Mr. Frank Trejo - 10th Degree ?


Black Belt
Founding Member
Oct 22, 2001
Reaction score
I just got a flyer for a training camp this summer that has
Mr. Trejo listed as a 10th degree Black Belt.
Not sure if this is a mis-print, or if he was promoted some where.
Anyone here know anything?


According to AKSC, this page was last modified may 20, 2002, so if he was promoted, it was within the last three weeks, or AKSC didn't update everything.

Black Belt Magazine listed him as 9th degree in August, 2001

Most other websites about him listed 9th dan, except this one below,

I've seen Mr. Trejo on the bulletin board, so they may have better info there.
Although I am a no one in the "kenpo world". This does'nt surprise me. Alot of the higher ranking (5th and above) personal students, or inner circle personnel have been "promoted". Since Mr.Parker's passing. A few are, Mr.Palanzo,Mr.Tatum, and Mr.Wedlake. I believe most of the promotions have come about through Association decrees. There are alot of not so inner circle people who have reached the upper echelon of rankings too, but as my Grand Daddy used to say. Unless your phone rings, don't answer it cause chances are ain't none a your business...

Salute :asian:
Originally posted by donald

Although I am a no one in the "kenpo world". This does'nt surprise me. Alot of the higher ranking (5th and above) personal students, or inner circle personnel have been "promoted". Since Mr.Parker's passing. A few are, Mr.Palanzo,Mr.Tatum, and Mr.Wedlake. I believe most of the promotions have come about through Association decrees. There are alot of not so inner circle people who have reached the upper echelon of rankings too, but as my Grand Daddy used to say. Unless your phone rings, don't answer it cause chances are ain't none a your business...

Salute :asian:


I was there when Wedlake was promoted to seventh. He was promoted by Frank Trejo and Huk Planas not by any association. I was not there when he was promoted to 8th but to the best of my knowledge Huk promoted him to that rank as well. The only promotion I know of and personally participated in as an 'asoociation' type promotion was Huk to 9th. Many black belts from around the country signed the petition to promote him. I think the total signatures was over 500 spanning several organizations(the folder is some 3" thick).

My question for you is; do you have some kind of problem with people promoting in the higher ranks? If so, please explain.

I'm sure if you went to his website, you can get through it off my website:
Then asked him he'd tell you.

As far as I know he was given a 10th by the WKKA. However, to the best of my knowledge he doesn't wear it unless in their company or their seminars/camps.

But heck, ask him.
Thanks for the web addys.

Gou, I did some looking, and it appears you are correct sir.

Wow, the truth from Gou, without any arm twisting, or beer!
That has got to be a first!!
I'm losing it in my old age.

That systema guy last night was impressed with your school.
Originally posted by Roland

I just got a flyer for a training camp this summer that has
Mr. Trejo listed as a 10th degree Black Belt.
Not sure if this is a mis-print, or if he was promoted some where.
Anyone here know anything?


Dang it, I got passed over again. This is too much! Where is Mr. Conatser at??? I got a BIG bone to pick!:soapbox:
Bone to pick?

I have a groin muscle that needs pulling...which way to the nurse's station?
Originally posted by GouRonin

Bone to pick?

I have a groin muscle that needs pulling...which way to the nurse's station?

Lord Ronin, That was not cool! And I ain't no nurse!:samurai:
WKKA Camp in Baltimore several months ago. Joe Palanzo made the announcement..... Mr. Kelly politely declined saying that as long as his original teacher (Steve LaBounty) is a 9th he will go no farther until he moves up. After this, Frank also declined. But who knows they can change their minds at anytime.

It is refreshing, I must say... to see some honor alive and well today yet with some.!!

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

WKKA Camp in Baltimore several months ago. Joe Palanzo made the announcement..... Mr. Kelly politely declined saying that as long as his original teacher (Steve LaBounty) is a 9th he will go no farther until he moves up. After this, Frank also declined. But who knows they can change their minds at anytime.

It is refreshing, I must say... to see some honor alive and well today yet with some.!!


Would you ever accept a 10th? Why or why not?
I can barely get my white belt tied on. A 10th would be too much. Those are some heavy bars.
Originally posted by Kirk

Would you ever accept a 10th? Why or why not?

Depending upon the circumstances and who was behind it. It would have to be done in the proper fashion and with the proper force and dignity behind it. No "good ole boys" or personal students and friends promotions - we already can see what the outcome of that is.
Hey, I don't care what belt these guys where. They have a lot of knowledge to share and earned my respect regardless of what their belt says.
Originally posted by Kirk

Would you ever accept a 10th? Why or why not?
Not likely, I have no real aspirations beyond 7th, never did. I figure I shoulde there in about 20 more years. That's enough of a goal for me, and a reachable one. I could attain that and still maintain my self respect without a major infusion of ego that so many seem to get with it. I am talking of the people I have personal experience with. Your Mileage May Vary
Heh....I doubt that I would be *alive* at the time when I could even be *considered* for a 10th......

I think it would depend on the circumstances, as GoldenDragon said. However, I don't plan on being anywhere NEAR 10th for most of my life, so I won't worry about it.

My figuring is, if I can make it to 8th at any point before I die, then I have really achieved something.......but I felt that way about my Black, too.

Okay, let me amend my statement, then: If I can continue on in the arts until I die, then I have really achieved something.....
