20 tips for getting your 8 glasses a day...


Don't get Chewed!
MTS Alumni
Jul 22, 2004
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a happy place
Here are 20 tips for getting your 8 glasses of day of water that your body needs. There is also a small article with the tips in this link that is a good read and review for all of us.


20 Tips For Getting Your 8 Glasses of Water Daily
Sometimes drinking our eight glasses of water a day can be a real challenge Here are 20 tips to help you accomplish that feat! It is said by many beauty experts that drinking your water is the cheapest, quickest way to look better! That should motivate us!

1. Make a bet with a co-worker to see who can drink more water in the course of a day.

2. Have a big glass of water at every transitional point of the day: when you first get up, just before leaving the house, when you sit down to work, etc.

3. Make it convenient - keep a big, plastic, insulated water bottle full on your desk and reach for it all day.

4. When you have juice (apple, grape, or orange) fill half the glass with water.

5. When you have a junk-food craving, down a glass of water immediately. You feel full quickly and avoid the calories, and it lets time pass till the craving fades.

6. Have one glass every hour on the hour while at work. When the work day is done your water quota is met.

7. Substitute a cup of hot water with a drop of honey for tea or coffee.

8. While at work, get a 20 ounce cup of ice and keep filling it up from the office water cooler. The key is drinking with a straw - you take bigger gulps and drink much more.

9. Freeze little bits of peeled lemons, limes, and oranges and use them in place of ice cubes - it's refreshing and helps get in a serving or two of fruit.

10. After each trip to the restroom, guzzle an eight-ounce glass to replenish your system.

11. Don't allow yourself a diet soda until you've had two to four glasses of water. You will find that you won't want the soda anymore or that just half a can is enough.

12. Let ounces of water double grams of fat: When eating something containing 10 grams of fat, I drink 20 ounces of water.

13. Drink two full glasses at each meal, one before and one after. Also, drink one glass before each snack so you don't eat as much.

14. Carry a small refillable water bottle at all times and drink during downtime; while waiting in a bank line, sitting on the train, etc.

15. Use a beautiful gold-rimmed glass and fill it with cold water from the tap.

16. Drink two glasses of water immediately after waking up.

17. Bring a two-liter bottle of water to work and try to drink it all before you leave work. If you don't finish, drink it in traffic on the way home - it's like a race.

18. Always keep a 24-ounce bottle of water handy while watching TV, doing laundry, making dinner, etc.

19. Add drinking two glasses of water to your daily skincare regimen. Drink, cleanse, moisturize, etc., then drink again.

20. Drink your water out of a big Pyrex measuring cup - it's a good way to keep track of how much water you are drinking.
Great information, Lisa!

One thing that I do is make sure that everytime I pass the water fountain at work, whether I am thirsty or not, I drink. Also, I keep a full glass conveniently by my bed. Staying hydrated really has a lot of health benefits, according to health professionals, so everything you can do to improve the quantity of water you drink is good.
One important thing to remember is that by the time you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated. It is important to try and not get thirsty in the first place. :)
beau_safken said:
IU'd love to do that....if I had a bathroom in my back pocket :D

:rofl: I thought only girls were like that! :D

We have increased our water intake here at home by simply not buying other things to drink. We keep a good stock at hand of bottled water and it is amazing how much more we drink. We rarely buy pop unless we are having a function and have juice readily available. Often we all water our orange juice down to 1/2 and 1/2.
Now that is a good article, although, drinking 8 glasses a day...Would it not make you goto the toilet/bath room alot?
bobster_ice said:
Now that is a good article, although, drinking 8 glasses a day...Would it not make you goto the toilet/bath room alot?

Thats half the point! Its important to flush your system (pardon the pun)

Being Scottish I like any excuse for a drink - cheers! I'm off for a pint (of finest deeside spring water)

Great tips, they'll come in handy. Only thing - drinking water only makes me more hungry, not less. Also I usually drink a lot less than 8 glasses of water a day, and I'm fine...maybe it differs from person to person.
I recently read an article that recomended drinking half your body weight in ounces per day. I have been doing that each day for a week now (128 ounces per day) and so far if I space it out I don't urinate any more than normal and I am more hungry than I was before.

What do you guys think?
Never heard of that do you have the article or where did you get that info. at?
splazzatch said:
I recently read an article that recomended drinking half your body weight in ounces per day. I have been doing that each day for a week now (128 ounces per day) and so far if I space it out I don't urinate any more than normal and I am more hungry than I was before.

What do you guys think?

I think that you should check with your Physician BEFORE embarking on such a course. Over-hydrating, according to medical literature, can be dangerous. I advise you to stop until and unless your DOCTOR says to continue.

*** Disclaimer - I am not a doctor ***
splazzatch said:
I recently read an article that recomended drinking half your body weight in ounces per day. I have been doing that each day for a week now (128 ounces per day) and so far if I space it out I don't urinate any more than normal and I am more hungry than I was before.

What do you guys think?

over hydration is a concern, but i have heard that you should drink half your weight in oz as well, in my concepts of wellness class.
splazzatch said:
I recently read an article that recomended drinking half your body weight in ounces per day. I have been doing that each day for a week now (128 ounces per day) and so far if I space it out I don't urinate any more than normal and I am more hungry than I was before.

What do you guys think?
My mother did this and depleted herself of electrolytes to the point where she has a heart arhythmia and bordered on renal failure.

I think a person should talk to their doctor about H2O saturation and electrolyte balance for their individual fitness level, fat percentage and size before embarking on such a dangerous journey.
shesulsa said:
My mother did this and depleted herself of electrolytes to the point where she has a heart arhythmia and bordered on renal failure.

I think a person should talk to their doctor about H2O saturation and electrolyte balance for their individual fitness level, fat percentage and size before embarking on such a dangerous journey.

As already stated, drinking too much water can be very dangerous. Please reconsider your amount of intake splazzatch. You can drink a healthy amount of water without endangering yourself.
i wasnt awhere it was that big of a danger, we have to do this for a required class on campus, we never went in and consulted a dr, and we never had worried about electorlites or any of that stuff..kinda scary
BrandiJo said:
i wasnt awhere it was that big of a danger, we have to do this for a required class on campus, we never went in and consulted a dr, and we never had worried about electorlites or any of that stuff..kinda scary

It's very scary because no one would normally think they could drink too much water. But there are serious, serious health consequences to it.
Jade Tigress said:
It's very scary because no one would normally think they could drink too much water. But there are serious, serious health consequences to it.

Yes, indeed. And once electrolytes are seriously out of whack, it can be a constant battle to keep them in balance and heart medicine is usually prescribed.

Teachers in college who require actually doing this as part of a class should be reprimanded, in my opinion, by the ethics committee of their college / university.