Subliminal Advertising...


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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You know what I just noticed?

Arizona Iced Tea bottles have little divits in them for your hand that all but force you to hold the bottle with the Label facing your face when you drink. It makes the bottle feel wrong and uncomfortable to hold any other way.

So I started thinking about it. Gatorade Bottles look a lot like a penis, and in some cases even have little, I dunno, rivulets? molded on them that would be indicitive of certain fluids running down the tip.

I have to believe this sort of thing is intentional, and have started to wonder what other subliminal packaging is around us every day...

You know what I just noticed?

Arizona Iced Tea bottles have little divits in them for your hand that all but force you to hold the bottle with the Label facing your face when you drink. It makes the bottle feel wrong and uncomfortable to hold any other way.

So I started thinking about it. Gatorade Bottles look a lot like a penis, and in some cases even have little, I dunno, rivulets? molded on them that would be indicitive of certain fluids running down the tip.

I have to believe this sort of thing is intentional, and have started to wonder what other subliminal packaging is around us every day...


Have you been in to the tum once again?
Blatant subliminal advertising has been deemed illegal for a long time. They used to splice a picture of a tub of HOT Buttered Popcorn into a featured film to get folks thinking about it without realizing it and sales went up.
There is no such law on the internet and you can betcha that some sites have it.
Sex does sell. People are attracted to it. You can make something almost look like something people would consider sensual and they'll buy it without really understanding why.
I for one cannot see the shape of a penis in a bottle of Gatorade nor in it's competitor Power-Aid (which I personally prefer over Gatorade ). But then again I don't actively look for sensual things in everyday objects.
You see what you wanna see and hear what you wanna hear and think what you wanna think.

Isn't life grand?


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I for one cannot see the shape of a penis in a bottle of Gatorade nor in it's competitor Power-Aid (which I personally prefer over Gatorade ). But then again I don't actively look for sensual things in everyday objects.
You see what you wanna see and hear what you wanna hear and think what you wanna think.

Isn't life grand?

Are you saying I want to see Penises? Cuz I dont swing that way Caver. :D
You know what I just noticed?

Arizona Iced Tea bottles have little divits in them for your hand that all but force you to hold the bottle with the Label facing your face when you drink. It makes the bottle feel wrong and uncomfortable to hold any other way.

So I started thinking about it. Gatorade Bottles look a lot like a penis, and in some cases even have little, I dunno, rivulets? molded on them that would be indicitive of certain fluids running down the tip.

I have to believe this sort of thing is intentional, and have started to wonder what other subliminal packaging is around us every day...

I read an interesting article in the last day or two about this... stuff like people buying more French wines when the wine store played French music or adding weight to things just to make them feel more substantial. (It was in today's issue of Parade magazine.)

While outright subliminal ads may be illegal, product placement has gone rampant. I was laughing at an episode of Home Improvement not too long ago, they had things like Nickers bars and Epsi... rather than Snickers and Pepsi... even though the packages were clear. Today, they just do an outright product placement with the real thing. Gotta wonder how many people buy a certain product over a similar one simply because a character they identify with uses it...
I was laughing at an episode of Home Improvement not too long ago, they had things like Nickers bars and Epsi... rather than Snickers and Pepsi... even though the packages were clear.

This is often done because they didnt get permission to use the real product but want somthing identifiable. Sometimes they just cover the label with their hands, other times they mock up products like that.

Today, they just do an outright product placement with the real thing. Gotta wonder how many people buy a certain product over a similar one simply because a character they identify with uses it...

This is a huge funding concern for film/Tv makers, and in some films really helps boost the budget... actors and such drop product names or they show them blatantly... I BET there is a huge number of people who use these products for exactly these reasons... just like why advertisers get celebrities to endorse their products in commercials.

All I know is that if Duff Beer was real, it would be all I drink. mmmm Beer.
And to think that all those years ago we used to believe that the Cadbury's Flake adverts were intended to make us subliminally respond on a sexual level ... oh wait a minute, they were :D.

There are all kinds of sexual 'cues' used in products and packaging. It's what we as humans respond to most strongly and most unknowingly so it's no surprise that advertisers and designers make use of it.
Are you saying I want to see Penises? Cuz I dont swing that way Caver. :D

Well you DID say that's what you saw homey!
Originally Posted by Cryozombie
You know what I just noticed?

Arizona Iced Tea bottles have little divits in them for your hand that all but force you to hold the bottle with the Label facing your face when you drink. It makes the bottle feel wrong and uncomfortable to hold any other way.

So I started thinking about it. Gatorade Bottles look a lot like a penis, and in some cases even have little, I dunno, rivulets? molded on them that would be indicitive of certain fluids running down the tip.

I have to believe this sort of thing is intentional, and have started to wonder what other subliminal packaging is around us every day...

Now maybe you didn't WANT to see it... well... uh... it's what you saw though... :idunno:
I have this sudden urge to go suck down a bottle of Propel :D