Survivor Dog


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
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Chattanooga, TN
Dog overboard found four months later

AFP – A handout photo by Jan Griffith shows cattle dog Sophie Tucker, a pet dog that fell overboard in rough …

Mon Apr 6, 4:21 am ET
SYDNEY (AFP) – A pet dog that fell overboard in rough seas off Australia has been reunited with its owners after surviving alone on an island for four months, reports said.
Sophie Tucker, apparently named after a late US entertainer, fell overboard as Jan Griffith and her family sailed through choppy waters off the northeast Queensland coast in November.
The dog was believed to have drowned and Griffith said the family was devastated.
But out of sight of the family, Sophie Tucker was swimming doggedly and finally made it to St Bees Island, five nautical miles away, and began the sort of life popularised by the TV reality show "Survivor."
She was returned to her family last week when Griffith contacted rangers who had captured a dog that had been living off feral goats on the largely uninhabited island, in the faint hope it might be their long-lost pet.
When the Griffiths met the rangers' boat bringing the dog to the mainland they found that it was indeed Sophie Tucker on board.
Incredible story... just surviving a five nautical miles (swim) to reach the island is amazing enough for a dog (let alone a human)... then finding food enough until it's rescued.

How much you wanna bet that there'll be a movie about it sometime in the near future?
They are tough hard working dogs , and they are part Dingo which is the native wild dog of Australia and Dingoes can pretty much live off the smell of an oil rag.
That is one great story and yes the movie is already in the mix, somewhere.