The Last Person.....

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I'm not fond of it either. I thought it was cool in the Matrix because the Matrix was not supposed to be real. But I still liked the movie a lot.

Now how many more do I have to go until 2K? :D

26. I used my Mod. powers to delete a dozen or so of your posts to keep you going...

(not true, Moderators don't just delete posts on whim, there has to be higher up approval - but since you're now a Mod. at FMATalk, you know the drill...)
Thank you.

BTW, the cinematography in "Hero" was absolutely stunning.

Haven't seen it. But, I haven't seen too many movies. I'll definitely make a point of checking it out.
26. I used my Mod. powers to delete a dozen or so of your posts to keep you going...

(not true, Moderators don't just delete posts on whim, there has to be higher up approval - but since you're now a Mod. at FMATalk, you know the drill...)

Bwwaaaahaaahaa!! And what's a little mod humor among friends :D :D
Carol, do you train at the shodokan dojo?

No I don't, although I'd like to pay them a visit at some point. I've heard the school in Salem has a very good reputation but I don't know very much about them. I train at Southeast Asian combat arts school.
Yeah, very cheap prices for good instruction, from what I heard. Plus a few arts to choose from.

Really! That's good to know. I was also surprised to see that they have an Arnis class as well. Wish they had day classes during the week, it's tough for us 2nd shifters to get mat time :D
Alllllllllrighty Then!! Time for me to pull up the Cheap Shameless Thread and announce my 2000th post!!!
The past 7 days have been quite interesting!

I've earned my gold star, I got the 10,000 post on The Last Person thread, I just made my 2000th post on MT and tomorrow I hope to join FMATalk's Top 10 posters :D :D

I've started getting one of the side effects of the antibiotic I'm on. An itchy rash over a good portion of my body that's keeping me from sleeping.

I've started getting one of the side effects of the antibiotic I'm on. An itchy rash over a good portion of my body that's keeping me from sleeping.

Oh no :( :(

I'm sorry Jeff!
unfortunately I am. However I'm getting paid for it!
(I'd still like to sleep, though)
Good Morning MT...
So, how much did I miss???
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