What was your 'best' moments?

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
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MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
Running these sites I get a lot of grief, but every so often there's those moments that make me go "yep, it's all worth it". You guys and gals see some of the worst parts of humanity, take more crap than I could handle, and risk it all. What's been some of those moments that make you glad you go out each day?
Several years ago, we got a teletype request out of California to do a death notification. Ordinarily -- not a fun job. Even when it's expected, it's emotionally draining at best. When it's unexpected -- it's worse. But this one was different...

The deceased's family hadn't seen or heard from the person for years. They'd just dropped off the face of the Earth. So, this time, I could at least bring some closure and relief to the family.
After a guy broke into his ex's house in the middle of the night he assaulted the new boyfriend. Hearing sirens coming he fled and brutally beat a woman while car jacking her car. A car chase ensued and he got away (bad weather/high speeds). Later in the day after some good investigative techniques he was located at a relatives house (the stolen car was parked around the corner). He bailed out of an upstairs window and lead a foot chase. He was caught in a basement and arrested. In his possession were credit cards that cleared a string of brutal strong arm robberies where this scumbag beat women and stole their purses.

My best moment...going back to the woman who was car-jacked and beaten and telling her "we got your car back and we got him..."
A few years ago I stopped a car for speeding around 3am. I approached the car and saw an open bottle of beer in the cup holder. Driver had no id, registration card or proof of insurance. The car was bearing out of state plates. I told the driver to wait, and I returned to my car and called for back-up. As soon as the back up car arrived, the driver floored it and the chase was on. He led me, my back up unit and several other units from neighboring jurisdictions on a 104 MPH chase that ended when spike strips were laid out and flattened his front tires. He pulled into a gas station and was boxed in by about 8 cruisers. It turned out that he stole the car from about 3 states away and he was under the influence of alcohol and drugs. He got sentenced to a few years state time. What was great about this incident was that the bad guy got caught, the victim's car was returned and no one was injured or killed (which is a miracle when you have a DUI driving at 104 MPH).
Many years ago I worked a car crash where I was the first car on the scene, and with the assistance of a teenager, pulled the driver out of an overturned car.
Years later, assisting another police agency on another car wreck a young policeman came up to me and asked if I remembered him. I said sorry I did not and he went on to say he was the teenager from years ago and that seeing and helping me pull that driver out of that overturned car made him choose a career in law enforcement.
No one event stands out in my mind, but rather a collection of little things..A citizen saying thanks was always welcome...