
mmm.... feces.

"My mom said there were feces all over the boys locker room."
"what are feces?"
"baby mice."
(From Donnie Darko)
bignick said:
AnimEdge...I suggest you read Fast Food Nation and The Jungle, though not as current, for some idea just about how animals (and people for that matter) are treated to bring you that beef jerky. Oh, and what's in that beef jerky...78.6% of all ground beef tested positive for bacteria mainly spread by feces....

Mmmmm....Beef jerky

Lets be fair though. That bacteria is everywhere. That's why we have heat and immune systems, to fight that threat.

yes....however, the number would be a lot less if the majority of modern cattle were raised and slaughtered differently.

For the record, I am not a vegetarian, but I believe you should educate yourself about what's going into your body. I'll gladly sit down and eat some beef jerky, though I much prefer our homemade deer jerky. More flavor, cheaper, and we KNOW what's in it.
You like venison jerky too? We are stereotypical Minnesotans. Lets trade hotdish recipes sometime.

I know that Ronda Rousey, who came in 9th in the olympics, has a vegetarian sister and a vegan sister. (the other sister is 6). But she's not.

(no, I don't stalk her, she's my cousin)
Well, I'm not a FAMOUS vegetarian, but darn it, I do live near Hollywood.

I've never had a problem with brittleness, and I find that I'm fairly injury-resistant, just the normal bumps and scrapes. I will say this, and those who work with me will agree; I'm unusually limber in the joints and my pressure points are smaller. I have heard it said that those who do not eat red meat have smaller pressure points and are more flexible. Ask anyone about my elbows, and they will agree. I don't know if it's just the way I was built, or its a result of being a veggie during the formative years of my bone/joint growth. I'm a veggie now, happy (absurdly) and healthy. Having said that, I will defend the omnivores--- I take MASSIVE supplements to get the nutrients that I need. Chew the cows if that's what works for you. ;)
To be a vegitarian is a personal choice. Those who follow that path are perfectly free to voice their opinions to anyone they wish. They can protest all they want. However, they don not have the right to tell me what I can and cant eat. If I want to go the local French eatery and have a Seabiscuit steak, then I should be able to, so long as its bought and paid for with out defrauding anyone.

To all those who are afraid of health problems, we all end up belly up, regardless of how healthy you think you are.
Im a level 5 vegan, I dont eat anything that casts a shadow.
You're a level 5 Vegan? Shoot, I've been a vegetarian for years, I didn't even know there were levels! Do I have to test?

What do you mean, nothing that casts a shadow? Do you mean that if you hold a carrot up to the sun and look down, you won't eat it? Or that you eat only in the hours of darkness? Are you yanking my hind leg? I'm just a simple housewife....

Techno, I was making a joke because A.) I'm not a very serious person in general, and B.) I'm not a very serious person, specifically, but I actually am very interested- what does it mean to be a level 5 vegan? When you say no shadow, does that mean you eat fish and eggs, cheese, etc? Because I've always understood that vegans eat no animal products whatsoever, up to and including honey.

Right. My tuppence worth. I'm a veggie. Have been for life. Since I was wee, I refused to eat meat, call it an intolerance (it just used to make me ill), whatever. I'm 6'2", 87kgs, I train regularly, do Wing Chun, run miles, don't smoke, drink only really when the occassion demands, served for several years in the Royal Navy and I don't have the cholestrol levels of the average meatasaurus. Although I'd imagine the average T-rex had a lower fat level than most americans. :) Although I do look rather pale...Eeeek....

Even though I don't eat bacon, I have to admit, the smell of it cooking??? Oh my sweet holy bejesus that smells good. That with lashings of brown sauce and a sarnie...mmmmm....Eat that pig. NOW... TWICE!