why are people so....


Aug 1, 2006
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Louisville, KY
Hey everyone. As many of you have read before Ive had some issues with people being...well...less than accepting of my MA training even going so far as to not allow me to see members of my own family.

Ive actually encountered people recently that not only look down at me for training but also openly mock me and the people i train with. They say things to the effect of "only little kids train" or "wow you must be a real loser" or whatever. Now Im not one to take anything people who dont me say to heart. I dont care what other people think of me...never have and never will. If you dont like me that is your opinion.

I bring this up only because i want to know why. what is going through these peoples heads to make them revert to the 8 years olds they were on the playground making fun of the different kid? And also to wonder how they pose the statement "only kids do karate" (as karate is the only type of MA out there). Do they think something as old as the MA could have lasted if only kids did it?

Anyway...Im done, it was more of a rant than anything, but Im more than willing to read anyones responses. Thanks

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Hey everyone. As many of you have read before Ive had some issues with people being...well...less than accepting of my MA training, so much as to ban me see my own family.

Ive actually encountered people recently that not only look down at me for training but also openly mock me and the people i train with. They say things to the effect of "only little kids train" or "wow you must be a real loser" or whatever. Now Im not one to take anything people who dont me say to heart. I dont care what other people think of me...never have and never will. If you dont like me that is your opinion.

I bring this up only because i want to know why. what is going through these peoples heads to make them revert to the 8 years olds they were on the playground making fun of the different kid? And also to wonder how they pose the statement "only kids do karate" (as karate is the only type of MA out there). Do they think something as old as the MA could have lasted if only kids did it?

Anyway...Im done, it was more of a rant than anything, but Im more than willing to read anyones responses. Thanks


Sticks and Stones Bro...
Depends on your crowd I guess. My family and friends know I practice a few traditional martial arts and they've always been supportive about it. As a matter of fact, I train Aikido with my wife as my primary instructor! And one of my best friends from work is one of my dan students.
Well, I've never heard such a thing. I've had some people mock me at times, but I find that to be more from their insecurity than anything else. Most people seem to be rather impressed.
Well, I've never heard such a thing. I've had some people mock me at times, but I find that to be more from their insecurity than anything else. Most people seem to be rather impressed.
Ive had some impressed people to. asking questions like 'is it as hard as people say?" or "do you get a lot of bruises?". They are generally in awe. Just some people....i dont know haters will be haters no matter what I guess

People are blind and only see what thay want to see. I started at about 12 years old now 38. I run into people who also say things and what not. I ask them about daily pains thay may have. Like what do you do for work. Ans. could be roofing. ok do you have any daily pain. most say yes. I then tell them that shiatsu could maybe help them. Thats a form of martial arts. Its not just punch kick and throw. So, I try to inform the dumb people out there when they can be informed. I tell them that martial arts is a life long goal. not just a black belt then done in 2 - 6 years. I then tell them that there hands are part of there feet and show them somthing that makes there brain fry. and walk away from them. some follow and ask more others just look dumb. LOL just have fun with them. thats what I call martial arts fun. Not sure if this is what the topic was about bout thats what came to my mind. take care

People are blind and only see what thay want to see. I started at about 12 years old now 38. I run into people who also say things and what not. I ask them about daily pains thay may have. Like what do you do for work. Ans. could be roofing. ok do you have any daily pain. most say yes. I then tell them that shiatsu could maybe help them. Thats a form of martial arts. Its not just punch kick and throw. So, I try to inform the dumb people out there when they can be informed. I tell them that martial arts is a life long goal. not just a black belt then done in 2 - 6 years. I then tell them that there hands are part of there feet and show them somthing that makes there brain fry. and walk away from them. some follow and ask more others just look dumb. LOL just have fun with them. thats what I call martial arts fun. Not sure if this is what the topic was about bout thats what came to my mind. take care

no that was an awesome response. thanks

Ive actually encountered people recently that not only look down at me for training but also openly mock me and the people i train with. They say things to the effect of "only little kids train" or "wow you must be a real loser" or whatever.

They rank up there with some of the cops I work with who believe they dont NEED any of that sissy karate crap because the carry a firearm..

Now Im not one to take anything people who dont me say to heart. I dont care what other people think of me...never have and never will. If you dont like me that is your opinion.

That is my attitude as well..

I bring this up only because i want to know why. what is going through these peoples heads to make them revert to the 8 years olds they were on the playground making fun of the different kid? And also to wonder how they pose the statement "only kids do karate" (as karate is the only type of MA out there). Do they think something as old as the MA could have lasted if only kids did it?

Who knows what stupidity lurks in the hearts of man and women...Maybe THEY couldn't cut MA training as a kid and now have a mission to put down the training whenevr affored the oppertunity..
Like a lot of people, they feel the need to attack what they don't know. If worse comes to worst, practice shime waza on 'em. lol
They rank up there with some of the cops I work with who believe they dont NEED any of that sissy karate crap because the carry a firearm..

One of my really good friends dads is a cop and he trains in judo and says the same thing. that some of the hot shots and rookies think they do need it cause they have a gun. he also says all the guys who have been on the force a while train as well....Makes you think :)

That is my attitude as well..

