Would you hit a woman who was unarmed?

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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Would you hit a woman who was unarmed but attacking you?

I have seen women one shot and knock out men.
I have seen big women take out big and medium guys.

When their is violence. There are only its.
Because Ladies and gentlemen are not in the middle of it.
Men and women are. And I am not going to stop and ask.

As to kids or those of a child build they are easier to address, unless a force multiplier is involved.


Yellow Belt
Jul 11, 2017
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It would probably depend on the situation and my perception of the danger but... probably. I don't like to admit it, but I'm at a distinct disadvantage with gait, balance, and walking issues.

That said, it is probably easy for even a child to beat me up if they want to--or at least knock me off my feet, steal my cane, and run. :p

Tony Dismukes

MT Moderator
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Nov 11, 2005
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Lexington, KY
I would apply the same test for hitting a woman who was attacking me as I would for a man: Is this individual presenting a significant danger to me that I can't safely handle with a lower level of force?

Now, statistically speaking, there are fewer women than men who would present such a danger. Women, on average, are smaller, physically weaker, and less likely to have significant fighting experience than men. I'm a 6'4", 200 lb man with 41 years of martial arts training and a black belt in BJJ. Against the majority of women out there, if they attacked me unarmed, I could safely defend myself by deflecting their attacks, restraining them, or just letting them hurt themselves on my blocks. (The same would go for a much smaller, weaker, and untrained man.)

But real world attacks come from individuals, not statistical averages. There are women out there who could hurt me badly if I didn't take them every bit as seriously as a male attacker. If I were ever attacked by such a woman I would treat them just the same as a man who posed a real threat to me - which might include hitting them.


Sr. Grandmaster
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MT Mentor
Jun 27, 2011
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When I was eighteen I was in a very crowded, very big, night club that we occasionally frequented. It was a college gin mill with an occupancy limit of eight hundred people, but it was always over the occupancy limit, way over.

A woman in her late twenties, who was nearby to us, was drunk and rowdy. She approached me and spit a mouthful of beer into my face. I stood there thinking WTF?

She then picked up a pitcher of beer and threw that in my face. Her girlfriends, also drunk, were cheering her on. She took a lit cigarette from one of her friends and went to put it out on my forehead. I slapped her, hard, and pushed her away.

Bouncers in the club were hurrying over to us, but the place was jammed packed and it took them a few seconds. They picked her up and threw her out of the club. They then offered me a bouncing job, which I took and started working that very night. That was my first bouncer’s job.

I worked that job three nights a week, (soaked with beer that first night) never filled out any paperwork and was paid in cash at the end of every shift. My, how things have changed.

That was the first, last and only time I’ve ever raised a hand to a woman, or ever will. I was young, stupid and just reacted. I don’t feel the least bit bad about it, but have enough experience now to rectify that situation in a more peaceful and professional manner.
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Black Belt
Dec 23, 2017
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You mean like Sean Connery style? No way man! Knife welding? Without hesitation. The real question is would you hit a pregnant man?

Wing Woo Gar

Senior Master
Sep 30, 2021
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Northern California
When I was eighteen I was in a very crowded, very big, night club that we occasionally frequented. It was a college gin mill with an occupancy limit of eight hundred people, but it was always over the occupancy limit, way over.

A woman in her late twenties, who was nearby to us, was drunk and rowdy. She approached me and spit a mouthful of beer into my face. I stood there thinking WTF?

She then picked up a pitcher of beer and threw that in my face. Her girlfriends, also drunk, were cheering her on. She took a lit cigarette from one of her friends and went to put it out on my forehead. I slapped her, hard, and pushed her away.

Bouncers in the club were hurrying over to us, but the place was jammed packed and it took them a few seconds. They picked her up and threw her out of the club. They then offered me a bouncing job, which I took and started working that very night. That was my first bouncer’s job.

I worked that job three nights a week, (soaked with beer that first night) never filled out any paperwork and was paid in cash at the end of every shift. My, how things have changed.

That was the first, last and only time I’ve ever raised a hand to a woman, or ever will. I was young, stupid and just reacted. I don’t feel the least bit bad about it, but have enough experience now to rectify that situation in a more peaceful and professional manner.
So you liked it and wanted to have more similar experiences? Interesting, I’m not kink shaming…


Green Belt
Aug 30, 2022
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I defend myself and others in whatever manner and to whatever extent seems appropriate given the circumstances and the level of the threat. Gender issues don't come into it. Because I'm not an idiot.
Agreed some guys have this idea that women are the gentler sex, if the physical attributes of men and women were switched over so that women had superior strength I bet you would soon see lots of battered men, read some accounts of how Comanche women treated their prisoners, treat any attacker as just that and forget everything else.


Senior Master
Mar 20, 2004
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I've modified my answer after working in LE/Corrections for the past 25 years.

I'd never hit a lady....

A lady is NEVER going to act in a manner that would result in me having to put hands on her. A female/woman on the other hand, may have to. I know based on experience, we've had more staff hurt when having an altercation with a female because they don't want to go hands on and don't control the situation like they would do if it were a male.

Wing Woo Gar

Senior Master
Sep 30, 2021
Reaction score
Northern California
When I was eighteen I was in a very crowded, very big, night club that we occasionally frequented. It was a college gin mill with an occupancy limit of eight hundred people, but it was always over the occupancy limit, way over.

A woman in her late twenties, who was nearby to us, was drunk and rowdy. She approached me and spit a mouthful of beer into my face. I stood there thinking WTF?

She then picked up a pitcher of beer and threw that in my face. Her girlfriends, also drunk, were cheering her on. She took a lit cigarette from one of her friends and went to put it out on my forehead. I slapped her, hard, and pushed her away.

Bouncers in the club were hurrying over to us, but the place was jammed packed and it took them a few seconds. They picked her up and threw her out of the club. They then offered me a bouncing job, which I took and started working that very night. That was my first bouncer’s job.

I worked that job three nights a week, (soaked with beer that first night) never filled out any paperwork and was paid in cash at the end of every shift. My, how things have changed.

That was the first, last and only time I’ve ever raised a hand to a woman, or ever will. I was young, stupid and just reacted. I don’t feel the least bit bad about it, but have enough experience now to rectify that situation in a more peaceful and professional manner.
I’m just teasing…

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