What is wrong with the martial arts today?


<font color=blue><B>Grand UberSoke, Sith-jutsu Ryu
Jan 11, 2004
Reaction score
What is wrong with the martial arts today?

I was originally going to post this on another thread, but it was understandably locked before I finished.

I&#8217;ve been here, and elsewhere now for a while. Joined this site about 2 years ago.

It&#8217;s been a wild, fun ride. I&#8217;ve learned a lot, shared a lot, and pissed off a few. Such is life.

During my time here, and roaming the wasteland we call the Internet. Well, those of us who aren&#8217;t brainwashed by marketing call it that. Others call it AOL, or &#8220;that damn machine&#8221;. But, I digress.

During this time, I have learned a lot about my fellow board members. Most of them are wonderful, warm, sharing individuals.

A few, are pointedly, major ********Edited to conform to MT's Profanity Rules. There are the arrogant, know it all, experts, whose sole gratification in life seems to be to make some 15 year old kid cry because they didn&#8217;t know that there is a huge difference between Japan and Okinawa, or China and Taiwan, or such stuff that one usually learns as they get older. These same &#8220;experts&#8221; who are first on the scene to bust someone as a fraud, who lambaste someone for deciding to enjoy themselves on a forum and use a handle, or put something they think is cute in their signature. These people who haven&#8217;t got the sense of humor or personal development of a turn.

Then, there are the frauds themselves. These ego stoking, rank inflating, often times overweight and out of shape &#8220;grandmasters&#8221; and &#8220;sokes&#8221; and such other bunk. A group of piss poor practitioners, who got some other &#8220;soapy&#8221; to sign off on his OfficeMax certificate, so everyone can join the &#8220;elite&#8221;. We have more 10th dans than white belts at times it seems.

Then, there are the politicians, the game players, the prim donnas. This group, and their zombies go around, pissing on each other, trying to make everyone see how &#8220;great&#8221; they are, and how &#8220;awful&#8221; the other guy is. This is of course easier than actually doing something like, learning a quality art, teaching it to quality students, and leading by being quality people. No, it&#8217;s turd tossing for this bunch of turd burglars.

We have the guys teaching &#8220;black belt in 12 weeks guaranteed&#8221; crap, promoting people based on who came in early and stayed late to clean the cheese dip stains from their &#8220;soke-masters&#8221; soiled black lace thong, or who slipped them an extra $50 just to be &#8220;advanced&#8221;.

Gone it seems are those outdated concepts like Honor, Integrity, and Courtesy. Forgotten are such obsolete concepts such as Leading by Example, Building Others Up, and Being Humble.

No, we have ethically bankrupt &#8220;leaders&#8221;, and their equally as bankrupt followers waging mass wars on the internet, tearing each other down, hiding behind handles, or even right out in the open. Lawsuits and character defamation has replaced honest competition. Why put out a better product when it&#8217;s easier to post bull-**** on a message board? Why take the 5+ years to learn and expand your mind, body and soul, when you can buy rank, or even just make it up and buy some recognition?

There is little Honor left in the arts today. These small, petty people have done their best, their self-serving, petty best, to kill it off. All so they can feel good about themselves, lying there in the slime that is their festering pus-hole existence.

I honestly don&#8217;t understand them. I was raised to be honest, and while I have a lot of faults, I have always stayed true to that one. My goal&#8217;s, my desires, my dreams around these arts has always been to surround myself with good, honest and honorable people. People who will walk a ways with me on my personal journey of self discovery through the arts. People who will enrich, and be enriched by our interaction.

I have met many people through this site. I have found few other sites to have the quality of members that this one does. You are an imperfect bunch, but that is your strength I think. I have enjoyed this time here, and with a few exceptions, based on my feedback, so have you.

It is those few exceptions that I don&#8217;t understand. I don&#8217;t understand why they are they way they are, cowards, degenerates, and no talent pretenders. Why do they have to tear others down? Why do they have to pollute otherwise excellent resources with their small minded, petty garbage?

I always believed, and still do, that quality martial training will build good character, and enlightenment. My only conclusion is that they haven&#8217;t yet been exposed to quality training, or else are simply too primitive to ever truly &#8220;get it&#8221;.

Too bad. Some of them might actually be decent people otherwise.

The rest, well, they are just dickheads. Always will be it seems.

I'll focus on my training, continuing to improve my body, expand my mind and nurish my soul, despite the thrashings of out of shape, mindless, soulless cretins such as them.

