What do you wear? Street wise?

Corporal Hicks

Black Belt
I've noticed during the time in which I have been doing Tae Kwon Do that many of my training friends wear black the same in which I do! I believe physcologyically this may be due to the fact that everybody aims towards the "black belt" status and that many of our well know role models i.e Bruce Lee wear black clothing (apart from that jumpsuit which killbill copied). Not only that I believe many films that have martial arts in tend to show their characters wearing black i.e The Matrix, Jackie Chan In Rush Hour, Equalibium just to name a few! I'm only a a level student so my physcology isn't that good so I'm only giving it my best guess! What do you think?
I tend to want to wear black clothes, which are usually quite fitting and not generally loose (I'm not a goth by the way!). I was just wondering what you wear or if this Martial Artist = Black clothing is just the idea in which I have recieved from my community!
I alway wear bright colors I guess I grew up that way living in California and all I do not agree with the whole dark clothes Idea with Martial Arts At my school we wear only white Dubook the instructors wear white with the black trim around the neck God Bless America
Regular street clothes, sport shirt, jeans or shorts and t-shirt. But Always, Always Always wear the Ninja Boots. %-}

Can't say I've been compelled towards Power Ranger syndrome. (i.e. Exclusively wearing the color you're associated with.) I tend to wear jeans (witht that 3% spandex mix as a concession to the strain kicking tends to put on the seat of not so stretchy denim...) T shirts, shorts depending on the weather etc.
I wear mostly black anyways, because I'm color blind and it's one of the only colors I can see well, and match things to. Can't say I do it to be intimidating; it's just the only way I can dress to match without Garanimals.

Just about anything..polos, slacks, t-shirts, suits, as far as color goes as long as I dont look like a purple bannana then it's all good.

Now of course being a MA addict my cup does travel with me :boing2:
And they go with the Underoos!!!

David Gunzburg
I think within martial arts movies, they dress in black as a way to look "cool".
I personally don't think it has anything to do with the black belt mentality... black's just a color that looks cool, is slimming, and goes with anything.

I only wear earthtone blues, greens, and tans.
I prefer kaki black, white, dark green, dark blue. T-shirts solo or with a long sleeve shirt underneath my "40 gangsters trench coat." Definetly clothing that allows me to retain my flexibility, and my old shoes because they still look half decent but most importantly i've broke them in from all these years of kicking stuff with them.
My bra and panties outside of my clothes... :lool:

Kidding...I usually wear a suit to work; warm-up clothes to work out, BDU's to play outside, and whatever's hip to paint the town!

almost always strapped, though. (meaning armed :wink1: )

Generally...carpenter cut jeans, tshirt, buttondown denim shirt unbuttoned and sleeves rolled to above the forearms and sandals.

For more spiritied occasions, khaki's and neutral color button down shortsleeve shirt....

almost always neutral colors.
I tend to prefer wearing baggies and a t-shirt. Most of the time I wear mostly black and greys, every once in a while I throw on some color so I don't come accross as dull. My problem is that I am bad at matching colors together. Blacks and greys are easier.
depends on what I am doing: anything from a suit to cut off jeans.
Most of the im around town i wear jeans or sweat pants ( yes they are black), A tee shirt or pull over shirt ( colors are mostly dark but i have some extremly bright multi colored ones and most have dragons or leopards on them). and a sweat shirt.
I have not bought clothes in years so the next time I need some new ones I'll look and buy what ever catches my eye that day.
my shoes are boots or snickers with steel toes
tshadowchaser said:
depends on what I am doing: anything from a suit to cut off jeans.
Most of the im around town i wear jeans or sweat pants ( yes they are black), A tee shirt or pull over shirt ( colors are mostly dark but i have some extremly bright multi colored ones and most have dragons or leopards on them). and a sweat shirt.
I have not bought clothes in years so the next time I need some new ones I'll look and buy what ever catches my eye that day.
my shoes are boots or snickers with steel toes

Heh. Last year I dressed up to go to work, and typically wore jeans to go out. After changing jobs, now I wear jeans to work and dress up to go out. Go figure...

Either way though, I wear a lot of black. I like black. :D
When I go to work, I always wear a dress and flat dress shoes.

When I don't need to dress up, I tend to be very casual. I wear jeans (blue, tan, brown, black, whatever color jeans) and a t-shirt, a long sleeved shirt, or a polo shirt. If in the winter or a cold cave, I wear jeans with a sweater or sweat shirt and a turtleneck shirt underneath.

If I go play sports (basketball, volleyball, etc.) or work out with weights, I wear sweats and t-shirt.

- Ceicei
I think that wearing dark clothes is a common natural psychological tendency. However, martial artists may be among the more common circles wearing this. I'm not sure why, but dark colors seem to tend to lend a sense of confidence to the wearer. Perhaps this ties in with th martial arts concept of confidence.
. I usually wear Banana Republic Stuff. Jeans, Kakis, Chinos, shirts, blazers, ect. But for work I have to wear suits =(
As my family heritage is Scottish, I prefer a kilt. As my wife is the one with a lick of sense, I don't. But I'd look goooooood! :)
Chico has odd temps.so as cood or hot as it gets & take in the factor that many think-(their street gans) i wear Black army pants.They keep you cool in heat & warm in cold.They have room for kicks-most pants dont.They have side pockets -for collectiable like mail from post office.
They out last most pants & they come in assorted lovely colors--Camo-Black-Snow-Sand.
Now I've got a decent tan going on I like to wear light coloured clothes to show it off! Yes vain and everything but hey who cares!
Bought a pair of pink trainers the other day. They're definitely the trendiest ones I've ever bought, but I think they may be a bit too cool for me to pull off. But I'll give it a go.
I tend to wear blue jeans (boot-cut that are a size bigger). That did come from MA training. I wanna be able to kick in them without ripping the croch out LOL. Or cargo jeans (again a size too big). I wear t-shirts and fleeces or hoodies. My shoes depend on the season. I am a big fan of Old Navy clothing, so that pretty much says how I dress. I dress the same at work as I do elsewhere (I work in a warehouse type setting). Me, dress up?!?!?! NOT LOL .... well once in a great while, but rarely.

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