True Meaning Of Martial Arts



What is the true meaning of Martial Arts? I am just wondering if I could get more insight to the true meaning.

To me the true meaning is to train and be prepared for what could happen but try to avoid a physical altercations using reasoning to diffuse a situation that could lead to a fight.

Black Bear

The true meaning of martial arts is like the true meaning of life. Everyone finds their own.


Master Black Belt
Feb 1, 2002
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Århus, Denmark
I agree with BB that you end up with something that will be unique for each person praticing an art.

But, Martial arts is a common term for a diverse number of arts, covering many aspects, from personal development to selfdefense. In that sense there cann't be any absolut truth, and only the individual truth. THe 'but' comes in because in some of the areas (be it koryu or just modern budo), there are "absolut" truths. These are tipically stated in the art itself. But again the way you use this truth will always with out exception be individual.



Senior Master
Jul 22, 2003
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Williamsville, NY
I think I get where this is trying to go. Let me throw this out and see if it is near the mark.

The true meaning of martial arts - not one art, but the martial arts as a whole is for the following:

1. creating a mind/body/spirit link that enhances the students quality of life, bringing him/her closer to the natural 'perfection' that everyone is capable of - this where the 'personalization' comes in.

2. Using the metaphor of the most dangerous and potentially deadly arena of combat to amplify the realization of these lessons. For example, the consequences of letting your focus slip while you are reading means that you have to reread a page. The consequences of letting your focus slip in combat can lead to the death of your self or others because of your slip. Once you have developed a keen sense of focus, it translates back to reading and improves your study skills (big advertising angle for 'family martial arts centers')

3. Combat: "The mission of the Marine Corps rifle squad is to locate, close with and destroy the enemy by fire and maneuver or to repel the enemy's assault by fire and close combat" (USMC infantry training manual)

I didn't list them in any priority list just as they came to me when I considered the current trend in martial arts today.

Paul M


This may sound overly simplistic, but:

Martial Arts is the application of the ability to adapt to, and overcome various obstacles with the minimum amount of action necessary for that situation.


Obstacles: These can range from the obvious defense-scenario confrontation, to simpler items like moving across a crowded room, to working through mental or interpersonal issues.

Action: Covering the whole range of escallation from calming, reasoning, avoidance, defense, direct confrontation, and any and all other stages in between and beyond.

Situations: Martial Arts isn't about what you do in class two, three, or however many times a week you are training. It's how you apply it to the everyday. Coping with a difficult situation, defending yourself verbally, defending yourself physically - all are parts of the whole. It's how you deal with those instances that define who you are.

At least that's how I view it. Thoughts?

Black Bear

I think he meant the phenomenological meaning, not the denotative meaning. That's a completely individual thing.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Aug 29, 2001
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Athol, Ma. USA
I agree that all of us must find within oursleves the answee to this question. for me it simply means a war art.
Preparing oneslf for war by larning the verious aspects of what can be an attack and defence, larning to use that which available and at hand to destroy, injure, hampper, confuse, and eventualy cause me to survive in a given situation.


To me martial arts is about opening your mind and finding yourself and knowing more about the world around you. The martial portion of it is only a small portion. Anyone that is even half way co-ordinated and mantains a decent shaped body can learn how to fight. I think my man Bruce said this: "But to truely express yourself, now that is hard to do."

I mean before martial arts I thought Buddha was this fat god that you pray to after you shave your head bald. Martial arts is just a great navigation tool on the path to enlightenment.

Mudo Warrior

I have to agree with black bear, everyone gets something different. Even if you were to just look at the physical aspect of your art, what 2 people's technique looks exactly the same. Thinking back to my black belt test there were 2 freinds of mine who tested for the same rank, the same day but all 3 of us have different fighting styles, favor different techniques, and have different strenghts and weaknesses(almost a decade later I am the only one still training). And that is just physical, think about the mental and spiritual. Everyone is different so every persons meaning has to be different.


Orange Belt
Jan 11, 2012
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Well 'martial art' literally translated means 'military skill' so if you look at the bigger picture then martial arts are about self-defence and survival. However, in the personal, smaller picture, everyone has their own reasons for doing martial arts on a weekly basis. For some it might be health and fitness while for others is may be to socialise and meet new people. It just depends what motivates each individual person to keep training but essentially martial arts are about survival.

Chris Parker

Feb 18, 2008
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Melbourne, Australia
Hmm, Grasshopper, I'm going to recommend you look at the dates for the threads you've been replying to. You've offered advice and comment on a number of them that are a year or two old... and this one has seen 7 and a half years since it's last comment. Most of the posters are no longer here, whether due to leaving, or being banned, so it's doubtful they'll respond.

This isn't to discourage you from answering old posts if you have something relevant to add, but in a number of cases, honestly, it hasn't been much.

With your answer here, though, I will say that "martial art" doesn't translate to anything, as it's already in English. It doesn't mean "military skill", really, it means "martial art". They have some overlap, but not as much as you may think. Additionally, although often taught, learned, trained, and promoted as such, there is a real argument to be made against martial arts being about self defence at all, when it's all said and done.


Senior Master
Jun 25, 2011
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The 'True Meaning' of Martial Arts, is whatever You want it to be.
Thats all there is to it.
There isnt some obscure one truth that encompasses it all, and reveals itself to Us only if We get needlessly philosophical about it.

EDIT: I normally dont reply to Necro'd Threads, but Ive been looking for somewere to say that for about two weeks now.


Master of Arts
Jun 1, 2005
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There isnt some obscure one truth that encompasses it all, and reveals itself to Us only if We get needlessly philosophical about it.
You only say that because you haven't yet uncovered the inner secrets! :jediduel:

Bring back Phil Elmore.
He was certainly amusing, in an inadvertent way. :)


Senior Master
Apr 18, 2007
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the true meaning of martial arts in the end is what they were developed for. SURVIVAL! For use in unarmed and armed combat where to loose is to die. there are a lot of other benefits you do get, but that is what it is about when you get down to the nitty gritty. All the rest you get out of it is Gravy! I don't know about you, but I kinda like Gravy!

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