Well I look at it like this we allow junior BB because the Kukkiwon allows them. My sons are Junior BB and handle themself very well do they know everything NO, but look at it like this do we, No. Being a marttial artist is a lifetime journey and the belt you wear does not mean anything if you do not respect it and those that have giving it to you. Well I'm not for it or against it but I rather just say each there own.
I agree with part of this. You're right, we don't know everything...at least I don't. I still learn with every lesson I take.

Interestingly enough, I was taking an Arnis lesson last night. My inst. commented that many times, when people test, they just do the bare minimum to pass the test. Sure, this is fine if you're a low ranking belt, but, once you reach the upper ranks, you should be doing more than the bare minimum. You should be able to do more than that. You should be performing at a different level. I have to say that I agree with this.
Is a 12 yo 2nd degree BB going to comprehend things on the same level as say a 30 yo 2nd degree?
You brought up a good point when you said the belt we wear doesn't mean anything. As I've said, its the knowledge and skill, to name a few things, that the person has, that means more than any belt. But, when people see someone walking around with a black belt, and possibly one that has stripes on it, the average person is going to assume that the person must know something.
The problem, or at least one of the problems stems from the fact that many times, its not a case of knowing the material well, but the fact that the person has met the standard time frame for rank advancement, thus, regardless of whether or not they know or can perform anything, they still get promoted. 9 times out of 10, when a person enrolls, either themselves or their child in a martial arts program, one of the first things they inquire about is rank and how long it takes to advance.