Strength and Honor.

I can't control what other people do. I can only do that for myself. In my dojang things are different.

You're right. You can't control others, but you can set your own bar high.

From what I've read of yours, while we disagree at times, you seem to be honorable. For that :asian:

- Al
question. you hate the people here who are -blank- -blank- -blank-. and they are idoits, right? so then, why are you letting them get to you? they're idiots, who cares what they think!!!
but yah i do agree with you on alot of stuff. anouther question. what 15 year old did the -blank- -blank- blank-es make cry? please in the name of all good and holy tell me you are not talking about me.
any ways.

Sweet Brighit Bless your Blade,

We have more 10th dans than white belts at times it seems
unfortunately that is getting to be true

Then, there are the politicians, the game players, the prim donnas
way to much of that crap in the arts today

Gone it seems are those outdated concepts like Honor, Integrity, and Courtesy. Forgotten are such obsolete concepts such as Leading by Example, Building Others Up, and Being Humble.
you can see that the instant you incounter some people or 3 minutes into watching some classes. That is a very sad affair for those that truely love the arts
What gets to me is all the commercialism. The instructors that are only in it for the money..... Like many instructors I've seen. I'm sure MY instructor wasn't, charging only $35 a month for 3 classes a week and only 100 to test for black belt. I also don't approve of the people that claim to have "blue blood". Everyone does things different from their instructor, and I'm sure Dan Insanto, Ted Wong, and even my instructor are no different. My instructor trained under General Choi, but never said so in his ads. I only found out after I became black belt. I also agree about the martial artists who think they can kick anyone's @$$ because they are martial artists or "black belts". There's always someone out there that's going to be better than you, and someone else is better than that guy.

beauty_in_the_sai said:
What gets to me is all the commercialism. The instructors that are only in it for the money..... Like many instructors I've seen. I'm sure MY instructor wasn't, charging only $35 a month for 3 classes a week and only 100 to test for black belt. I also don't approve of the people that claim to have "blue blood". Everyone does things different from their instructor, and I'm sure Dan Insanto, Ted Wong, and even my instructor are no different. My instructor trained under General Choi, but never said so in his ads. I only found out after I became black belt. I also agree about the martial artists who think they can kick anyone's @$$ because they are martial artists or "black belts". There's always someone out there that's going to be better than you, and someone else is better than that guy.


Becky's got a peice of the puzzle right here. Franchisement and Martial Arts do not mix well in my opinion. If one can make a burger look and taste like the same crap served in every two bit restaurant, one can do it with a martial art.
It is the so called artist that is the problem. Ones with agendas and chips on their shoulders. However, negativity will only stand out if we let it. Let it go, don't let it become part of your every day and do what you can to promote the thing you love and care for so much. The rest is just garbage.
One could. But I wouldn't consider most of them to be artists. After all, who considers a McD Big Mac to be art?
Bester you are a value to MT and with that being said I do not always agree with you but I respect your views. In today commercial waterdown martial Arts you only need to look around and see for yourself who is real and who is a fake. Do not let the western influence your judgement about MA in the United States, there are alot of old school teacher out there you just have to look under every rock to find them. We don't advertise our customers come from word of mouth. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make the McDojo's go away but I can't and they will go and flushes will we old schooler try to make sure 1 or so students carry on the old school way.
In today commercial waterdown martial Arts you only need to look around and see for yourself who is real and who is a fake.

I disagree I know of one sure fake who has students all over the place and more comeing in his door every day. I watched him test a 10 or 12 year old for black belt once and after the kid failed to break a 1 inch
pine bord for the 5th time with a side kick the instructor told the kid he had one more try, The kid almost missed the board with his kick but I coul see the instructor torque and bend the board so I broke then tell the kid how well he did This guy gives belts away like the where going out of style and people keep flooding onto his floor to learn. Oh and no his stuff is not very good
I agree. Even though there have always been dickheads training in the MA, it seems like there is a real lack of discipline today.

For example, if any of you have seen The Ultimate Fighter, Season 2, there was a fighter named Rashad that liked showboating (a sorry excuse of showboating at that, but you can tell he was thinking "Roy Jones, Jr. moves" all the way). After he was criticized for it by Hughes, one of the 2 coaches on the show, he said to a teammate, "I should've punched him (Coach Hughes) in the face."

