missing it. The topic is about EXISTING 10th Degrees!!!

LOL........ Would you please get some "GLASSES" and read carefully the entire post...... these were people in "The Journey" those with * behind thier names were claiming 10ths when the book came out ..... thats all. LOL geeze.... you trying to start a riot? lol

:shrug: :rofl:
Does anyone know the year that these men started Kenpo? Including Mr. Kelly and Sigung Labounty?
I'm sure everyone knew about Mr. Parker, and that's why his name wasn't mentioned earlier. I'll be sending a PM your way in just a minute.

I am sure there are more 10ths out there. I believe there is a guy in Las Vegas named Al Farnsworth who is wearing a tenth. We all know Clyde's opinion of him. :D Any others anyone can think of?
I figured out "The Journey" part. I just did not see the relevance of listing everyone in it as vs the "10th's". I thought there may be more to the post that I was missing??

"Party on dudes" -Bill & Ted

Personally, I liked that they listed everyone. It shows, that with so many seniors that we respect, so few claim a 10th.
So "they" is the appropriate pronoun to use when refering to me nightingale? ;-)

Originally posted by Michael Billings
I figured out "The Journey" part. I just did not see the relevance of listing everyone in it as vs the "10th's". I thought there may be more to the post that I was missing??

It was for comparison purposes. Here is a big list of the most well respected American Kenpo Seniors, and of those how many claimed the rank of 10th degree (at that time). Does that make more sense?
Originally posted by Elfan
So "they" is the appropriate pronoun to use when refering to me nightingale? ;-)

Well "Elfan" is a rather gender ambiguous name... I didn't want to use the wrong pronoun.
Where did they acquire that rank, from whom,why, for what, and do they really deserve it!

Al Tracy............... - 10th Degree
Joe Palanzo............ - 10th Degree
Larry Tatum............ - 10th Degree
Dave Hebler............ - 10th Degree
Mike Pick.............. - 10th Degree
Joe Demmick............ - 10th Degree
Steve (Sanders) Mohamad - 10th Degree
Donnie Williams........ - 10th Degree
Jim Mitchell........... - 10th Degree
Ron Chap'el............ - 10th Degree
Chuck Sullivan......... - 10th Degree
Dale Petit............. - 10th Degree
Bob Rose............... - 10th Degree
John McSweeney......... - 10th Degree
Huk Planas............. - 10th Degree
Frank Trejo............ - 10th Degree
Paul Mills............. - 10th Degree
Vic LeRoux............. - 10th Degree
Ralph Castallenos...... - 10th Degree
George Maughn.......... - 10th Degree
Al Farnsworth.......... - 10th Degree

Sad thing is there are 3 "9th Degrees" that Deserve to be on the List more than "Most" of
the above!

Steve LaBounty ~ Tom Kelly ~ Bob White
