Use of training or technique outside of class?


Purple Belt
Jan 20, 2008
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Hi I was just wondering about this today. Most of us train in martial arts, and many don't use the training outside of class or competition. Rarely do we get into altercations (hopefully). So, have you ever caught yourself using a technique in normal life that you might have picked up from class? For example, a friend of mine often would close cabinets or doors in his apartment with a "1 inch punch". for me, i often use a kind of zhan zhuang, one hand palm up and the other palm down like holding a ball in front of the abdomen, because i find this really clears up bloating, like really fast, very useful when eating out. So just wondering if other people do similar.
I would walk into rooms, and upon entering, I would Rei. Kind of scary. :asian:
I open doors with a heelpalm strike :D
:D Well, I don't know if it counts but I used to turn light switches on and off with my toes :).

With current training, I use the nukitsuke and cut to chudan from seiza no bu mae (without a sword of course) to relieve tension in my shoulders whilst at work. It's a good job they know what I'm doing ... otherwise they might think I was crazy (or should that be crazier than I am :lol:?).
I use the restraint I have learned in my training to not beat down many of the people I encounter on the highway while going to work.
I use my ninja mind powers to make people bring me drinks and magazines. But that's amateur stuff, right?
I hook kick doors shut. Sometimes, my hands are full, sometimes...
LOL I hook kick doors closed too and i also find myself turning off lights with my feet. I don't even realize im doing it. Are we dorks or what ? HAHA
LOL I hook kick doors closed too and i also find myself turning off lights with my feet. I don't even realize im doing it. Are we dorks or what ? HAHA
*meekly raises hand*
One more dork for the pile.

I used to turn lights on and off with my toes, Palm heel the cupboards shut, or elbow them,hook block them open, etc.
Recently caught a cup before it dropped. Used directonal-harmony to spin back three-sixty, and replaced it on the table.

Wife thought I was nuts.

Sometimes shadow-box around metal poles and concrete pillars to practice my fighting footwork.

Wife thinks I'm nuts.

I've used side kicks playing soccer. And blocks when watching it--my kids are 8 and 10, so the ball often flies into the crowd. Come to think of it, I use blocks often, since we have a LOT of flying objects in and around our house.
How about just walking? Do you move with your center or do you walk like most people, i.e. a series of controlled falls? Hopefully the former...
I walk through the center of the door. I stabilize things with center of gravity. Wing chun baby! Ooo I might push a friend placing hand on center of chest.
At work
I find that I block arms hands and feet that are flailing at me before I realize that I am doing so. I tend to survay rooms before entering and am always conscious of things in my peripheral vision.
I think for most of us this sort of thing comes with the territory.
It spawns into the ability to do the extraoridary with ordinary, everyday things. I relate it to a hightened sense and an understanding of ones abilities.
I try walking silently everywhere I go. I also use roll whenever I fall, and I sweep the floor as if I'm using the bo.
At work, I wire elevator controllers in a horse stance or front stance. I even practice my bridge when putting the wires in the terminals.