GREAT TOPIC, GOU! You da man.
I have a variety of gi's I wear like the rest of my clothing- whatever strikes my mood at the time. I love the KI brand, and most of my traditional gi's are their heavy or middle weight version. I most often wear a traditional top in black or red with black kung fu style pants (I like the elastic ankle cuffs- they stay outta the way).
I also have a hapkido gi top (criss-cross grid pattern woven in) and a traditional old-style Moo Duk Kwan gi- white with the black borders and cuffs (which are hard to find now). The old Moo Duk Kwan gi's look great- I don't know why they switched over to those pullover V-neck things, I just hate those (they look cheap)
I even occasionally wear a southern-style Kung Fu Uniform (with my Kenpo patch sewed on)- it fits great and looks awesome.
I'm very glad I practice an art that allows me to wear what I like- though at tourneys I usually wear my traditional Kenpo black gi with all the Kenpo patches.
I have a variety of gi's I wear like the rest of my clothing- whatever strikes my mood at the time. I love the KI brand, and most of my traditional gi's are their heavy or middle weight version. I most often wear a traditional top in black or red with black kung fu style pants (I like the elastic ankle cuffs- they stay outta the way).
I also have a hapkido gi top (criss-cross grid pattern woven in) and a traditional old-style Moo Duk Kwan gi- white with the black borders and cuffs (which are hard to find now). The old Moo Duk Kwan gi's look great- I don't know why they switched over to those pullover V-neck things, I just hate those (they look cheap)
I even occasionally wear a southern-style Kung Fu Uniform (with my Kenpo patch sewed on)- it fits great and looks awesome.
I'm very glad I practice an art that allows me to wear what I like- though at tourneys I usually wear my traditional Kenpo black gi with all the Kenpo patches.