So here is something Ive been pondering for the last few days. It just came to me, I dont know why.
Why is it that many people in some particular arts seem to think that learning an art that is
relatively quick to learn means that you are missing out on something? To me, that would really depend on an individuals goals. My personal goal is self defense pure and simple. Im open to being spiritually and morally enlightened. Im open to becoming a better person, gaining confidence, finind the true meaning of life, and all that other stuff that people find from training. But those arent my goals. I want to be able to hurt someone when I need too. I know this sounds bad. But lets face it. The whole concept of being able to just control an attacker and then run may not always work out so well. My wife is 8 months pregnant. If Im with her, we arent running anywhere. So I want to inflict injury, not just pain. Im not violent contrary to how this makes me
sound. I dont remember the last fight I had. I get along with just about everyone. So my question(finally) is why is it frowned on by some to take arts that can be learned quickly. (comparitivley
speaking) Ive tried arts that seemded a bit slow to me. (I will be the first to say this could be just my perception. I left after a few months time.) Im currently training under an excellent instructor. The lineage can be traced back to some very reputable people. And in my opinion it is more quickly learned than some other arts. However, it is also looked at by people in other arts as a "shake n
bake" club. Or I have the "fast food mentality", meaning that I want it all my way right now. Or that Im just plain impatient. Nothing is free where I train. My school certainly doesnt sell
belts as we have none. We have got 5 phases. It takes normally 6 months to go from the Beginning Phase to Phase 1. So it certainly isnt quick promoting. I have no idea how long it takes to get to Phase 5 as Ive never asked. BTW I work my butt off @ my school. There is nothing easy about it. So again, why would it be looked at as though Im not seeing the bigger picture? That Im somehow disillusioned and that I just dont understand? To me, with the goals I have, my school is right on the money. Its not perfect, but the closest thing Ive got near where I live.

relatively quick to learn means that you are missing out on something? To me, that would really depend on an individuals goals. My personal goal is self defense pure and simple. Im open to being spiritually and morally enlightened. Im open to becoming a better person, gaining confidence, finind the true meaning of life, and all that other stuff that people find from training. But those arent my goals. I want to be able to hurt someone when I need too. I know this sounds bad. But lets face it. The whole concept of being able to just control an attacker and then run may not always work out so well. My wife is 8 months pregnant. If Im with her, we arent running anywhere. So I want to inflict injury, not just pain. Im not violent contrary to how this makes me
sound. I dont remember the last fight I had. I get along with just about everyone. So my question(finally) is why is it frowned on by some to take arts that can be learned quickly. (comparitivley
speaking) Ive tried arts that seemded a bit slow to me. (I will be the first to say this could be just my perception. I left after a few months time.) Im currently training under an excellent instructor. The lineage can be traced back to some very reputable people. And in my opinion it is more quickly learned than some other arts. However, it is also looked at by people in other arts as a "shake n
bake" club. Or I have the "fast food mentality", meaning that I want it all my way right now. Or that Im just plain impatient. Nothing is free where I train. My school certainly doesnt sell
belts as we have none. We have got 5 phases. It takes normally 6 months to go from the Beginning Phase to Phase 1. So it certainly isnt quick promoting. I have no idea how long it takes to get to Phase 5 as Ive never asked. BTW I work my butt off @ my school. There is nothing easy about it. So again, why would it be looked at as though Im not seeing the bigger picture? That Im somehow disillusioned and that I just dont understand? To me, with the goals I have, my school is right on the money. Its not perfect, but the closest thing Ive got near where I live.