Wiper Fluid Mistaken For Kool-Aid.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
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Chattanooga, TN
Kids mistakenly drink wiper fluid at Ark. day care

By JON GAMBRELL, Associated Press Writer Jon Gambrell, Associated Press Writer – 48 mins ago
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090313/ap_on_re_us/windshield_fluid_sicknessLITTLE ROCK, Ark. – Ten children at a day care center drank windshield wiper fluid after a staffer served it from a container mistaken for Kool-Aid and placed in a refrigerator, authorities said Friday. The day care owner surrendered her state license Friday.
Doctors estimate the children, ages 2 to 7, drank about an ounce of the blue fluid late Thursday afternoon before realizing it tasted wrong, said Laura James, a pediatric pharmacologist and toxicologist at Arkansas Children's Hospital in Little Rock.
Only one child remained hospitalized Friday morning, after blood samples showed "measurable levels" of methanol, a highly toxic alcohol that can induce comas and cause blindness, officials said. The day care also provided the fluid for testing.
The windshield wiper fluid was bought with several other items on a recent shopping trip, James told The Associated Press. "This product was mistakenly grabbed and thought to be Kool-Aid and put in the refrigerator," she said.
The day care's operator, Carolyn Bynum, was interviewed Friday by child welfare investigators and gave up her license, said Julie Munsell, a spokeswoman for the state Department of Human Services. Bynum declined to comment to the Associated Press.
"She was so upset about what had occurred and she was definitely worried some of the children had been injured," Munsell said. "It was just a mistake, she says. She says it was just a horrible mistake."
I always thought that a thing called "reading" helps prevent a lot of mistakes, especially in dealing with small children, particularly labels that are usually boldly marked... as I've seen on various bottles of cheap wiper fluids.
Makes me somewhat glad that I don't have children of my own if the quality of day care has to be so stringently watched to prevent these horrible incidents from happening.
It is hoped that none of these children will suffer any lingering effects from this mistake. You can bet there are 10 angry sets of parents out there and a few thousand more outraged at the carelessness of the workers at this particular day-care facility. It will make them suspicious of the quality of other day cares across the country.
good thing it wasn't antifreeze. :erg:

hmmm... maybe now would be a good time to move that bottle of hydochloric acid that I keep in the freezer next to the vodka. Nahhhh.
good thing it wasn't antifreeze. :erg:

hmmm... maybe now would be a good time to move that bottle of hydochloric acid that I keep in the freezer next to the vodka. Nahhhh.
Over time you'd get the same effect.

Still anti-freeze or wiper fluid.. both contain enough chemicals to kill or maim a small child.
good thing it wasn't antifreeze. :erg:

hmmm... maybe now would be a good time to move that bottle of hydochloric acid that I keep in the freezer next to the vodka. Nahhhh.

Sometimes it is anti-freeze!

We just had a local woman convicted for poisoning and killing her husband, and then poisoning her daughter.... tried to make it appear as if the daughter killed the husband and then committed suicide..... only the daughter lived. Oops.

Authorities are now thinking her first husband was a victim of the same thing.

The way New York is, ole Stacey Kastor will probably be put to work in the prison cafeteria...... which maybe, ultimately, isn't a bad thing.
In France Bitrex is added to nearly everything that a child could possibly drink by accident, it is so bitter it's spat out immediately.
In France Bitrex is added to nearly everything that a child could possibly drink by accident, it is so bitter it's spat out immediately.

Now There is a Good idea! But you have to wonder why was it in the fridge and who was the winner who served it to the kids? Claiming "sorry it was a mistake' just doesn't cut it.
How do you guys with kids cope? I'd lose my mind worrying about what could happen whenever they were out of my sight. Good god, nowhere seems safe for kids these days.