still learning
Senior Master
Hello, The topic of "should kids be promote to black belt" is interesting with lot s of info's and toughts
That brings this topic " What is your standards of what a black belt should be and for promotion requirements?
Should we set up a National and maybe a International requirements of Standards? For Black belts?
As we age should those requirements be always met? Like fire fighters and the navy seals. Could we lose the right to carry a black belt because we no longer train as hard? (If a national standards were set, physcial and mental)
Make a list of what should be a standard requirement to be promoted to a black belt? Make it for all ages and years of practice? and what if they quit and stop training, or ageing? (should they still have the ranking) since a standard was set?
Just a thought? ......Aloha
That brings this topic " What is your standards of what a black belt should be and for promotion requirements?
Should we set up a National and maybe a International requirements of Standards? For Black belts?
As we age should those requirements be always met? Like fire fighters and the navy seals. Could we lose the right to carry a black belt because we no longer train as hard? (If a national standards were set, physcial and mental)
Make a list of what should be a standard requirement to be promoted to a black belt? Make it for all ages and years of practice? and what if they quit and stop training, or ageing? (should they still have the ranking) since a standard was set?
Just a thought? ......Aloha