The Last Person.....

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Morning Zida....How's your day so far??? Or are you wrapping up your day??? I forget the time difference...
Its 16.00 Hours in the afternoon now. So just one hour and I am going home. It was a normal day, did manage to do a part of paperworks from my movement to the netherlands. If you see how many licenses and papers I have to arrange before I can move to my own country (i am dutch) than you do not believe your eyes.

It is easier to move away from the netherlands than to go back. :lol:

Well alright. i admit....I want to keep a german license plate so I dont pay dutch tax and I want to keep working for the german company but I want a dutch Illness insurance and so on.

I know, I am making it difficult myself. ;)

But it is possible, it is only a lot of paper work.

How is your day? Do you have a lot to do?
Its 16.00 Hours in the afternoon now. So just one hour and I am going home. It was a normal day, did manage to do a part of paperworks from my movement to the netherlands. If you see how many licenses and papers I have to arrange before I can move to my own country (i am dutch) than you do not believe your eyes.

I have heard stories about the MASSIVE paperwork...So your 6 hours ahead of me....I finished my laundry and 90% of my packing the only chore I have is to tackle the downstairs bathroom..Wife's orders..
Hey exile...Clean out your PM mailbox so I can send you something....
Hello Shaderon.... He's around..I just gotta catch him when I know he's on some other thread posting...
Well I got a house to clean before I leave tomorrow, so I better sign out and get to work....
My bags are packed..I leave tomorrow...I cannot wait..Even broke down and ordered a pizza for dinner....So I'll catch you all later..

Still Mine....
WHOA, no posts since 4:52PM....I guess its still MY THREAD.....
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