It's like there's just no respect in the game anymore WITH SOME PEOPLE. I think the overwhelming majority of MA students are not like this, but this tiny minority is much larger than it used to be in years past.
What's wrong with Martial Arts today? Lets see......
8 year old 3rd dans
XMA (Xtreme Majorette Action)
Dance competitions, oops, I mean freestlye kata tournaments
Sokeship boards
White boys pretending to be Japanese Karate masters.
The same "masters" teaching in Japanese without any knowledge of the Japanese language.
Olympic Tae Kwon Do

That will do for now.

hongkongfooey said:
What's wrong with Martial Arts today? Lets see......
8 year old 3rd dans
XMA (Xtreme Majorette Action)
Dance competitions, oops, I mean freestlye kata tournaments
Sokeship boards
White boys pretending to be Japanese Karate masters.
The same "masters" teaching in Japanese without any knowledge of the Japanese language.
Olympic Tae Kwon Do

That will do for now.

Well HKF you got to vent a little do you feel better now??
PS by the way I agree with all of you.
What's wrong is martial arts are an individual hobby, one that everyone does differently, one where everyone has different interests and different abilities, yet most refuse to believe that and would rather follow the leader and argue about who's paper work is in the best order.

Everyone calls it an art, but I somehow doubt we would see this behaviour in a art school. Chances are they don't care who is the best Picasso impersanator and best preserves his style.

XMA is not what is wrong, in fact I'd say they are one of the groups that has it right. THey are incredible preformers, amazing athletes, and don't pretend they are doing anything but preforming. It is what they love, they do it for their own reasons, they are creative and they spend more time trying to improve then argue about who's butt they should be kissing.
terryl965 said:
Well HKF you got to vent a little do you feel better now??
PS by the way I agree with all of you.

Nah, not venting. Can't sleep and I am bored.

Insurance companies getting in the way and the ordanary person getting lawsuit happy. MA should be only for the serious personnel.


I don't have a problem with the admitted hobbyists. My biggest beef lately seems to lie with the individuals who take on a false front of humility, or who play the victim, yet are such hollow frauds.

I've been here a while, so some people may recall my initial debates with the so called "American Ninjas", or "PowerRangers In Training" as I call them. Backyard warriors who get most of their so called "training" from "Mix-n-match" martial arts wannabes. They continue, misleading people, teaching unsafe and impractical crap. Some of those people are good people, deserving much better.

Then there were the sokes. Fat wanna-bes, paying to be "recognized" in "hall of fames" as "innovators", calling each other "Grandmaster". Having seen some of these people, they make Elvis seem like a conservative.

Then there&#8217;s the pious ones. The people who masquerade as concerned teachers, interested friends and more. These masks hide a hollow, miserable person, draining and corrupting those they touch. Sometimes, they hijack threads with constant references to their credentials, play the moderate, or the victim, lulling others into thinking they are good people. All the while, they lurk behind the scenes, conspiring with other hollow, shallow, miserable creatures to tear down others, smear reputations, and drive away other good people. They are like a cancer, only cancer has some practical uses. They have none.

I've seen sections of this and other sites that once flourished, wither and die as these and a few other types of degenerates move in and push out everyone they can't corrupt. Eventually, you either have to cut out the cancer, and what it has spread to, or give up and let them run your site.

In the real world, it's never that easy. I work with many people, some like the exercise, some want to dig real deep, and some, just want something to do twice a week. I adjust accordingly, sharing my own observations, and growing as my partners draw me further along the ride. Rank is meaningless to me, as is time in. Skill, and heart, that is all.

The person with all the trophies, may have skill, but, how is his heart?
Without a good heart, you aren't a true "artist".

I would rather train with someone who doesn't have the best skills, but who has an open mind, a sharing attitude, and a good heart.

As you said Andrew, they do it for love, they do it for art, and rarely do you see them sneaking around on websites flinging feces like some sad pitiful individuals here have been doing. I would rather train with those XMA folks, whippy aluminum weapons and all, than these so called "men".

Everyone is different. What I can't understand though, is why spend so much time, effort and energy trying to damage or destroy another when that same time could be better spent bettering oneself, and growing in a positive direction.

I guess I will never understand these sad little people.
Too much pursuit of money, fame, glory.
All of these things are fleeting.

There is constant discovery waiting.
All it takes is an empty cup, and a teacher willing to truely teach and guide.

There is no honor in these games you mention. They are the work of the small person, who has missed the deeper meaning in the movements. Musashi knew this. A shame they don't.

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