The Amazing Death Predictor!

ushidomartialarts: At age 87 your head will explode after being exposed to Britney Spears for thirty-six consecutive hours!

no! no! please god no!

I was gonna say something about your exploding head but figured the Mods would be upset so I wil say nothing..
Kerri: At age 73 a group of friends will urge you to test the "Don't Wizz on the Electric Fence" myth, and you discover that it can kill.

I kid you not, that's what was generated! I better stay away from electric fences, then.:uhyeah:

I thought that required a little something extra that I don't have (physically, that is)?

Tsk, tsk, one would hope that at 73 you'd be smart enough not to bow to peer pressure
JBrainard said:
Oh, man! My work's firewall blocked the website. I really wanted to know how I would go. Damn, guess I'll just have to wait and find out.

Here ya go!

JBrainard: At age 78 a tiger will maul you. Don't ask why, but you will be in a Burmese jungle.
Terry: At age 95 you will be attacked by a pack of escaped lap dogs in your neighborhood and never be seen again.
at age 86 a tiger will maul you, don't ask why,but you will be in a burmese jungle
exile: At age 90 you will fall from the fifth floor window of a hotel while under the influence of Robitussin DM.

My first question: why would I be in a hotel? I have a perfectly good house. Next: if I fall from a window because of Robitussin, it probably means I have a cold. But if I'm 90, wouldn't the cold have a better chance of killing me in the first place? And would they really put a 90 year old man on the fifth floor? What kind of place would do that? So why am I staying in crummy, heartless hotels at age 90?

This `answer' is leading to too many harrowing questions!!... the only good thing is, apparently I at least get to live to be 90...
At age 95 a group of children will text message you continuously for three years, eventually distracting you while driving and causing a fatal wreck; your fatal wreck.

I hate mobile phones!! I must be ok tho if I am still driving at 95 :ultracool
At age 85 while playing Tekken 23, a burgler will break into your house. A fight will ensue and you will lose.
At age 72 you will be trampled by a mob of rabid people at the opening of X-Men 17.

alrighty then...but I am taking some of the rabid mob with me...
At age 88 aliens will abduct you and use your body for sick and often anally-oriented experiments before dropping you off outside of a local homeless shelter smelling of beer.

At age 87 I think I'm going to start drinking the 'tussin and playing Tekken 23.
At age 63 your prototype flying machine will work, and while aloft on its maiden voyage a passenger jet will take you into it's jet engine, and throw you out as a mist.

Oh dear! :lol:

Robyn :)
exile: At age 90 you will fall from the fifth floor window of a hotel while under the influence of Robitussin DM.

My first question: why would I be in a hotel? I have a perfectly good house. Next: if I fall from a window because of Robitussin, it probably means I have a cold. But if I'm 90, wouldn't the cold have a better chance of killing me in the first place? And would they really put a 90 year old man on the fifth floor? What kind of place would do that? So why am I staying in crummy, heartless hotels at age 90?

This `answer' is leading to too many harrowing questions!!... the only good thing is, apparently I at least get to live to be 90...

You ask TOO many flippin questions..Accept your fate...LOL

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