What kind of a fighter do you fear most?


2nd Black Belt
Dec 8, 2008
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For me it would be an outstanding street fighter or a Special Forces, Navy Seal, Marine Recon or Ranger and the like. The street fighter knows what works in the street, and to be outstanding it's a way of life. Through trial and error he has learned what needs to be done to survive, and is likely carrying a weapon. Perhaps most importantly he will be totally ruthless and will do whatever he thinks he needs to do to prevail, no rules on the street.

The Special Forces type has been trained by experts and likely is just as ruthless as the streetfighter. He also likely will be carrying a weapon and has learned to endure incredible pain, the same could be said for the street fighter. I would prefer to go up against a gold medal winning tae kwon do man or judo player rather than one of these guys, they fight with rules and without weapons, the former don't. All opinions appreciated.
Being one of the SF types of guys (75th Rangers, HOOAH!!) I would say that I fear no one!!! And that would be a lie. What type of fighter would I not wanna go up against? I really can't say that there is one. The type of PERSON i would fear is one that has nothing to lose, or a care for their own lives. Street Fighters and SF guys fight with survival and life preservation in mind, where the guy with nothing to lose just wants to end yours.
Thanks for your service to the country. Many try to become a Ranger but ver few become a Ranger, you must have impressive determination. One who has nothing to lose is to be feared indeed, but one who will do what ever it takes to take you out regardless of whether or not he has nothing to lose is fearful indeed, especially with the skills of an outstanding streetfighter and Special Forces type.
someone who is incredibly athletic & can take buckets of punishment.

The one that doesn't know when to quit or when they're beat. But it's not fear I feel... it's deep reluctance to go up against that type.
Expert Sumo Wrestler. :p

I'm not the only one who has this fear, right? :D
That is a great fear to have. A 200+ kg guy in a diaper, who is not only brutally strong, but pretty fast for someone that size.

Could even take it a step further, using the posts from above....

An Expert Sumo Wrestler who's an Ex-Ranger and has nothing to lose. :lol:
The one that doesn't know when to quit or when they're beat. But it's not fear I feel... it's deep reluctance to go up against that type.

Beat me to it, but I'd go a step further:

I fear the person who isn't afraid to die.

Not in that machismo sense that we all pretend when asked by people we're trying to impress...but the person who really does have no care or concern for their own life. Those that have nothing to loose and death would be a welcome. Those people truly frighten me.

Yes, I've encountered them before. Thank God they had no ill-will towards me!
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I mean, they blew up the Death star and all.....



I'd be more Worried about the TIE (Thai) Fighters, ala Family Guy Blue Harvest.
Yeah, a sumo wrestler that fell on you would be something to fear indeed...
I've always summed up my answer to this type of question in the simple words of:

"The chap, whose leg I break, who gets back up again ... "

That's really just a precis of what others have said above :tup:.
Well, I suppose if Bruce Lee was lying in bed with a fever Woody Allen could have snuck up on him and pummeled him with a baseball bat or something, but in general I have to say I don't agree that on any given day anybody can beat anybody in a fight.
I'd have to say someone that is so jacked up on drugs that they are insane and feel no pain.