The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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Deadlifts kicked my butt today.. . Trying to get back on the resistance training wagon after falling off for a couple of weeks.. .
"Damn Your Eyes" Etta James is fun to perform, but because of it, my voice is **** today.

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Deadlifts kicked my butt today.. . Trying to get back on the resistance training wagon after falling off for a couple of weeks.. .

I did double bodyweight for five reps today. Felt incredible for about thirty seconds until my hands started bleeding...
I did double bodyweight for five reps today. Felt incredible for about thirty seconds until my hands started bleeding...

Nice! I did 5 sets: first one heavy at 5 reps of 415lb, then the rest at 5 sets of 275 lb. Not my normal routine, but I'm getting back into it after a couple of weeks off. So this may or may not have been a smart move, we'll see tomorrow. Haha!
Nice! I did 5 sets: first one heavy at 5 reps of 415lb, then the rest at 5 sets of 275 lb. Not my normal routine, but I'm getting back into it after a couple of weeks off. So this may or may not have been a smart move, we'll see tomorrow. Haha!

Deadlifting is always a smart move. I had 415 last summer, probably can't hit it right now but I should try. I'm trying to hit 515 on the DL, 450-ish on the squat at 165-ish BW.

I had some fun at the expense of being a tool today...some guy had been deadlifting before me with 145 and left it on the floor. I watched him walk away from it. So, I walk over, grab the bar and power clean it onto the squat rack. :) Felt good for someone who just learned power cleans.
Deadlifting is always a smart move. I had 415 last summer, probably can't hit it right now but I should try. I'm trying to hit 515 on the DL, 450-ish on the squat at 165-ish BW.

I had some fun at the expense of being a tool today...some guy had been deadlifting before me with 145 and left it on the floor. I watched him walk away from it. So, I walk over, grab the bar and power clean it onto the squat rack. :) Felt good for someone who just learned power cleans.

Yeah, my goal is the coveted quarter ton myself, right now my 1RM is 440 lb at 200 lb bw. Due to left shoulder issues, I can't do a traditional backsquat (but I'm working on it). I don't power clean, clean jerk, or snatch super heavy (I workout by myself at my home gym, and worried about my form), I typically do 5x5's with between 135 and 165 on those exercises.
I'm just getting into olympic lifting now, due to being on Starting Strength. So far it's been an excellent program for me.

I must admit I prefer powerlifting still though
Remind me again, how old are you Ethan? Also, what are the qualifications of those who taught you these exercises? I only ask because these types of lifts can be harmful to the body if done incorrectly. I started the olympic lifts and deadlifts only about a year or so ago, and I started super low weight and concentrated on form and technique for months before I started really upping my weight.

If you are young, your risk of herniating a lumbar disc is pretty high with these exercises if done with poor form. Just a friendly observation.

That being said, kudos on your training!
Remind me again, how old are you Ethan? Also, what are the qualifications of those who taught you these exercises? I only ask because these types of lifts can be harmful to the body if done incorrectly. I started the olympic lifts and deadlifts only about a year or so ago, and I started super low weight and concentrated on form and technique for months before I started really upping my weight.

If you are young, your risk of herniating a lumbar disc is pretty high with these exercises if done with poor form. Just a friendly observation.

That being said, kudos on your training!

I had exactly the same concerns. I'm 19, 18 when I started, and when I started powerlifting I dragged my longtime friend/Judo coach to the gym with me to teach me proper deadlifts and squats. He's a retired competitive powerlifter who still holds a bunch of records (3x BW at 220 seems right but I'm not positive.) once he said the form was solid I went up as fast as I possibly could. I also warm up a lot, I start with an empty bar and go up from there.

Still learning power cleans, doing that through a lifting forum and video form checks. Basic lifting principles and theory applies though so it's not too bad with a bit of powerlifting experience.
Thanks Doctor, I'm enjoying it anyway...

Plus it's just good business. Young guy teaching TKD should at least look somewhat athletic, right?
Yeah, when I was your age I weighed 145 lb @ 6'2".. . Very fast, flexible and agile, but raw strength wasn't my forte. Now, 10 years later, raw strength is much improved, but do to injuries my flexibility has diminished.

Right now I'm working on the constant battle between my LOVE of food and drink and my level of activity to combat the soft weight gain. I'd like to transform 10-15 lbs of my waist into solid mass around the rest of my body, but right now my love of food and drink are winning. ;)

I mean, my hip to waist ratio is within normal limits, but the least little bit of insulation you've got around your waist, it really has a devastating effect on your flexibility.. .
I've always been stocky, 5'8" and 175 right now. I'd like to be 165 or so and strong at 165, I think 515lb deadlifts at 165bw counts as objectively strong.
Dubious and doubtful fact of the day: 'Facetious' is the only word in English where all of the vowels aeiou show up in the right order. I'd love it if someone could prove this wrong.
Little old lady in the ER. Nobody can get an IV on her. I put one in her femoral vein. She looks at me and says "It's been a while since anybody has been down there. I remembered it as being more fun..."

There really isn't any reply...
Little old lady in the ER. Nobody can get an IV on her. I put one in her femoral vein. She looks at me and says "It's been a while since anybody has been down there. I remembered it as being more fun..."

There really isn't any reply...

I think there's a "little prick" joke in there somewhere
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