Im glad im not alone

Who knows what stupidity lurks in the hearts of man and women...Maybe THEY couldn't cut MA training as a kid and now have a mission to put down the training whenevr affored the oppertunity..

that is a very good point...and more than like true...way more

Like a lot of people, they feel the need to attack what they don't know. If worse comes to worst, practice shime waza on 'em. lol
lol...will do

I actually had one guy throw a punch at me when he found out i trained. 1 BJJ haymaker defense later and he was a believer...

The problem is that the ones who make fun, are scared of us and what we know. I am sure most of us have run into the same problem. The best thing to do is not let it get you down. If they have a problem, then avoid being near them.

Your quote in your sig says it all.
Unfortunately some people just like taking the pee out of others. It is often a status thing amongst their peers or an attempt to actually fool themselves that they are just smarter, wiser, cooler than the person they are making fun of. When you meet a person like that they will just find something to hang on to, it doesn't matter what you do. I doubt it is martial arts but more that they have just found something to needle you with. If you didn't do martial arts it would be your job, your opinion on something, the clothes you wear or the way you breathe! The only way you can win with these people is by paying no attention to them at all and rising above their immature teasing.
I posted a good true story in the blog section here...
The problem is that the ones who make fun, are scared of us and what we know. I am sure most of us have run into the same problem. The best thing to do is not let it get you down. If they have a problem, then avoid being near them.

Your quote in your sig says it all.

Very true...very true indeed

It sounds like immaturity to me, along with some ignorance. In primary school this type of thing has happened to me, but that was 20 years ago and kids will be kids, they will tease and that's usually just in their nature, but growing older it's more ignorance than immaturity.

Dont let it bother you man, at least you are doing something productive, I'm not saying that they aren't, but at least you know that you are. You have a good attitude, I can see that in your posts.

Think of all the positive aspects of your training and then think of the negative aspects of training, write them down if you want and you will see that the positives will outweigh the negatives. You can do this exercise for a lot of little problems you might be having, it's a good tool to see where you stand and how you feel about certain issues.
People are blind and only see what thay want to see. I started at about 12 years old now 38. I run into people who also say things and what not. I ask them about daily pains thay may have. Like what do you do for work. Ans. could be roofing. ok do you have any daily pain. most say yes. I then tell them that shiatsu could maybe help them. Thats a form of martial arts. Its not just punch kick and throw. So, I try to inform the dumb people out there when they can be informed. I tell them that martial arts is a life long goal. not just a black belt then done in 2 - 6 years. I then tell them that there hands are part of there feet and show them somthing that makes there brain fry. and walk away from them. some follow and ask more others just look dumb. LOL just have fun with them. thats what I call martial arts fun. Not sure if this is what the topic was about bout thats what came to my mind. take care

Wait a minute... what? Shiatsu is a form of martial arts? How exactly do we define the term "martial arts?" Their hands are part of their feet???

Okay. Maybe I'm one of the dumb ones, but could you explain these two things to me?

Regarding the OP, I think that the point at which we take ourselves too seriously, we invite this sort of criticism from insecure people. I train and enjoy training, but also understand that most people don't get it. I can completely understand their perspective. What for me is an exercise in kinetic, realtime strategy... with pain, to someone else looks like two sweaty dudes rolling around on the floor. I get that.

Don't get too caught up in it and try not to worry about what other people think.
what? Shiatsu is a form of martial arts? How exactly do we define the term "martial arts?" Their hands are part of their feet???
Shiatsu is made of two words Shi=finger atsu=pressure more in the lines of pressure point. So if you have knowledge of the pressure points you could in theory use it as a martial art. But IMO I think the context would be a different name.

Anyway Kenpoguy People are ignorant,feeble minded at times you will always encounter them most of the time they want a rise out of you. This to me is what seperates a martial artist and someone who practices martial arts. The ability to take insults and throw them away as quickly as they come not letting it pollute your mind or training.
Well KempoGuy06
You have been given good advice so far and I agree with it but I am going to go about this a little differently. You may get some benefit or you may think I do not know what the heck I am talking about. Either way it doesn’t cost you much to read it or me much to wrote it.

You are still very young and so are the people that you hang around with. If you hang around people that will throw a punch at you the minute they somehow find out you train perhaps you should start to seek a better class of friends. Some people are negative and will try to drag all those around them down. They often succeed! It is far better in my opinion to cut the dead weight and let those friends go sink in their own misery, than to try to keep afloat with them hanging their baggage on you. Surround yourself instead with positive smart energetic people. It does rub off!

Now this might not be easy for you to read but I am going to throw it out there anyway. It has helped me to see what others see and to make changes in my life, how I articulate things and how I perceive things. There is an old Mexican or perhaps Spanish saying I heard as a youngster. I heard it first in Spanish but had it translated on the spot by a kindly older gentleman…(I substitute the word burro for the original term that starts with jacka and ends with ss) If one person calls you a burro they are the burro, but if three call you a burro perhaps it is time to look for a saddle! Meaning if you are getting negative results from many perhaps it is time to look at how you are presenting your self and your ideas? Just a random thought from somebody that does not know you or your friends and may or may not apply to your situations.

Brian King