Well, dang. Diabetes.

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score
A couple months ago, I decided to add a health club membership to my MA training, so I joined a weightlifting gym and started working out on the nights I was not at the dojo.

Almost immediately, I began losing weight at a prodigious rate. In fact, it seemed to be coming off too fast and too easily. I also developed an unquenchable thirst for water, and likewise, the urge to urinate frequently (logical).

Then I started waking up with cramps in my calves and feet in the middle of the nights, and finally I developed ringing in my ears and my fingertips became numb.

I just had a doctor's appointment this morning, and the doctor called me up this evening to inform me that my tests came back positive for diabetes. He warned me not to go to the dojo (I was on my way out the door) and not to engage in any strenuous physical exercise until we have my blood sugar under control.

I'm a little bummed out.

Sorry, just needed to share.
Oh no Bill, that stinks. I'm so sorry to hear that. :(

I hope you can find some good treatment options and get back on the floor again soon.
Sorry to hear this but a lot of people have diabetes and a lot have it under control. Follow what your doctors says and when it levels out go back to training if he says it is OK.
Aye, Xue has the right of it Bill. My missus is diabetic and lives a perfectly normal life.

That's not to say that I don't share you 'bummed out' feelings on your unfortunate discovery tho' :(.
Sorry man, that sucks. Best of luck. The good news though is that you were already on the right path. If you continue to lose weight, the chances are good you can beat the diabetes.
Sorry to hear that. On the plus side, good health habits, like diet, exercise, and continued weight loss will help you control the effects of the condition, and of course that means you'll be back to the dojo all the sooner.

Best of luck on it.
Well damn. On a positive note many people live with diabetes so you can too. Do what your doctor tells ya and get it under control. Once you do that, you can get back to the dojo. Your health comes first bro. :)
Bill I am sorry for your news. On the upside it is good they found out because now you can control it.

My mom has Diabetes and she does not let it stop her from doing the things she loves and just modifies her diet.

So cheer up it just means you're going to be eating healthier.:)
(((( Tea and sympathy. )))

I hope you can bring it under control soon. Being sick in any context is no fun.
You can live with this and be ok Bill. My dad has it. If you watch your diet, and follow your doctors advice, it doesn't have to be a problem.

Take care of yourself. You'll be alright.

Sorry to hear Bill, everything will work out. It sounds like you are already on a road to health by working out. Good diet and the right meds, along with perseverance, and you will come through it ok. Chin up my friend.
Its ok brother!! You can get this thing under control and be just fine. Work very closely with your Dr. and talk with the people at the gym along with your instructor, they can get you squared away.

We are all here for you, just as we know you would be here for us.
Sorry to hear the news, but glad that you got the news before you ended up with neuropathy or blindness. If you've got the discipline to stick with your martial art you have the discipline to monitor your blood sugar, modify your diet and get back to the dojo where you belong.
Sorry to hear that Bill. :( As the others have already said, you can get it under control and live a normal life. Staying out of the dojo will be a temporary thing at this point. It sucks, but take care of yourself, follow doctors orders, and you'll be back in no time.
I'm sorry to thear that...that totally sucks. Hang in there...I'm sure oyu'll get thing sunder control and be back training soon.

Sorry to hear it, Bill. On the up side, I have a feeling you have the mental fortitude to get (and keep) it under control. Just don't be like my mom and think you can "save up" your sugar allotment and eat a candy bar for lunch. Sheesh.

Best of luck.
Bill, I am very sorry to hear this. The first thing that came to mind, though, was the thread from a few months back where you were talking about your eating habits. I mentioned in that thread how I have had to adjust my eating to control my health. I hope you consider doing the same. You don't have to abandon everything you enjoy... just supplement it with that green leafy stuff. ;)

Take care!