Steven Lopez got KO'd in Mexico!!!

I hate to sound like the donkey I am here..... BUT I LOVED IT. I am so happy to see someone finally get past that knee up block then counter/hop on one leg. Did you watch the first round????? he busted his eye open. Not sureif he needed stitches. not like it will be posted on the front page of USAT website either....

Dont get me wrong. I think Steven is a really nice and respectful guy. (way more so than his arogant little *** of a brother) But I have seen many of his fights and on more than one occasion I feel he only won because of who he is. The most recent Copenhagen fights were a good example. I just dont think he is as great as the WORLD makes him out to be. But.... he wins. and winning all the time makes you great.


best part... this comes just days after being named USOC Athlete of the month.
I like that when you look at the score board, after the fact, apparently neither kick scored, as Aaron Cook still has just 2 points and that was a 6 point headshot combo.

Hey WTF IRs, pull your heads out and watch what is going on in the ring in front of you without concern yourself with who it is.

And if the refs didn't feel that either of those techniques were valid scoring techniques, than shouldn't Cook have been DQ'd?

<<<<<<<<<EXCELLENT POINT>>>>>>>>>

Had he not been KO'd, they would have had the excuse not to give him the points because he fell to the ground. Remember a few years back when they wouldnt score points if you didnt remain standing.... we would have seen that again.

I have always said, "the only way to win against the favorite.... knock his *** out"
... this comes just days after being named USOC Athlete of the month.
Wonder is this was a WTF ranked event, and if this will drop him in the world rankings?
Wonder is this was a WTF ranked event, and if this will drop him in the world rankings?

As I understand it, it was. I wonder if being KO'ed will efeect that number one ranking?
the other guy had both feet off the floor, no base at all, nothing to push against, and wasnt even trying to throw an actual kick, and lopez got zoinked out.

Therein lies a fundamental conceptual difference between the "Deeply Rooted" or needing a base to genrate power of say Shotokan vs TKD which generates power thru use of body mechanics without needing a base.
Therein lies a fundamental conceptual difference between the "Deeply Rooted" or needing a base to genrate power of say Shotokan vs TKD which generates power thru use of body mechanics without needing a base.

I think a very good example of this is the Pacquia / Cotto fight that happened this weekend.

Cotto punched with his feet firmly planted and using a base for his power. Pacman was lighting up cotto at times without his feet touching the floor or while moving in any direction and his punches HURT cotto. He was able to generate power from his body and "snap" his punches. He is a hard hitter and doesnt plant his feet for every shot. he puts his hands "on Target" regardless of body position and is more than effective.... and I was routing for cotto.

Not saying that was the case here. This was pure momentum. Lopez being jarred forward and Cook's kick meeting him "en-route".

In a fight.... anything can happen.
ok, i have watched it about 100 more times since my initial comments, and you know what?

after re-watching it all those times? i am even LESS impressed

there is no FORM, it wasnt even a kick. Tell me what kick has you FALLING ON YOUR ***????

he was falling on his *** and he just THREW his leg up there.

the shot that knocked lopez out was pathetic, off balance CLEARLY, an accident

Lopez just had the misfortune of getting konked on the button, and having little ability to resist a KO since he hasnt trained that way. Pure bad luck and improper training.
ok, i have watched it about 100 more times since my initial comments, and you know what?

after re-watching it all those times? i am even LESS impressed

there is no FORM, it wasnt even a kick. Tell me what kick has you FALLING ON YOUR ***????

he was falling on his *** and he just THREW his leg up there.

the shot that knocked lopez out was pathetic, off balance CLEARLY, an accident

Lopez just had the misfortune of getting konked on the button, and having little ability to resist a KO since he hasnt trained that way. Pure bad luck and improper training.
TF, I know you don't do or like the sport, so why comment on something you know nothing about. You have not done it, won’t do it but always have so much to say about something that you don't know. I find that fascinating.
To be able to throw an off balance kick while falling down land it and KO a 5-time world champion 3- time Olympic Medalist is quite impressive. I am sure that he is very happy. I would hope that nobody will tell him that some people on Martial Talk are not impressed with his kick. He might give back all the $ and the trophy!!!

We need one of these that says please do not feed Twin Fist

(All in good fun)
I have to agree with Twin Fist on this. TaeKwonDo was developed as a martial art. A method of defending one's self. Although the art has been evolving more and more into a sport, it should still remain practical. Watching what sport tkd has evolved into is sickening. It in no way resembles a practical based fighting system anymore. To stand face to face to someone with your hands around your waist and then throw a kick which lands you on your back? Come on. Unless you by some fluke happen to knock your opponent out, you would get killed in a street fight. These guys are certainly talented athletes but it is quite a stretch to call them martial artists. This is why I have moved away from the WTF and focused my efforts on the martial art of TaeKwonDo.
Although I am new to MT, I have been reading for some time. I am amazed at some of the comments on this forum. Give Lopez credit. He has been at the top of Olympic TKD for a long time. He is the best. His credentials speak for themselves. I am sure he will be the first to admit he got beat by a great opponent with an even greater kick. All champions will fall if they compete long enough. But to say he got beat by a "lucky" kick is naive. ATC is correct. That combination is very difficult.

My parents taught me that if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all. I am tired of reading comments about sport vs. art. We all have opinions. Why can't we all agree that there is a difference of opinion and let it be. Why cause trouble just to cause trouble?
cuz that would be boring as hell and no one would want to read it. oh, and becaue we dont live on candy cane island.............LOL:angel:
To be able to throw an off balance kick while falling down land it and KO a 5-time world champion 3- time Olympic Medalist is quite impressive. I am sure that he is very happy. I would hope that nobody will tell him that some people on Martial Talk are not impressed with his kick. He might give back all the $ and the trophy!!!

if yo think he was actually AIMING, and managed to hit where he was aiming, i want some of what you are smoking brother
Looks like he was aiming. Here's the entire fight from the network broadcast. Its a camera capturing what is on the TV screen so the quality isn't as good, but at the end they show the KO from several different angles.


Note: the cell phone of the person making the recording goes off making an obnoxious beeping noise so he adds a caption to the video with a curse word.