TKD is it worth,


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
selling out for the sport aspect and the popularity that comes from it.
I was just courest to everybody views about the fact of the Art being sold as sports like Baseball and football. What do you see as the most dastrict moves over the last thirty years and how will it end in the end.
My coach from the tournmant is the son of Soo Young Cha. He gave me a booklet his dad ws invovled in writing, published in 1969. talking about a brief overview of Taekwondo. Very intersesting to get a view of the Martial Art before it was a sport. I didn't even realize it was a sport, olympic or otherwise, until I joined, at my first instructor doesn't emphasize that much. He teaches 'old school' as a martial art for self-defense and self-improvement.

I enjoyed the tournament but in a way I'm glad it's over so I can get back to 'real Taekwondo'

Take heart, the sport can sell itself to the ends of the earth and we will be OK. Nothing has to stop the way you teach what you do. Your students will still learn the things you teach them and use the example you show them. Most people do not come to TKD to become a sport fighter, they come for other reasons. Help them to become healthy, give them a foundation for leadership and show them the positive aspects of martial arts so that they can improve their life. If you do they will never forget it.

I agree with Ron (MSUTKD). The sport aspect of any Martial Art, including Taekwondo, will travel its own path. Instructors who focus on the complete art of physical, mental and spiritual improvement, along with effective self defense tactics, will do fine in the same world.

I believe we can do both if we choose. Think of all the combat skills throughout the history of the world that have also been played out in games. Many times, this is to the benefit of the soldiers who sharpened, and honed their skills between battles. Bows and arrows have been weapons of armies in the past, yet archery contests never hurt that art. Only if a person would shoot stationary targets at 10 yards, and think they can hit a live target in battle would they be misled. Knights who jousted on horseback improved their skills for combat, and the better warrior usually won.

In the end? There is no end! It will continue on as long as man (male and female) has the desire to learn the true ways of the Martial Art, while also enjoying some entertainment, physical activity, and skill challenges of sports. Some will do mostly sports, some will do no sports, while others will maintain a healthy balance of both.

That's the way I see it.
CM D. J. Eisenhart